MhookHideFile - The project uses the Mhook library to hide files with the "+*.txt" pattern by intercepting the NtQueryDirectoryFile function calls.
EasyHookHideFile - The project uses the EasyHook library to hide files with the "+*.txt" pattern by intercepting the NtQueryDirectoryFile function calls.
DeviareHookHideFile - The project uses the Deviare library to hide files with the "+*.txt" pattern by intercepting the NtQueryDirectoryFile function calls.
MSDetoursHideFile - The project uses the Detours library to hide files with the "+*.txt" pattern by intercepting the NtQueryDirectoryFile function calls.
3rd-party - The source code and licenses of libraries that were used for the projects.
Apriorit released APIHookingLibraries under the OSI-approved 3-clause BSD license. You can freely use it in your commercial or opensource software.