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chromoo is a chromatography multi-objective optimization tool built on Cadet-Core and pymoo==0.5.


# Install cadet. This can be done via conda as below 
# or directly from source
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install cadet

# Install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

# Install this package. Use -e for an editable install.
pip install [-e] . 


Chromoo requires a YAML config file of the following form.

filename: 10k-mono.mono1d.h5
load_checkpoint: checkpoint.npy
force_checkpoint_continue: false
nproc: 4
store_temp: false
  parameters: lognorm
  objectives: geometric
    - name: axial
      length: 1
      path: input.model.unit_002.col_dispersion
      min_value: 1.0e-9
      max_value: 1.0e-4
    - name: outlet
      filename: chromatogram-from-xns.csv
      # times: timesteps.txt
      score: sse
      path: output.solution.unit_003.solution_outlet_comp_000
  name: nsga3
  pop_size: 10
  x_tol: 1e-8
  cv_tol: 1e-6
  f_tol: 1e-9
  nth_gen: 2
  n_last: 10
  n_max_gen: 10
  n_max_evals: 100000


  • It runs multiple cadet simulations from a pool size of nproc for every evaluation of a population.
  • parameters and objectives are lists
  • Objective targets can be provided as an (times,values) csv file in objectives.filename or with the times separately specified in objectives.times
    • chromatograms already contain times, so it's easier to just provide the filename
  • The solution_times section of the provided cadet simulation will be changed to match those of objectives[0] exactly.
  • Recommended population sizes for n-dimensional problems is 100*n
  • Don't fit porosity and velocity together. You can fit porosity and flowrate instead
  • Provided examples, while valid, are NOT guaranteed to be correct as the software is not guaranteed to be stable in terms of development and backwards compatibility.
  • Checkpoints are saved at every generation by default.
  • Use force_checkpoint_continue to force the algorithm to continue from a terminated checkpoint. Helpful if you made the termination criteria stricter than required.
  • Be careful when resuming from a checkpoint. Any changes to problem parameters might not be reflected because the algorithm/problem is fully restored from the checkpoint

Known Issues

  • Reading inputs from YAML loads strings as str and from h5 files we get numpy.bytes_. CADET-Python run_load() uses load_results() instead of full load(). So if we check for input string values after simulation, the type of it depends on whether we use full load() or load_results() since we deal with YAML files as well. So we have to consider whether we deal with strings or bytestrings. Simple solution: Don't use run_load in scripts.
  • Loading checkpoints also loads the previous values for all/most parameters. So if nproc is updated before loading, the new value isn't used.


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