- Groovy (JsonOutput)
- Jackson
- Gson
- GroovyJava (JsonOutput rewritten to Java)
- GroovyJavaWithoutRecursion (JsonOutput rewritten to Java without recursion)
Benchmark Mode Thr Count Sec Mean Mean error Units
o.b.j.Test.complexTestGroovy thrpt 1 20 1 991.981 12.725 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.complexTestGroovyJava thrpt 1 20 1 2549.993 28.527 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.complexTestGroovyJavaWithoutRecursion thrpt 1 20 1 2233.074 78.201 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.complexTestGson thrpt 1 20 1 5099.543 104.108 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.complexTestJackson thrpt 1 20 1 12168.617 298.710 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.mediumTestGroovy thrpt 1 20 1 10786.671 256.090 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.mediumTestGroovyJava thrpt 1 20 1 69296.676 1704.828 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.mediumTestGroovyJavaWithoutRecursion thrpt 1 20 1 50972.672 699.862 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.mediumTestGson thrpt 1 20 1 95269.984 1426.431 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.mediumTestJackson thrpt 1 20 1 165929.238 2106.969 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.simpleTestGroovy thrpt 1 20 1 60917.283 728.287 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.simpleTestGroovyJava thrpt 1 20 1 70273.187 1513.372 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.simpleTestGroovyJavaWithoutRecursion thrpt 1 20 1 51727.987 1066.752 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.simpleTestGson thrpt 1 20 1 393817.200 4769.662 ops/s
o.b.j.Test.simpleTestJackson thrpt 1 20 1 521774.452 16102.207 ops/s
Testing environment: Ubuntu 13.10 (64-Bit), Oracle Java HotSpot 64-bit 1.7.0_45
gradle clean; gradle shadow; java -Xmx1024m -jar target/libs/microbenchmarks.jar ".*Test.*" -f 1