Lemonstand Redis module. Uses the Predis library ( version 0.8.3 ) to allow Redis as an option for caching in Lemonstand.
- Clone/download lsredis into the modules directory of your Lemonstand installation
- Add the following to your config.php file, which is located in the config folder at the base of your installation. Please change
to match your needs. For a default Redis install, '' should work.
$CONFIG['CACHING'] = array(
'CLASS_NAME' => 'LsRedis_RedisCache',
'DISABLED' => false,
'PARAMS' => array(
'SERVERS' => array( '<host>:<port>'),
'TTL' => 3600
- For more information about caching in Lemonstand read their caching documentation
Daniele Alessandri (twitter) is the author of Predis. I am merely using it as the library to make the connection.
The code for lsredis is distributed under the terms of the MIT license (see LICENSE).