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BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for React Native

This repository is now archived.

The latest BlackBerry Dynamics React Native SDK is now available to all clients and partners via by clicking on the SDK for React Native tab.

This page provides an overview on how to use the BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for React Native. For details on BlackBerry Dynamics please see


Development environment

  • Mac OS
  • Windows 10, 11 (Android only)


  • 12.x (for React Native version < 0.68.0)
  • 18.x


  • 2.7.5 (for React Native version >=0.70.x) React Native official documenation. React Native uses a .ruby-version file to make sure that your version of Ruby is aligned with what is needed. Currently, macOS 13.2 is shipped with Ruby 2.6.10, which is not what is required by this version of React Native (2.7.5). Our suggestion is to install a Ruby version manager and to install the proper version of Ruby in your system.

Package manager

  • yarn

React Native

  • 0.66.x (deprecated)
  • 0.67.x (deprecated)
  • 0.68.x (deprecated)
  • 0.69.x (deprecated)
  • 0.70.x
  • 0.71.x
  • 0.72.x


  • Xcode 12+
  • iOS 14+ (for BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS v11.1)
  • iOS 15+ (for BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS v11.2, v12.0)
  • cocoapods 1.10.2+


  • Java 8 (for React Native version < 0.68.0)
  • Java 11 (for React Native version >= 0.68.0)
  • Android 9+, API 28+ (for BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android v11.1)
  • Android 10+, API 29+ (for BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android v11.2, v12.0)
  • NDK 20.1.5948944 (for React Native version < 0.66.0)
  • NDK 21.4.7075529 (for React Native version >= 0.66.0)

BlackBerry Dynamics

Dynamics SDK for iOS and Android are now installed as part of the Base module using CocoaPods & Gradle.
By default, BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base module will integrate 12.0 version of BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android ( and iOS (
Currently, the other supported versions are 11.1 and 11.2.
To integrate 11.1 or 11.2 version see "Using other released version" instructions for both iOS and Android platforms in BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base.

BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS

  • BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS v11.1, check environment requirements here.
  • BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS v11.2, check environment requirements here.
  • BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS v12.0, check environment requirements here.

BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android

  • BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android v11.1, check environment requirements here.
  • BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android v11.2, check environment requirements here.
  • BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android v12.0, check environment requirements here.

BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher

  • BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher library for iOS v12.0, check details here.
  • BlackBerry Dynamics Launcher library for Android v12.0, check details here.


Integration with BlackBerry Dynamics

Integration of BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS and Android into React Native application is supported by addition of the BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base module.

"Dynamic Framework" integration on iOS

Dynamics SDK for React Native v9.0 and above integrates with the iOS "Dynamic Framework" version of BlackBerry Dynamics. The static library integration is no longer supported.

Application configuration and app-specific policy

BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Application module provides access to information that is globally available to any BlackBerry Dynamics Application. The module provides API to read Dynamcis application configuration and app-specific policy.

Secure connectivity

  • Both XMLHttpRequest and fetch are secured in scope of BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Networking module.
  • <WebView /> is secured in scope of BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-WebView UI component.
    • On iOS UIWebView has been DEPRECATED by Apple for a long time and removed from react-native-webview since version 7.0.1.
    • UIWebView support was removed from BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS since v8.0.
  • Secure communication via WebSockets is secured in scope of BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Networking module.

Secure storage

  • AsyncStorage is secured in scope of BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Async-Storage module
  • SQLite is secured in scope of BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-SQLite-Storage module
  • FileSystem is secured in scope of BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-FileSystem module

Data Leakage Prevention (DLP)

On iOS <Text /> component, <TextInput /> component and Clipboard API are secured simply by integrating BlackBerry Dynamics.

On Android the following items are required:

  • <Text /> component is secured in scope of BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Text UI component
  • <TextInput /> component is secured in scope of BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-TextInput UI component
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Clipboard module secures Clipboard API on Android.

Inter-Container Communication (ICC)

ICC provides service discovery, service consumption and service providing abilities for Dynamics React Native applications and allows to securely communicate with other Dynamics applications.

To implement some ICC capabilities in a Dynamics React Native application BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-AppKinetics should be used.

Launcher integration

BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Launcher provides Launcher integration in Dynamics React Native application.

