Bibledit Cloud 5.0.978
The correct file to download is bibledit-5.0.958.tar.gz.
Fixed: Cannot view exported files.
Can only do zipped exports on the Cloud edition.
Better placement of cursor after pasting text in the notes editor.
Better handling of pasted text in the Bible editors.
The three Bible editors collapse multiple spaces into one space.
Includes the Easy English Bible Commentary as a resource.
Does not cache resources during Cloudflare DDoS protection.
Fix editable clipboard in the Bible editors.
Well-formed USFM check on note or cross reference without content.
Well-formed USFM check on opening markup followed by closing markup without text.
Fixed: Clicking a passage in a checking result goes to the beginning of the Bible.
USFM check on the \fig markup.
All editing anomaly emails now display the book and chapter.
Keep the navigation history for two weeks.
A long press on the arrows for going back and going forward brings up the history menu.
Can left-align verse numbers in poetry in exports to OpenDocument.
Better spacing while inserting footnotes and cross references.
Support for the USFM fig markup in export to html and OpenDocument.