What are your favorite artists really saying?
lyrical.cloud is a web-based application that can generate a colorful and fun word cloud of artists' most used lyrics.
The objective of this web service is to provide a fast, coherent, and visually appealing representation of a given artist’s/artists’ lyrics, formatted as a word cloud and based on frequency count. The main functionality of the application is centered around the generation of word clouds based on the lyrics of a single artist.
Additional functionality consists of:
- The ability to share a word cloud to Facebook in a graphical format
- Merge the lyrics of another artist into a currently-displaying word cloud
- Explore the frequency of a certain word within the total discography of a certain artist/artists
- Identify the usage of a certain word within a specific song
The web application will be freely available to any user with Internet access, a computer or mobile phone, and a browser that supports a JavaScript runtime engine.
To run the system, open up a terminal window and navigate to the lyrical.cloud folder.
cd server
php composer.phar install
php composer.phar start
Open up a second terminal window and again, navigate to the lyrical.cloud folder.
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
sudo apt-get install npm
npm install -g http-server
cd frontend
Finally, open up any browser and type in localhost:8081