Generate and verify identifiers algorithmically
Luhner (pronouced like lunar) is a go implementation of the Luhn mod N algorithm.
The Luhn algorithm is useful to validate identifiers but is not a secure cryptographic hash and should not be used to protect privieleged access or data.
The simplest usage of luhner are the built in Generate() and Validate() functions:
id, err := luhner.Generate()
if err != nil {
valid := luhner.Validate(id)
log.Printf("ID valid = %t", valid)
The default functions can be adjusted using package options to set the Length, Prefix, or Charset. Any options passed to Generate() must also be passed to Validate():
id, err := luhner.Generate(luhner.Length(10))
if err != nil {
valid := luhner.Validate(id, luhner.Length(10))
An Instance contains a generator and validator using a common config:
inst := luhner.NewInstance(luhner.Length(8), luhner.Prefix("XYZ"))
id, err := inst.Generate()
if err != nil {
valid := inst.Validate(id)
Advanced use cases can leverage the Config interface to provide custom implementations:
type Config interface {
Length() int
Mod() int
Charset() []string
CodePoint(s string) (int, bool)
Prefix(string) string
An example implementation for a custom keygen is supplied in the example folder.