Hamsters v5.6.0 Released!
I'm happy to announce the release of Hamsters.js version 5.6.0, this release brings a few changes to the overall project structure and upgrades many of the development dependencies the library relies on such as babel and webpack, these have been upgraded to the latest version and the library is now being minified properly when built resulting in a significantly smaller binary file size , now down to less than 30KB.
Release Notes
- Updated dev dependencies, patching all known security vulnerabilities.
- Restructured scaffold files for maintainability and proper support for new babel version
- Switched test cases from using PhantomJS (now deprecated), and Firefox, to using ChromeHeadless
- Explicit support for ES5 is no longer provided, moving forward Hamsters.js will make use of ES6+ features for performance reasons, babel is now configured to target ES6 environments.