HTTP Mirror or feedback page
To generate Keystore/Truststore file:
rm jetty.keystore
keytool -genkey -alias jetty -keyalg RSA -keystore jetty.keystore -storepass secret \
-keypass secret -dname "CN=localhost, ou=DEV, o=Dev404, st=Lj., c=SI" \
-validity 3650 -ext SAN=dns:localhost
The file(-s) are also available on:
.. in the Map: cert02/
Mirror page:
curl -i http://localhost:11080
curl -i http://localhost:11080/mirror/
curl -i http://localhost:11080/v1
curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:11080/v1
curl -i http://localhost:11080/v1/secure
curl -i --insecure https://localhost:11443/mirror/v1
curl -i --insecure https://localhost:11443/mirror/v1/secure
ab -c 1 -n 1000 http://localhost:11080/mirror/get01/
ab -c 2 -n 11000 http://localhost:11080/mirror/get02/
.. to see the result:
curl -i http://localhost:11080/show/v1
curl -i --insecure https://localhost:11443/show/v1
Monitor page:
curl -i http://localhost:11080/monitor/v1