Android Play Integrity attestation

BlackBerry UEM version 12.18 and later supports Play Integrity attestation for BlackBerry Dynamics apps. BlackBerry UEM version 12.17 and earlier supports SafetyNet attestation for BlackBerry Dynamics apps. For information on SafetyNet attestation, refer to previous versions of the SDK documentation.

You can use Play Integrity to extend BlackBerry root and exploit detection and to enhance app security and integrity. For more information about Play Integrity attestation, implementation considerations, and instructions for enabling the feature, see the BlackBerry UEM documentation. This chapter details considerations for developers who want to enable Play Integrity support for their BlackBerry Dynamics apps.

To support Play Integrity, you must complete the Play Integrity prerequisites, add a new library component to the app project, and update the BlackBerry Dynamics application policy file.

Prerequisites for Play Integrity attestation

Play Integrity attestation is dependent on configurations made within the Google Play console. Use the following steps to configure Play Integrity attestation for your apps:

  • In the Google Play console, select the app you want to configure for Play Integrity attestation, then click Setup > App Integrity.
  • On the Integrity API tab, in the Device Integrity section, ensure that the checkboxes for MEETS_BASIC_INTEGRITY and MEETS_STRONG_INTEGRITY are enabled.
  • On the App Signing tab, make note of the SHA-256 certificate fingerprint for the App signing key certificate and the Upload key certificate. These certificate fingerprints are used when you configure your BlackBerry Dynamics application policy file.

After completeing the task:

Adding the GDSafetyNet library to the app project

The BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for Android version 5.0 and later includes a GDSafetyNet library. To support Play Integrity, you must add this library to the app project dependencies along with the main GDLibrary.

The GDSafetyNet library includes all of the client-side source code that is required to support Play Integrity. No additional app code is required. The GDSafetyNet library requires Google Play Services 11.0 or later to use device Play Integrity APIs. Verify that your BlackBerry Dynamics app is dependent on only a single version of Google Play Services.

If your app does not use Google Play Services, you can add the following to the build.gradle file:

implementation ('com.blackberry.blackberrydynamics:android_handheld_gd_safetynet:$DYNAMICS_SDK_VERSION')

If your app uses the Google Play Services SDK, you can add the following to the build.gradle file (where xx.x.x is the specific play-services version):

implementation ''
implementation("com.blackberry.blackberrydynamics:android_handheld_gd_safetynet:$DYNAMICS_SDK_VERSION") {
        transitive = false;

It can be added in BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base/android/gd.gradle before Base module is added to the application.

Updating the BlackBerry Dynamics application policy file

During a Play Integrity attestation process, BlackBerry UEM uses the app response to verify that it is communicating with the official version of the app. You must provide this information in the application policy file.

In order to configure Play Integrity, you will need to provide a Play App signing key. You have two options for a Play app signing key: you can use the Google Play generated app signing key or upload your own private app signing key. For information on finding your app signing keys in your Google Play Console, see "Prerequisites for Play Integrity attestation". The digest hash in your application policy file must correspond to your Play app signing key in your Google Play Console.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<apd:AppPolicyDefinition xmlns:xsi=""
    xsi:schemaLocation=" AppPolicySchema.xsd" >
            <sendto client="None" />
            <desc>Play Integrity Attestation Supported</desc>
            <pe ref="apkCertificateDigestSha256"/>
            <pe ref="apkPackageName" />
            <pe ref="Description" />
    <setting name="apkCertificateDigestSha256">
    <setting name="apkPackageName">
    <setting name="Description" >
            <label>Play Integrity</label>
            <value>Play Integrity</value>

The app is uniquely identified by the combination of the official package name (in the example above, and the digest hash of the official signing key (in the example above,

After you update the application policy file, coordinate with the BlackBerry UEM administrator to upload the app to UEM (see Deploying your BlackBerry Dynamics app) and to upload the application policy file in the management console (see Manage settings for a BlackBerry Dynamics app in the UEM Administration Guide). Before the administrator uploads the application policy file, verify that the Android app package ID has been specified or that the app source file has been uploaded; both settings are configured in the app entitlement settings (Android tab) in the management console.

UEM validates the format of the input package name and digest hash. If you update the application policy file and upload the app again, it can take up to 24 hours for the change to synchronize to all UEM instances. When the app is uploaded again, it is removed from the current list of apps that are enabled for attestation and must be added again.

More details about testing the app can be found here.

