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Buildkite Collectors for Ruby

DEPRECATION NOTICE Versions prior to 2.1.x are unsupported and will not work after mid-2023. Please upgrade to the latest version.

Official Buildkite Test Engine collectors for Ruby test frameworks ✨

Supported test frameworks: RSpec, Minitest, and more coming soon.

📦 Supported CI systems: Buildkite, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Codeship, and others via the BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_* environment variables.

👉 Installing

Step 1

Create a test suite, and copy the API token that it gives you.

Add the buildkite-test_collector gem:

gem install buildkite-test_collector

Or add this to your Gemfile’s test group:

group :test do
  gem 'buildkite-test_collector'

Step 2


Add the following code to your RSpec setup file:

# spec/spec_helper.rb
require 'buildkite/test_collector'
Buildkite::TestCollector.configure(hook: :rspec)

Run your tests locally:



Add the following code to your Minitest setup file:

# test/test_helper.rb
require 'buildkite/test_collector'
Buildkite::TestCollector.configure(hook: :minitest)

Run your tests locally:


Step 3

Add the BUILDKITE_ANALYTICS_TOKEN secret to your CI, push your changes to a branch, and open a pull request 🎉

More information

For more use cases such as custom tags, annotations, and span tracking, please visit our official Ruby collector documentation for details.

⚒ Developing

After cloning the repository, install the dependencies:


And run the tests:

bundle exec rspec

Useful resources for developing collectors include the Buildkite Test Engine docs.

See for an overview of the design of this gem.

👩‍💻 Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

🚀 Releasing

  1. Bump the version in version.rb and run bundle to update the Gemfile.lock.
  2. Update the with your new version and a description of your changes.

Once your PR is merged to main:

  1. Git tag the merge commit and push
git tag vX.X.X
git push origin vX.X.X
  1. Visit the release pipeline to unblock it and confirm the new version is pushed to
  2. Create a new release in github.

📜 MIT License

The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.