This application is built to allow an e-commerce site to easily manage a MySQL database. It utilizes Express.js and Sequelize in order to perform all basic CRUD operations.
Users should clone this code from Github and install the Express, Node, and Sequelize depedencies. Connect to the database using a .env file, which is added to gitignore in order to keep your private information safe. Run npm run seed
to add values to the database, and connect to the server using npm start
This application will allow users to view, add, edit, and delete categories, products, and tags.
A full walkthrough of installation, seeding, and running routes via Insomiac can be found here @ Screencastify
This project is license under MIT
Contributors should read the installation section.
There are no tests for this application.
If you have any further questions, feel free to connect with me at [email protected]. You can see my repositories at