Refined Adaptive RED (RARED) [1] is an extension of ARED [2]. It inherits all the properties of ARED but with a minor improvement in adaptive setting of Pmax. This repository contains an implementation of RARED in ns-3 [3].
To simulate RARED algorithm, the attribute RARED must be set to true, as shown below:
Config::SetDefault ("ns3::RedQueueDisc::RARED", BooleanValue (true));
An example program for RARED has been provided in
and should be executed as
./waf --run "red-vs-rared --queueDiscType=RARED"
[1] Tae-hoon Kim, Kee-hyun Lee, "Refined Adaptive RED in TCP/IP Networks", SICE-ICASE, 2006. International Joint Conference, 2006
[2] S. Floyd, R. Gummadi, and S. Shenker, "Adaptive RED: An Algorithm for Increasing the Robustness of RED's Active Queue Management,",