Web API written in F# that showcases the language's strengths via a functional style.
As a .NET developer with experience in C# and OOP I wanted to take a plunge in the functional world. After learning Haskell and F# I wanted to see how an enterprise level API solution would be structured in a functional setting.
I've read multiple posts from both Mark Seemann's blog and Scott Wlaschin's blog to further this goal and pick up best practices and principles.
The focus is creating a sustainable software solution using .NET and F#.
The solution is built on .NET 5 in VS2019.
For DB access I chose FSharp.Data.SqlClient as it's a type provider and showcases the language's strengths.
Giraffe is used on top of ASP.NET for it's funtional first features.
For package management I selected Paket.