Resources are in English unless prefixed with a language code, e.G.:
- [GER] Ein Artikel auf Deutsch.
- A blog post in English.
- - the "official" website.
- Domain Storytelling: A Collaborative, Visual, and Agile Way to Build Domain-Driven Software: The first book on Domain Storytelling. 2021, Stefan Hofer and Henning Schwentner
- The free guide puts you in a position to try out Domain Storytelling yourself.
- Why EventStorming practitioners should try Domain Storytelling: 2021, Stefan Hofer and Henning Schwentner
- Deep Listening with Domain Storytelling, 2020, Mufrid Krilic
- Who doesn’t love a good story?. 2020, Zvonimir Spajic
- [GER] Event Storming und Domain Story Telling - Ein Vergleich, 2019, Johannes Seitz
- [GER] Was ist Domain Storytelling?, 2018, M.O. Scheele
- [GER] Talk at DDD Meetup Cologne, 2021, Stefan Hofer
- An Introduction to Domain Storytelling, 2020, Zsófia Herendi & Stefan Hofer
- Facilitator's Guide to Enhance Learning in Your Organization , 2021, Mufrid Krilic
- Domain Storytelling Overview, 2020, Red Hat Open Innovation Labs
- Domain Storytelling & Star Trek, 2020, Zvonimir Spajic
- [GER] Software-Architektur TV, 2020, Henning Schwentner & Stefan Hofer
- Domain Storytelling at CukenFest 2019, 2019, Mufrid Krilic
- Vaughn Vernon's "add dot" Podcast, 44min, 2021, Henning Schwentner and Stefan Hofer
- InfoQ Podcast, 24min, 2021, Henning Schwentner and Stefan Hofer
- Cucumber Podcast, 43min, 2019, Stefan Hofer
- Developing Domain Storytelling, or: How DDD influenced modeling practices, 2021, Stefan Hofer
- How Domain Storytelling reveils the secrets of your domain, 2018, Henning Schwentner & Stefan Hofer
- [GER] Rechenzeit, Folge 4, 2021, Henning Schwentner & Stefan Hofer
- Facilitating Knowledge Crunching with Domain Storytelling, 2020, Mufrid Krilic
- Discovering Business Capabilities in Healthcare with Pure Domain Stories, Mufrid Krilic, 2021
- Scaling Kanban with Domain Storytelling, 2020, ALTUĞ BİLGİN ALTINTAŞ
- Collaborative Modeling: Domain Storytelling as a catalyst for product backlogs, 2020, Carsten Lill & Nils Hyoma
- [GER] Req4Arcs: BDD und/oder Domain Storytelling, 2019, Peter Hruschka & Gernot Starke
- Part 1: Domain Driven Design like a pro, 2019, Anders Gill
- [GER] Heise SoftwareArchitekTOUR-Podcast, Episode 64: Domain-Driven Design (DDD), Episode 3, 2019, Carola Lilienthal, Eberhard Wolff, Gernot Starke
- Domain Story Modeler, WPS - Workplace Solutions GmbH
- Plant UML Macro, Johannes Thorn
- Remote Collaborative Modeling, 2020, Mirosław Pragłowski
- Using to capture Domain Stories, 2019, Darko Kantic
- Live remote modeling at the Virtual DDD Meetup, 2020, Zsófia Herendi & Stefan Hofer
- #DomainStorytelling channel at DDD Slack
- Collaborative Modeling Camp
- Storystorming by Martin Schimak
- Domain Message Flow Modelling by Nick Tune
- - A collection of software development practices, including Domain Storytelling.
- - A collection of collaborative modeling methods and other visual tools for software engineering teams, including Domain Storytelling.
- DDD by Example - A book on Domain-Driven Design that features Domain Storytelling as a knowledge crunching method.
awesome-domain-storytelling by Stefan Hofer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License