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React, a strong, unopinionated library for View layer. But requires many decisions as to M/C of MVC. I use React/Redux in ES6; Webpack, Babel, ESLint, npm scripts, Mocha, Enzyme. Runs lint, tests, transpiles ES6 > ES5, starts Express as webserver, opens application, ‘hot reloads’ saved changes, & deploys with single command.

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React/Redux Video Course Administration

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video-course-administration 2017-06-02 at 7 48 26 pm Project source can be downloaded from:

Author & Contribution List

Randall Carlisle

All other bugs and fixes can be sent to [email protected]

Reported bugs and fixes will be submitted for correction

File List







How to Run Project

  1. Required operating system - OSX

  2. Fork/clone project to local system

  3. cd into project folder

  4. [run] npm start

  5. in browser, [enter] http://localhost:8080

  6. quick-start login: new-user & password123

Basic Overview of Project

Basic description of project...


A comprehensive collection of technologies, offering a rich development experience:

Tech Description Learn More
React Fast, composable client-side components. Pluralsight Course
Redux Enforces unidirectional data flows and immutable, hot reloadable store. Supports time-travel debugging. Lean alternative to Facebook's Flux. Getting Started with Redux, Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux, Pluralsight Course
React Router A complete routing library for React Pluralsight Course
Babel Compiles ES6 to ES5. Enjoy the new version of JavaScript today. ES6 REPL, ES6 vs ES5, ES6 Katas, Pluralsight course
Webpack Bundles npm packages and our JS into a single file. Includes hot reloading via react-transform-hmr. Quick Webpack How-to Pluralsight Course
Browsersync Lightweight development HTTP server that supports synchronized testing and debugging on multiple devices. Intro vid
Jest Automated tests with built-in expect assertions and Enzyme for DOM testing without a browser using Node. Pluralsight Course
TrackJS JavaScript error tracking. Free trial
ESLint Lint JS. Reports syntax and style issues. Using eslint-plugin-react for additional React specific linting rules.
SASS Compiled CSS styles with variables, functions, and more. Pluralsight Course
PostCSS Transform styles with JS plugins. Used to autoprefix CSS
Editor Config Enforce consistent editor settings (spaces vs tabs, etc). IDE Plugins
npm Scripts Glues all this together in a handy automated build. Pluralsight course, Why not Gulp?

Production Dependencies

Dependency Use
babel-polyfill Polyfill for Babel features that cannot be transpiled
bootstrap CSS Framework
jquery Only used to support toastr
react React library
react-dom React library for DOM rendering
react-redux Redux library for connecting React components to Redux
react-router React library for routing
react-router-redux Keep React Router in sync with Redux application state
redux Library for unidirectional data flows
redux-thunk Async redux library
toastr Display messages to the user

Development Dependencies

Dependency Use
babel-cli Babel Command line interface
babel-core Babel Core for transpiling the new JavaScript to old
babel-loader Adds Babel support to Webpack
babel-plugin-react-display-name Add displayName to React.createClass calls
babel-preset-es2015 Babel preset for ES2015
babel-preset-react Add JSX support to Babel
babel-preset-react-hmre Hot reloading preset for Babel
babel-register Register Babel to transpile our Mocha tests
cheerio Supports querying DOM with jQuery like syntax - Useful in testing and build process for HTML manipulation
colors Adds color support to terminal
compression Add gzip support to Express
cross-env Cross-environment friendly way to handle environment variables
css-loader Add CSS support to Webpack
enzyme Simplified JavaScript Testing utilities for React
eslint Lints JavaScript
eslint-plugin-import Advanced linting of ES6 imports
eslint-plugin-react Adds additional React-related rules to ESLint
eslint-watch Add watch functionality to ESLint
eventsource-polyfill Polyfill to support hot reloading in IE
expect Assertion library for use with Mocha
express Serves development and production builds
extract-text-webpack-plugin Extracts CSS into separate file for production build
file-loader Adds file loading support to Webpack
jsdom In-memory DOM for testing
mocha JavaScript testing library
nock Mock HTTP requests for testing
npm-run-all Display results of multiple commands on single command line
open Open app in default browser
react-addons-test-utils Adds React TestUtils
redux-immutable-state-invariant Warn when Redux state is mutated
redux-mock-store Mock Redux store for testing
rimraf Delete files
style-loader Add Style support to Webpack
url-loader Add url loading support to Webpack
webpack Bundler with plugin system and integrated development server
webpack-dev-middleware Adds middleware support to webpack
webpack-hot-middleware Adds hot reloading to webpack


  1. first bug description

  2. second bug description

Future Enhancements


  • to add Redux - Functional State Management

  • Web Accessibility – WAI-ARIA

  • Database: Mongo, Cassandra, Redis

  • Webpack, ESLint, NPM scripts

  • Test Driven Development: Mocha, Jasmine


React, a strong, unopinionated library for View layer. But requires many decisions as to M/C of MVC. I use React/Redux in ES6; Webpack, Babel, ESLint, npm scripts, Mocha, Enzyme. Runs lint, tests, transpiles ES6 > ES5, starts Express as webserver, opens application, ‘hot reloads’ saved changes, & deploys with single command.






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  • JavaScript 89.6%
  • HTML 10.4%