Bifrost v0.9.16
Native runtimes: 916
- Update deps to polkadot-v0.9.13 and move rust edition to 2021 (#439)
- Fix WASM build script (#445)
- add transactional macro to callables (#451)
- Add token PHA & more (#427)
- Bifrost polkadot runtime (#430)
- Quick fix for vsbond-auction (#435)
- Imprv max deposit in liquidity pool (#438)
- Revamp redeem flow in salp-lite (#440)
- Revamp salp(lite) with configurable multisig account (#444)
- add a overall control toggle (#449)
- add-modify-vestingInfo-function to the vesting pallet (#450)
- Add edit fund interface & Some fix (#457)
🏋️ Runtime size: 0.998 MB (1,046,409 bytes)
🗜 Compressed: Yes, 76.96%
✨ Reserved meta: OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version: V14
🔥 Core version: bifrost-916 (bifrost-0.tx1.au1)
🗳️ system.setCode hash: 0x8f3072d370bc3bc988c07823b9ff707fbb0b2626d2de7e00ee717863adbd0c81
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash: 0xc049b61bdda78d0bdade0f1b415d1cbc3110f26a89c269b17237c11761705840
#️⃣ Blake2-256 hash: 0x932440b2d59963117fe8ac0fb830b34a20c644f2628c40a01b7f9d5c93971fbd