Scripts for analyzing Invasion balancing by layer or level. Requires custom JSON match log with objects containing winner & loser team # (1/2), level, and layer (in display form).
Special thanks to @midwaey for providing match logs, and @ChristianBrinkley for consultation!
Download all source files and place all into a folder accesible to preffered editor.
Open up or in editor. Configure file path of match log JSON and run.
JSON 'DBLog_Games_2023_10_08.json' is an example of a suitable match log JSON. It contains match data from March 1st, 2023 to October 8th, 2023.
Creates duplicate of invasionlayers.csv, invasionlevels.csv, or invasionlayersSE.csv with appended fields for # attack wins, # defense wins, attack win %, defend win %, and # of matches. duplicates invasionlayers.csv, duplicates invasionlevels.csv
LevelScript requires BOTH invasionlayers.csv and invasionlevels.csv to function. LayerScript requires only invasionlayers.csv can also be used to analyze Squad Enhanced layer statistics, by simply configuring original_file_path to invasionlayersSE.csv
Filters in the Game class can be used in the filter block to filter for specific matches. Premade filters include afk/empty server and game version(preV5, V5, or postV6).
preV5, V5, and postV6 filters need to be configured once on a match log by match log basis for which match ID marks the first game of the updates V5 and V6.
-create filters for faction (i.e. filter all layers for faction United States Army on team 1)
-add terminal args for configuring input JSON name/file path and output CSV's name/file path, filters, and fields
-add interopability with default squadJS match logs
-squadJS match logs would allow for average match time analysis