Fast, Simple and Lightweight library for CSV data manipulation and mathematical computation involving 2D Matrices.
This library can be used in developing simple Machine Learning models like Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, etc from scratch.
- Load CSV data into matrix.
- Data containers and methods to modify loaded CSV data like drop columns, make data uniform, etc before converting it into numerical matrix for furthur operations.
- Provides basic linear algebra functionalities related to matrix manipulation like matrix dot product, summation, transpose, row sum, column sum etc.
- Write matrix into CSV file.
go get
Current Documentation status :- Documentation of IO module is complete.
- Documentation of Matrix and its related methods and functions is complete.
- Documentation of DataFrame and its related methods and functions is complete.
You can find documentation in "rocketc_documentation.pdf" file. Documentation
Examples are under development. If you find any bug or want to add new functionality, just create a pull request or directly mail me at "[email protected]".