Package contents


  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base - automatically integrates BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for iOS and Android into React Native application
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Application - provides API to read Dynamcis application configuration and app-specific policy
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Networking - secures XMLHttpRequest, fetch and WebSocket APIs. For more details please refer to networking topic in React Native.
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-SQLite-Storage - secures SQLite DB usage. It is based on react-native-sqlite-storage 3rd party module.
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Async-Storage - secures built-in AsyncStorage.
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Clipboard - secures built-in Clipboard API.
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-AppKinetics - provides Inter-Container Communication capabilities.
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-FileSystem - secures FileSystem usage. It is based on react-native-fs 3rd party module.
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Launcher provides Launcher integration.

UI components

  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Text - enables DLP within UI component on Android
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-TextInput - enables DLP within UI component on Android
  • BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-WebView - secures UI component

Sample Applications

  • BasicNetworking - shows example of using fetch and XMLHttpRequest in different ways, covers different HTTP request types (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE etc.), some authentication types (basic auth, Digest, NTLM), has a possibility to send data to the server of different types (text, JSON, FormData etc.) and receive response of different types if server supports it (ArrayBuffer, text, JSON, Blob, etc.).
  • ClipboardTestApp - demonstrates usage of Clipboard API in terms of Data Leakage Prevention. It is possible to change DLP policy on UEM and see how it affects the clipboard within the application. If DLP is on, it will not be possible to copy clipboard data from "Dynamics" application to "non-Dynamics" application and vice-versa.
  • DLP - demonstrates usage of <Text /> and <TextInput /> UI components together with DLP policy option on UEM. If DLP is on, it will not be possible to do cut-copy-paste operations over data from "Dynamics" to "non-Dynamics" application and vice-versa.
  • SQLite - shows example of using secure SQLite DB instance in React Native application.
  • UnitTests - runs Jasmine unit tests for fetch, XMLHttpRequest, WebSocket, Clipboard, AsyncStorage, AppKinetics, Application, Launcher, FileSystem and SQLite in React Native application.
  • WebViewBrowser - demonstrates usage of <WebView /> UI component in React Native application.
  • FileSystem - shows example of using secure FileSystem instance in React Native application. It demonstrates how to manage files/directories and how to upload/download files.
  • AppKinetics - shows example of using AppKinetics functionality.
  • WebSockets - contains WebSocketClient and WebSocketServer sample apps. It demonstrates usage of secure WebSocket API - how to establish connection to WebSocket server using ws:// or wss:// protocols, how to send or receive text or binary data over WebSocket connection, how to close WebSocket connection.
  • Policy - shows example of using Application module functionality, reads Dynamcis application configuration and app-specific policy.


Make sure you first setup your environment and install BlackBerry Dynamics.

How To Guides

Sample applications

To setup, build and run the sample applications please refer to the README for each sample.

Integrate into new React Native application

To integrate BlackBerry Dynamics into a new React Native application please follow these steps.

Integrate into existing React Native application

To integrate BlackBerry Dynamics into existing React Native application:

  • Check you are using 0.70.x or higher version of React Native.

    • React Native Upgrade Helper may be used to upgrade your application prior to integrating BlackBerry Dynamics. Confirm the application builds and works correctly after upgrade.
  • Integrate BlackBerry Dynamics by adding BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base module $ cd <appFolder> $ yarn add <path>/modules/BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base

    Integrates Dynamics based on your current identifiers - iOS Bundle ID and Android Package Name.

    $ yarn set-bundle-id (OPTIONAL)

    Allows an identifier (required) and name (optional) to be updated within your application. This identifier is your iOS Bundle ID or Android Package Name and will also be used as the Entitlement ID for entitling and activating your application with the BlackBerry UEM management console.

  • Analyze your application functionality and decide what parts should be secured:

    • If fetch API, XMLHttpRequest or WebSocket is used in your code to do communication between your app and backend server this communication can be secured by adding BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Networking module. See Networking Module.
    • If you use AsyncStorage capabilities it can be secured by adding BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Async-Storage module. See Async-Storage Module.
    • If SQLite DB is used in the application it can be secured by adding BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-SQLite-Storage module. See SQLite-Storage Module.
    • If in your application Clipboard API is used it can be secured by adding BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Clipboard module. See Clipboard module.
    • If <Text /> UI component is used you can secure cut/copy/paste operations by adding BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Text UI component. See Text UI component.
    • If <TextInput /> UI component is used you can secure cut/copy/paste operations by adding BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-TextInput UI component. See TextInput UI component.
    • If <WebView /> UI component is used you can secure resource loading within WebView by adding BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-WebView UI component. See WebView UI component.
  • Use other Dynamics React Native modules.

