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Bot re-posting lunch posts from chosen Facebook pages on Slack


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Bot re-posting lunch posts from chosen Facebook pages on Slack.

How does it work?

The bot doesn't use Facebook's Graph API to get the posts as the Graph API doesn't allow accessing content of Facebook pages willy-nilly and that is exactly what we want to do. Instead, it scrapes necessary data directly from Facebook pages.

After extraction comes classification. To say whether a post is a lunch post or not the bot breaks it into a collection of words and searches for predefined keywords. To handle typos, misspellings, etc. the words are matched against keywords using Damerau-Levenshtein distance.

Each lunch post is then reposted to Slack using its API.

Fetched posts along with their classification, repost status, etc. are saved in a database to prevent same lunch offers from being reposted multiple times as well as allow the bot to be restarted without loosing data.

The whole procedure is repeated in regular intervals.

⚠️ I do not endorse scraping Facebook pages.

Slash commands

The following slash commands are supported:

  • /lunch help - displays short help message listing supported slash commands
  • /lunch or /lunch check - manually triggers checking for lunch posts
  • /lunch log - displays tail of the synchronization log


The service is written in Kotlin and uses the following stack:

  • Kotlin 2
  • Gradle 8 (with build script in Kotlin)
  • Spring Boot 3
  • Jooq for database access
  • PostgreSQL 10+
  • Kotest 5 and MockK for tests
  • ArchUnit 1 for architecture tests


Always use the Gradle wrapper (./gradlew) to build the project from command line.

Useful commands:

  • ./gradlew build - builds the project
  • ./gradlew clean build - fully rebuilds the project
  • ./gradlew test - runs all tests
  • ./gradlew bootJar - build & package the service as a fat JAR
  • ./gradlew bootRun - run the service locally (note: requires configuration)
  • ./gradlew generateJooq - (re)generate Jooq classes
  • ./gradlew databaseUp - run a local, empty, fully migrated PostgreSQL database (convenient for testing the service locally or running integration tests from IDE)
  • ./gradlew databaseDown - shut down local PostgreSQL database

During a build, a local, fully migrated PostgreSQL database is started and shut down after the build.

The service listens on HTTP port 8080 by default.


Environment variables


Name Description Required Default/Example
PORT HTTP port that will serve requests 8080
ACTUATOR_PORT HTTP port that will serve Actuator endpoints 8081
JDBC_DATABASE_URL JDBC URL to the database jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/garcon
JDBC_DATABASE_USERNAME Username used to connect to the database garcon
JDBC_DATABASE_PASSWORD Password used to connect to the database garcon
LOGGING_STRUCTURED_FORMAT_CONSOLE Structured logging format ecs, gelf, logstash; default: off


Name Description Required Default/Example
LUNCH_SYNC_INTERVAL Interval between consecutive synchronizations of lunch posts. PT5M
LUNCH_CLIENT_USER_AGENT User agent by which the client identifies itself when fetching lunch pages. Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:80.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/80.0
LUNCH_CLIENT_TIMEOUT Max time to wait for the lunch page to be fetched (expressed as ISO 8601 time duration). PT10S
LUNCH_CLIENT_RETRY_COUNT Number of retries in case of failure. 2
LUNCH_CLIENT_RETRY_MIN_JITTER Min wait time between retries. PT0.05S
LUNCH_CLIENT_RETRY_MAX_JITTER Max wait time between retries. PT3S
LUNCH_PAGES_<INDEX>_KEY, e.g. LUNCH_PAGES_0_KEY Textual key of the lunch page, used as fallback for the page name when reposting. Should not change once assigned. PŻPS
LUNCH_PAGES_<INDEX>_URL, e.g. LUNCH_PAGES_0_URL URL of the lunch page.
LUNCH_POST_LOCALE Locale of text of posts used while extracting their keywords. Locale.ENGLISH
LUNCH_POST_KEYWORDS_<INDEX>_TEXT, e.g. LUNCH_POST_KEYWORDS_0_TEXT The keyword that makes a post be considered as a lunch post, e.g. lunch or menu. lunch
LUNCH_POST_KEYWORDS_<INDEX>_EDIT_DISTANCE, e.g. LUNCH_POST_KEYWORDS_0_EDIT_DISTANCE Maximum allowed Damerau-Levenshtein distance between any word from a post and the lunch keyword. Typically 1 or 2. 1
LUNCH_SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET Signing secret of the Slack app used for request verification. Request verification is disabled if the property is not set. ******
LUNCH_SLACK_TOKEN Token of the Slack app privileged to send and update reposts. Starts with xoxb-. xoxb-some-token
LUNCH_SLACK_CHANNEL Channel ID (C1234567) or name (#random) to send reposts to. #random
LUNCH_REPOST_RETRY_INTERVAL Interval between consecutive attempts to retry failed reposts. PT10M
LUNCH_REPOST_RETRY_BASE_DELAY Base delay in the exponential backoff between consecutive retries of a failed repost. PT1M
LUNCH_REPOST_RETRY_MAX_ATTEMPTS Max retry attempts for a failed repost. 10


