This iOS application delivers you daily inspirational quotes about love, life, art, business and much more. Within the app, users can save and share their favorite quotes, as well as read about the quote's authors. I built this application because I wanted to gain experience handling network calls and using CoreData with an iOS application. I also thought this app would be a good opportunity to create a beautiful user interface and improve my design skills.
Powered by the Quotes API from They Said So.
- CoreData
- UserNotifcations
- Autolayout Layout Anchors
- Custom Views
- Semantic Colors to support Dark Mode
- DateFormatter
- UITabBarController
- Delegate Pattern
- WKWebView
- UICollectionView
- URLSession for API requests
- XCode 11
- Swift 5.1
- Support Dark Mode
- Google Admob Native Ads
- UI for settings page
- Configure notications time in settings page
- Refactor UI Code
- Create a Widget
- Create watchOS app
- Create cache for quotes