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Here some references:
- Wolfram - Cellular Automaton
- The nature of Code by Daniel Shiffman
- Chapter 3 of my master thesis (in italian)
A basic Cellular Automata is the quadruple <Z <sup>d</sup>,S,X,o>
Z <sup>d</sup>
is a set of cells, a d-dimension matrix of cells
is a set of status where the single cell can be in
is a set of cell's neighbors (the most common neighborhood implementation are MOORE and VON NEUMANN
is the transition function. This function implements the evolution of the natural or artificial phenomena represented by a Cellular Automata.
Thanks to this mathematic model, it's possible represent a lot of natural phenomena like landslides, lava flows and so on...
During my master's thesis, I contributed to the implementation of a library for Cellular Automata that was primarily used by physicists, geologists, and scientists from various departments. This library was written in C++, and it was more comprehensive than JCAL.
JCAL wants to implements the same idea but in a smaller and simpler way for Java user and developers.
Here the official documentation.