This is a python application which inlcudes functionality to automatically solve crossword puzzles. This consists of two steps:
- Use a neural network based on NLP methods to parse the clues of the puzzle and output a distibution over possible answers. Here we constrain the length of the word based on the grid, but do not take into account that different entries which intersect be consistent.
- Using this probability distribution, use a priority search to find the most likely consistent solution to the puzzle.
In more detail, the input and output puzzles are taken in the *.puz format, and we use the "puz" package to parse these files.
We will experiment with several ways of parsing the input, with a goal to fine tune the BERT model.
For the priority search, we will experiment with several heuristics to try to find an optimal or near-optimal solution as quickly as possible - main GUI for user to solve crosswords, loaded as a puz file - downloads crossword puz files from web, saves into folder ./puzzles - extracts clues and answers from puz files, assembles into dataset used for training classifier - neural net model that outputs candidate answers given a clue sentence - various algorithms that generate a list of candidate answers from the list of clues. includes:
- oracle - has access to correct answer, can add alternative (wrong) answers as well, used for testing
- web solver - searches for most likely answers for a given clue
- bert solver - uses BERT model to find candidate answers - main algorithm to solve crossword using a clue solver to generate candidate clues
- crossword puzzle grid with list of clues
- integer parameter 'NUM_EXCLUDED' = maximum number of clues not coming from candidate list
- integer parameter 'MAX_ITERS' = maximum iterations of main loop before quitting
- obtain list of candidate answers for each entry using a clue solver
- initialize stack with empty grid
- main loop:
- pop element from stack
- try candidate from most constrained remaining entry (least remaining candidates)
- check if number of entries with no remaining possible candidates <= NUM_EXCLUDED
- if so, add to stack and continue, otherwise try next candidate
- when run out of candidates, try next entry
- when run out of entries, backtrack
- continue main loop until find solution or hit MAX_ITERS
- exit into GUI with (partially) solved grid for inspection
Brian Willett
Email: bmwillett1 at gmail