Release Notes
Special thanks to the following individuals for their excellent contributions:
- New Project Structure
- The project structure has been changed significantly from the 5.3.x branch and is inline with the structure used by the CAS Server project.
- Upgraded to Angular 7
- Client refactored to use Reacitive Forms
- Services can be viewed/edited/saved as json or yaml directly in the client using the editor.
- Editor Options Available and selections saved to local storage
- Several new themes added including dark themes can be selected.
- Vim or Emacs keybindings can be selected
- Font size can be changed.
- Contact Look Up
- Define and provide a Bean that implements ContactLookup. This been will be used on the contacts tab to Autocomplete a contact when typing in the users name.
- Angular library of common components
- The default workspace app has been removed from cas-mgmt-webapp-client in favor of defining a default project and an Angular library under "projects"
- Library contains common components including all components that make up the service form.
- Additional projects can be created and built using components from "mgmt-lib" or the default "management" project.