A lightweight HTTP server framework for Dart.It is based on the shelf library for handling HTTP requests and implements a high-performance routing with reference to Golang's Gin framework.
It can be used in Flutter and run to mobile platforms.
A simple usage example:
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:arowana/arowana.dart';
class MyAChannel extends DefaultChannel{
Future prepare() {
print('current isolate [${Isolate.current.debugName}]');
return super.prepare();
void entryPoint() {
get('/hello', (r){
return Response.ok('hello,arowana!');
void main() {
var app = Application(() => MyAChannel());
app.start(numberOfInstances: 2,consoleLogging: true);
Another example, containing grouped routes:
class MyAChannel extends AppChannel {
Router app = Router();
Middleware verification() => (innerHandler) {
return (request) async {
if (request.query['name'] == 'abc' &&
request.query['pass'] == '123') {
return await innerHandler(request);
} else {
return ResponseX.unauthorized('Authentication failed !!!');
void entryPoint() {
var r1 = app.group('/v1');
// var middleware = Pipeline().addMiddleware(verification()).middleware;
r1.get('/hello', (Request request) {
return Response.ok('hello-world');
r1.get('/greet/:name', (Request request, String name) {
return Response.ok('Hi,$name');
var r2 = app.group('/v2');
r2.get('/hello', (Request request) {
return Response.ok('hello,arowana');
r2.get('/user/:name', (Request request, String user) {
return Response.ok('hello, $user');
FutureOr<Response> call(Request request) {
print('current isolate [${Isolate.current.debugName}]');
return app.call(request);
void main() {
var app = Application(() => MyAChannel());
app.options = ApplicationOptions()..address = '';
app.start(numberOfInstances: 2,consoleLogging: true);
Upgrade to 0.1.0: You can create websocket serving and static file serving
final class MyWebSocket extends WebSocketController{
MyWebSocket() : super(null,null,null);
void onConnection(WebSocketChannel webSocket, String? protocol) {
webSocket.stream.listen((message) {
webSocket.sink.add('echo $message');
void entryPoint() {
get('/hello', (r) async {
return Response.ok('hello,arowana! form:${Isolate.current.debugName}');
get('/ws', MyWebSocket());
// visit
get('/example/*path', createStaticHandler('.'));
It has a complete example of authentication, visit here.
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.