This repository is aimed at helping Persian-speaking individuals prepare for their driver's license theory test in Germany. It contains German vocabulary related to the driver's license theory exam, along with their explanations in Persian. The vocabulary has been imported from Theorie24, an app designed to help individuals prepare for the driver's license theory exam.
- نکات (Tips)
- کلمات کلی بدون دسته بندی (General Vocabulary)
- کلمات دسته بندی شده بر اساس بوگن (Vocabulary Categorized by Boogen)
- This repository is a collaborative project and contributions are welcome.
- The information provided here is free to use for non-profit purposes. Please attribute the creator's name when using this information.
- This information is provided as a supplementary resource and should not be used as a substitute for proper driver's education.
The information in this repository is free to use for non-profit purposes. Please attribute the creator's name when using this information. All rights reserved by @artamrj