The repo was developed on MacBook M1 chip laptop. Thus, Python 3.8 and most packages, as well as the virtual environment, are managed using Conda. The list of packages is shown in the file requirements.txt.
sentencepiece might not be able to be import on Apple M1
arch -arm64 brew install cmake pip install --no-cache-dir sentencepiece
Sound data are stored under the directory ./sound
Using SpeechBrain's speaker embeddings from the HuggingFace repo of "spkrec-ecapa-voxceleb". See
- The sound oncology is shown in the following link:
- Vggish and YAMNet Download those two models for AudioSet from a directory within TensorFlow repo (Trick: DownGit)
Step 3: Find highlight through the combination of sentence embedding (BERT embeddings) and music presence
- Huggingface's sentence transformer
- Final score = Alpha * Music Score (0 or 1) + (1 - Alpha) * Sentence similarity