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Getting Started

Make sure you have installed Ruby version, described in .ruby-version file. Recommend to use RVM.

You will need ImageMagick installed.

The application uses PostgreSQL. Versions 8.2 and up are supported. Create database and config file config/database.yml for connection. File example:

default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  pool: 5
  host: <localhost>
  username: <username>
  password: <password>

  <<: *default
  database: tfbase_development

  <<: *default
  database: tfbase_production

Also you need to create config/application.yml file to set env. variables. There is an example:

## Access to the admin section
ADMIN_NAME: "admin"
ADMIN_PASSWORD: "password"

## Mailer settings
MAIL_FROM: "[email protected]"
DEVELOPER_EMAIL: "<your email for test on development and staging>"

## Paypal payment button params
PAYPAL_BUSINESS_EMAIL: "<email of business sandbox account>"
PAYPAL_SANDBOX_MODE: "<1 or 0 but warning: 0 is production version>"

When done, run:

$ bin/bundle install --without production
$ bin/rails db:create db:migrate

Install demo data using command bin/rails db:seed if you need.

Application ready for start. You can launch webserver with command bin/rails server and see home page at localhost:3000 url.


Before start

Add correct deploy variables to your local config/application.yml file:

## Deploy variables
#  for production
PRODUCTION_DEPLOY_DOMAIN: "<production server name or ip-address>"
PRODUCTION_DEPLOY_TO: "<path to an application directory on the server>"
PRODUCTION_DEPLOY_USER: "<name of user on the server>"
PRODUCTION_DEPLOY_BRANCH: "<name of branch in the project's repository>"
#  and for staging:
STAGING_DEPLOY_DOMAIN: "<staging server name or ip-address>"
STAGING_DEPLOY_TO: "<path to an application directory on the server>"
STAGING_DEPLOY_USER: "<name of user on the server>"
STAGING_DEPLOY_BRANCH: "<name of branch in the project's repository>"

The first deploy on the server

If this is the first deploy to server at all (not only yours) you need to prepare server:

  • run mina setup or mina production setup for production

  • create files 'database.yml' and 'application.yml' with correct credentials in 'shared/config' directory on the server. Use format described in "Getting Started" section of this readme, but add to 'application.yml' next variables:

      SECRET_KEY_BASE: "<secret string generated by bin/rake secret>"
      ## Mailer settings
      SENDGRID_API_KEY: "<this is secret>"

Run deploy

Run deploy with command mina deploy (or mina production deploy).

If you have problems on server, chech Nginx is running. If not, run script in root user home dir.

Previous notes (please do not use now)

A few things to check before deploying to remote machine

Login to server from terminal

ssh root@ip

Copy & Replace /config/database.yml & /config/application/yml with pre-completed file from /home/rails or just copy working files from old version of app.

Bundle install inside the new folder


Bundle update

bundle update

Precompile assets

DB dump and create is Deprecated

Sometimes it's necessary to drop & reseed the database, here's how to do it

Change user to rails (database administrator)

su - rails

Start PostgreSQL with psql

Check for current users accessing the database

SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity;

Take note of pid number from results, then kill as needed

SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid_int);

Switch user back into root

su - root

Navigate to app folder and drop database

RAILS_ENV=production rake db:drop

Then run the following commands (in order) to create, migrate & seed the database

RAILS_ENV=production rake db:create RAILS_ENV=production rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production rake db:seed

Precompile assets with this command

RAILS_ENV=production rake assets:precompile

Ensure root app folder is owned by rails user

chown -R rails: /home/rails/ticketfinders1/

Give read-write permissions to tmp/cache

chmod -R 0777 cache/

Troubleshoot in root/log/production.log

tail -f /home/rails/ticketfinders1/log/production.log

Further helpful resources

Restart Unicorn & Reload NGINX

Ruby on Rails Digital Ocean deployment


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