A starting point for React native projects [https://facebook.github.io/react-native/].
This project requires the following to be installed before running the project.
- Nodejs https://nodejs.org/en/
brew install node
- Npm or yarn (preferably yarn)
brew install yarn
- Watchman (for watching changes in the filesystem)
brew install watchman
Xcode & command line tools (from App Store, make sure it's version 9.4 or newer.)
sudo gem install cocoapods
- Install node dependencies
- Install pods (iOs only)
cd ios // change to the ios folder
pod install // install pods
- Run the project
yarn run ios // run this at the root of your app
This should start the app inside the simulator.
- Android release build
./gradlew bundleRelease
The generated AAB can be found under /android/app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab, and is ready to be uploaded to Google Play.