Last updated: 06.14.2020
The purpose of the repo is to provide simple tutorials for Terraform.
The tutorials in this repo are as follows:
Getting Started
Shows the user how to setup their environment and run some Terraform. The tutorial is located in the t1-getting-started folder.
Using Variables
Adds to tutorial 1 by introducing variables. The tutorial is located in the t2-using-variables folder.
Injecting Your SSH Key Into An EC2 Instance
Adds to tutorial 2 by showing how to inject your private key into your EC2 instance. The tutorial is located in the t3-injecting-your-ssh-key-into-ec2-instance folder.
Adding Variables to a File
Adds to tutorial 3 by showing how to move your variables from the to a separate variable file. The tutorial is located in the t4-adding-variables-to-a-file folder.
Output Host IP Address to an Ansible Inventory file
Adds to tutorial 4 by showing how to output the resulting EC2 host name to an Ansible Inventory file. The tutorial is located in the t5-output-host-ip-address-to-ansible-inventory folder.