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Avi Lumelsky edited this page Apr 10, 2023 · 3 revisions

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Is it safe to use in production?

From Wikipedia:

Special consideration has been taken to make DTrace safe to use in a production environment. For example, there is minimal probe effect when tracing is underway, and no performance impact associated with any disabled probe; this is important since there are tens of thousands of DTrace probes that can be enabled. New probes can also be created dynamically.

Should I use dtrace or bpftrace backend?

  • dtrace is cross platform and been around for decades. eBPF is newer.
  • Dtrace has destructive flags that are easy to use
  • bpftrace (eBPF) requires a kernel with eBPF support.
    • dtrace is a solution that everyone could use on legacy Solaris, Mac and Windows.
      • dtrace has vast languages support for future work (supported in more languages), compared to eBPF.
      • dscript s are easier to write than eBPF kernels.

What are the tradeoffs? How does it change they way I code?

  • You need can use secimport in 2 ways:
    • Use secimport.secure_import function in your code to import module. A dtrace process is opened upon secure_import() call.
    • Compile a sandbox script for your configuration, and use the sandbox backend to run your python process as a supervisor parent process.
      • YAML templates
      • Allowlist / Blocklist
        • Allow only a set of syscalls for each module in you would like to confine. Log/Kill upon violation.

What are the performance impacts?

  • See docs/