  • Lastly, do not forget to update the imports in your code.


Flipper is disabled on iOS

Flipper cannot be used together with BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for React Native on iOS in debug configuration as it disables some BlackBerry Dynamics functionality related to secure networking. Flipper is disabled on iOS by default. If your Dynamics React Native application on iOS does not use Secure Connectivity feature (BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Networking module) you can enable Flipper by uncommenting use_flipper!() line in Podfile of your application.

Flipper is disabled on Android

Flipper cannot be used together with BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for React Native on Android in debug configuration as it disables some BlackBerry Dynamics functionality related to secure networking. Flipper is disabled on Android by default. If your Dynamics React Native application on Android does not use Secure Connectivity feature (BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Networking module) you can enable Flipper by uncommenting initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager()); line in for ReactNative less than 71 version or uncommenting ReactNativeFlipper.initializeFlipper(this, getReactNativeHost().getReactInstanceManager()); line in for ReactNative greater than or equal to 71 version of your application.

Known issues

Conflict between default and secure SQLite library on iOS

BlackBerry Dynamcis SDK for iOS uses secure SQLite library to provide secure DB connection and management. Many standard and 3rd party modules use default SQLite library. When both default and secure SQLite libraries are linked to the project it causes conflict with unpredictable behavior.

Example: react-native-webrtc

Let's consider a concrete example: BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-Base - is main module from BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for React Native that integrates BlackBerry Dymamics into React Native application. BlackBerry Dymamics, in turn, provides secure SQLite dependency to the project. BlackBerry-Dynamics-for-React-Native-SQLite-Storage - module from BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for React Native that provides secure DB connection and management. react-native-webrtc links default SQLite library in the project. This is an extract of its podspec:

s.libraries           = 'c', 'sqlite3', 'stdc++'

When the project is compiled and run DB functionality works incorrectly.

NOTE: There can be more of such cases when to use BlackBerry Dynamics SDK for React Native module and some other module that links default SQLite library in Pods. The workaround below can be used to fix the issue.


To resolve the conflict sqlite3 dependency should be removed in /node_modules/react-native-webrtc/react-native-webrtc.podspec. Then, do "pod install" again. This should not break anything as secured sqlite3 dependency will remain linked to the project.

Android 12+ support for React Native version less than 0.68

Apps targeting Android 12 and higher are required to specify an explicit value for android:exported when the corresponding component has an intent filter defined. More details can be found here. React Native 0.68 and higher supports Android 12+ by default by setting appropriate setting in AndroidManifest.xml. For React Native versions <= 0.67 setting android:exported should be set manually.

Known React-Native issues

React Native Build Failed for iOS for Xcode 14.3 (14E222b)

There is a known react-native issue with XCode 14.3 (14E222b) which is fixed in 0.71.6, 0.70.8 and 0.69.9

Metro server error on 0.72.0, 0.72.1 React Native versions

There is an issue with loading Metro server on 0.72.0 and 0.72.1 versions when the error message is displayed during app load in Metro server: "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'addHelper')". The issue can be fixed by adding the following devDependency to the project: $ yarn add @babel/[email protected] --dev

Issue with activesupport CocoaPods dependency on React Native versions < 0.72.6

There is an issue with activesupport Ruby gem when creating new React Native project with version < 0.72.6:

✖ Installing CocoaPods dependencies (this may take a few minutes)
error /Users/uvarl/AwesomeProject/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.7.0/gems/activesupport-7.1.1/lib/active_support/core_ext/array/conversions.rb:108:in `<class:Array>': undefined method `deprecator' for ActiveSupport:Module (NoMethodError)

Create/update Gemfile in the root of your project and add this dependency:

gem 'activesupport', '~> 7.0.8'

Run following commands:

$ bundle update activesupport
$ bundle exec pod install

NOTE: Same issue can occur when running Dynamics React Native sample apps. Please make sure that version 7.0.8 of activesupport Ruby gem is installed locally:

gem uninstall activesupport --version 7.x.x
gem install activesupport --version 7.0.8