Slack application

Create a Slack app if you don't have one already:

  1. Go to Slack AppsCreate New App.
  2. Pick a name & workspace to which the app should belong.
  3. Configure additional stuff like description & icon.

Configure permissions and Slash Commands for the app:

  1. Go to Slack Apps → click on the name of your app.
  2. Go to Slash Commands (under Features submenu) → Create New CommandCommand: /lunch, Request URL: {BASE_URI}/commands/lunch where {BASE_URI} is the base URI under which the bot is deployed/handles requests → Save.
  3. Go to OAuth & Permissions (under Features submenu) → Scopes section → Bot Token Scopes subsection → Add an OAuth Scope → select chat:write scope → confirm.
  4. Go to OAuth & Permissions (under Features submenu) → OAuth Tokens for Your Workspace section → Take note of the Bot User OAuth Token (it starts with xoxb-). Set bot's LUNCH_SLACK_TOKEN environment variable to this value.

Install the app:

  1. Go to Slack Apps → click on the name of your app.
  2. Go to Install App (under Settings submenu) → Install to Workspace.
  3. In Slack, go to the channel in which lunch notifications are to be received. Type /app and select Add apps to this channel. Select the Slack application created above.

PostgreSQL database

Create an empty PostgreSQL database for the bot with UTF-8 encoding to support emojis 😃. Take note of the credentials and make sure they allow DML & DDL queries as the service will automatically migrate the database schema.

Docker image

  1. As described in Building & Running section create the fat JAR:
    ./gradlew bootJar
  2. Build the docker image:
    docker build -t garcon .
  3. Push built image to the docker registry of your choosing
  4. Configure environment variables
  5. Deploy to the target environment

Management & observability


Spring Boot Actuator endpoints are exposed under /internal prefix. By default, Actuator endpoints are available under a different port than the API - see ACTUATOR_PORT environment variable.


By default, the service outputs logs to the console in a human-readable format.

To switch to structured logging, set LOGGING_STRUCTURED_FORMAT_CONSOLE environment variable to:

  • ecs for Elastic Common Schema,
  • gelf for Graylog Extended Log Format, or
  • logstash for Logstash.


Prometheus scrape endpoint is exposed under /internal/prometheus. It provides many metrics out of the box.


Possible further work

  • Utilize Jooq Gradle Plugin or Jooq Plugin instead of generic docker compose plugin
  • Slack configuration testing subcommand sending a test message
  • Update/delete reposts based on upstream
  • Custom business & technical metrics
  • Adding verification of Slack request timestamps to prevent replay attacks
  • Management / backoffice UI
  • Instagram support


The repository contains definition of pre-commit hooks in .pre-commit-config.yaml. After installation, before each commit, it automatically runs Gitleaks on all staged changes.

To run these checks without making a commit:

  • on staged files: pre-commit run,
  • on all files: pre-commit run -a.


Bot re-posting lunch posts from chosen Facebook pages on Slack







Contributors 3
