- Setup a CKB Node:
- Setup a CKB Indexer
Transaction hash: 0x31b39ef655191bc84a7f79c0804f84e5d97c8b19c35a8cf8832f48f857bd3f27
Deployed contract address: 0x16C024484E7531338ce849b8621c4F15C2436e3d
transactionHash: 0xac91cc38caf6e69f71513722db348c1ee3e93d0b84a8b66285b3b35af6fddadf contract address: 0x16C024484E7531338ce849b8621c4F15C2436e3d
[ { "inputs": [], "stateMutability": "payable", "type": "constructor" }, { "inputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "x", "type": "uint256" } ], "name": "set", "outputs": [], "stateMutability": "payable", "type": "function" }, { "inputs": [], "name": "get", "outputs": [ { "internalType": "uint256", "name": "", "type": "uint256" } ], "stateMutability": "view", "type": "function" } ]
1-A link to the Layer 1 address you funded on the Testnet Explorer: https://explorer.nervos.org/aggron/address/ckt1qyqr0ue8xd08g4n9thyrrrkuvhrtjet29rwsvfpkl0
2-A screenshot of the console output immediately after using sudt-cli to create your SUDT tokens on Layer 1:
3-A link to the transaction ID created by sudt-cli on the Testnet Explorer: https://explorer.nervos.org/aggron/transaction/0x47f3ed4f907b7b3803d78ab534f53d2591d717f7169ef51a1bbf3e7f008f4bb7
4-A screenshot of the console output immediately after you have successfully submitted a deposit to Layer 2 using the account-cli tool:
5-The SUDT ID from the console output after executing the deposit script (in text format).
Your sudt id: 1581
Deployed SUDT-ERC20 Proxy contract address: 0x70E9C8cd289d78B874e5F4b8FfD95df37B3203Cb
Using Ethereum address: 0xe36ee8026c907667B916ee8059508787497B0eE2
Ethereum address: 0xe36ee8026c907667B916ee8059508787497B0eE2