Currently an API structure done using scrapy for culminating news from different sources and curating them
Require python3 All other requirments are in the txt file
pip3 install requirments.txt
Part of Project Culminate
Project Culminate, Currently an API structure for culminating news from different sources and curating them. Done in python
Instead of depending upon 3rd party API service for news feeds, started scrapping RSS feeds my own for independent developing and better confidence on the process
To be done in future:
- Have to train a model to weed out fake,corrupted,incomplete
- Multiple spiders for scraping news websites instead of RSS feeds
- Unified command for simultaneous launch of spiders
This is an alternate working version of ProjectCulminate which is done using Scrapy. Opted for Scrapy because the deployment of ProjectCulminate resulted in massive loss in performance.
Project Culminate is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.