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Capacitor plugin for saving and retrieving photos and videos, and managing photo albums.

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Capacitor Media


Capacitor plugin for saving and retrieving photos and videos, and managing photo albums.


Chatness AI


Maintainer GitHub Social
Nisala Kalupahana nkalupahana
Stewan Silva stewones @stewones


npm install @capacitor-community/media

This plugin is currently for Capacitor 6. Add an @5 at the end to install for Capacitor 5.

After installing, be sure to sync by running ionic cap sync.

Migrating to Capacitor 6

There are a few breaking changes to take note of:

  • saveGif no longer exists. Use savePhoto for images and GIFs.
  • Error text has been changed. If you were checking for specific error messages, you should now use error.code, which will be accessDenied, argumentError, downloadError, or filesystemError.


Unless otherwise noted, there should be full feature parity between iOS and Android. Web is not supported.


getMedias(options?: MediaFetchOptions | undefined) => Promise<MediaResponse>

Get filtered thumbnails from camera roll. iOS only.

Code Examples

Param Type
options MediaFetchOptions

Returns: Promise<MediaResponse>


getMediaByIdentifier(options?: { identifier: string; } | undefined) => Promise<MediaPath>

Get a filesystem path to a full-quality media asset by its identifier. iOS only. This is not included for Android because on Android, a media asset's identifier IS its path! You can simply use the Filesystem plugin to work with it. On iOS, you have to turn the identifier into a path using this function. After that, you can use the Filesystem plugin, same as Android.

Code Examples

Param Type
options { identifier: string; }

Returns: Promise<MediaPath>


getAlbums() => Promise<MediaAlbumResponse>

Get list of albums.

Code Examples

Returns: Promise<MediaAlbumResponse>


savePhoto(options?: MediaSaveOptions | undefined) => Promise<PhotoResponse>

Saves a still photo or GIF to the camera roll.

On Android and iOS, this supports web URLs, base64 encoded images (e.g. data:image/jpeg;base64,...), and local files. On Android, all image formats supported by the user's photo viewer are supported. On iOS, most common image formats are supported.

Code Examples

Param Type
options MediaSaveOptions

Returns: Promise<PhotoResponse>


saveVideo(options?: MediaSaveOptions | undefined) => Promise<PhotoResponse>

Saves a video to the camera roll.

On Android and iOS, this supports web URLs, base64 encoded videos (e.g. data:image/mp4;base64,...), and local files. On Android, all video formats supported by the user's photo viewer are supported. On iOS, the supported formats are based on whatever iOS supports at the time.

Code Examples

Param Type
options MediaSaveOptions

Returns: Promise<PhotoResponse>


createAlbum(options: MediaAlbumCreate) => Promise<void>

Creates an album.

Code Examples

Param Type
options MediaAlbumCreate


getAlbumsPath() => Promise<AlbumsPathResponse>

Gets the path where album folders and their corresponding photos are stored on the Android filesystem. This can be used to identify your album by more than just its name on Android, in case there are multiple albums with the same name, which is possible on Android. Just compare the albums path to the start of the album identifier when getting albums.

Only available on Android.

Code Examples: basic, when saving media

Returns: Promise<AlbumsPathResponse>



Prop Type
medias MediaAsset[]


Prop Type Description
identifier string Platform-specific identifier
data string Data for a photo asset as a base64 encoded string (JPEG only supported)
creationDate string ISO date string for creation date of asset
duration number Duration of asset in seconds
fullWidth number Full width of original asset
fullHeight number Full height of original asset
thumbnailWidth number Width of thumbnail preview
thumbnailHeight number Height of thumbnail preview
location MediaLocation Location metadata for the asset


Prop Type Description
latitude number GPS latitude image was taken at
longitude number GPS longitude image was taken at
heading number Heading of user at time image was taken
altitude number Altitude of user at time image was taken
speed number Speed of user at time image was taken


Prop Type Description
quantity number The number of photos to fetch, sorted by last created date descending. To paginate, just request a higher quantity -- OS caching should make this relatively performant.
thumbnailWidth number The width of thumbnail to return
thumbnailHeight number The height of thumbnail to return
thumbnailQuality number The quality of thumbnail to return as JPEG (0-100)
types 'photos' | 'videos' | 'all' Which types of assets to return thumbnails for.
albumIdentifier string Which album identifier to query in (get identifier with getAlbums())
sort MediaField | MediaSort[] Sort order of returned assets by field and ascending/descending


Prop Type
key MediaField
ascending boolean


Prop Type Description
path string Path to media asset
identifier string Identifier for media asset


Prop Type
albums MediaAlbum[]


Prop Type
identifier string
name string
type MediaAlbumType


Prop Type Description
filePath string Available on Android only.


Prop Type Description
path string Web URL, base64 encoded URI, or local file path to save.
albumIdentifier string Album identifier from getAlbums(). Since 5.0, identifier is used on both Android and iOS. Identifier is required on Android but not on iOS. On iOS 14+, if the identifier is not specified and no permissions have been requested yet, add-only permissions will be requested instead of full permissions (assuming NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription is in Info.plist).
fileName string File name to save the image as in the album. Do not include extension. Android only.


Prop Type
name string


Prop Type
path string

Type Aliases


Attributes to sort media by.

iOS Source

'mediaType' | 'mediaSubtypes' | 'sourceType' | 'pixelWidth' | 'pixelHeight' | 'creationDate' | 'modificationDate' | 'isFavorite' | 'burstIdentifier'



Members Value Description
Smart 'smart' Album is a "smart" album (such as Favorites or Recently Added)
Shared 'shared' Album is a cloud-shared album
User 'user' Album is a user-created album


You'll need to add the following to your app's Info.plist file:

  <string>Describe why you need access to user's photos (getting albums and media)</string>
  <string>Describe why you need to add photos to user's photo library</string>


You'll need to add the following to your app's AndroidManifest.xml file:

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES" />
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO" />

Note the READ_MEDIA permissions -- these are new in Android 13!


Go the the example/ folder to play with an example app that should show all functionality of this plugin.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):


πŸ’» πŸ“– 🚧

Zachary Keeton


Pierre Grimaud


Talles Alves


Zyad Yasser


Manuel RodrΓ­guez

πŸ’» 🚧



Nisala Kalupahana

πŸ’» πŸ“– πŸ’‘ 🚧

Masahiko Sakakibara




Stephan Fischer


Matheus Davidson

πŸ’» πŸ“–

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!