released this
13 Feb 19:53
SemVer Minor
apply ChannelOptions before channel initializer runs (#1372 )
Reserve capacity in terms of writable bytes (#1378 )
SemVer Patch
add AcceptHandler after serverChannelInitializer runs (#1393 )
improve pod updater script (#1391 )
Include stackdiff-ing in the debugging-allocations doc (#1384 )
add Swift 5.2 to the readme (#1386 )
ByteBuffer: make getInteger for UInt8 faster (#1380 )
update vendored code & attribute it correctly (#1382 )
Provide descriptions for EventLoopError (#1381 )
get IOError down to git in an existential container (#1355 ) (#1376 , patch credit to @dfriedm3)
dev/stackdiff-dtrace: stack aggregation diffing script (#1373 )
SR-12094 is fixed, no need to skip tests (#1371 )
improve docker security (#1375 )
Avoid curried thunks (workaround SR-12115) (#1374 )
switch swift-tools-version to 5.0 for integration tests (#1369 )
include clang modularised headers last (#1368 )
fix 5.2 builds (#1366 )
fix #1363 : fix race between EL exit and wakeup call (#1364 )
add SAL (Syscall Abstraction Layer) and new SALChannelTests
Recursive file reading not building up EventLoopFuture chain (#1353 , patch credit to @fabianfett )
adding an extra test for reading many chunks (#1356 )
fix docker setup for development snapshots (#1357 )
update contributors (#1350 )
make tests faster (#1367 , #1365 )
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