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Settings migration from 1 to 2
christianbeeznest edited this page May 5, 2023
15 revisions
Move settings from configuration.php to .env or to the Database
Settings removed:
configuration.php | Comment |
session_stored_in_db | |
root_web | |
$extAuthSource["cas"] | |
$extAuthSource["extldap"] | |
$_configuration['facebook_auth'] | |
$extAuthSource["external_login"] | |
memcache_server | |
session_stored_after_n_times | |
aspell_bin | |
aspell_opts | |
aspell_temp_dir |
Settings moved to .env
configuration.php v1 | .env name v2 |
db_host | DATABASE_HOST |
db_port | DATABASE_PORT |
main_database | DATABASE_NAME |
db_user | DATABASE_USER |
db_password | DATABASE_PASSWORD |
Category: Session
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
session.allow_redirect_to_session_after_inscription_about | Allows to redirect to the session after the inscription in session about |
session.remove_session_url | Hide session link of course_block on index/userporta |
session.session_list_show_count_users | Show number of users in session list |
session.session_admins_access_all_content | Session admin access to all course content |
session.session_admins_edit_courses_content | Session admin allowed to edit all courses content |
session.limit_session_admin_list_users | Limits that a session admin has access to list users |
session.hide_search_form_in_session_list | Hide search form in session list |
session.allow_delete_user_for_session_admin | Allow delete user for session admin |
session.allow_disable_user_for_session_admin | Allow enable/disable user accounts for session admin |
session.session_multiple_subscription_students_list_avoid_emptying | Empty the session student list when subscribing multiple users |
session.hide_reporting_session_list | Hide the session list in Reporting tool. Useful when a course has too many sessions |
session.allow_session_admin_read_careers | Allow session admin to read careers |
session.session_list_order | Order sessions |
session.allow_user_session_collapsable | Create a new session extra field called "collapsed" |
session.allow_session_admin_login_as_teacher | Allow to session admins login as teachers |
session.catalog_course_subscription_in_user_s_session | User subscription to a session rather than to a base course. User session is created at first subscription |
session.default_session_list_view | Set the default tab in the admin session list. Values: all, close, active, custom |
session.session_automatic_creation_user_id | id of the admin to attach user session |
session.user_s_session_duration | user session duration in days - after the session end date, more subscriptions are prevented |
session.my_courses_session_order | My courses session order. Possible field values: "start_date", "end_date", "name" Order values: "asc" or "desc" |
session.session_courses_read_only_mode | Allow set courses in session in read-only mode |
session.session_import_settings | This option sets default parameters in the main/session/session_import.php |
session.catalog_settings | Catalog search settings visibility |
session.allow_session_status | Allow seession status |
session.tracking_columns | Customize course session tracking columns |
session.my_progress_session_show_all_courses | Allow show all details of each course in session when clicking on session details |
session.assignment_base_course_teacher_access_to_all_session | Show all student publications (from course and from all sessions) in the work/pending.php page if true |
session.allow_session_admin_extra_access | Allow session admin access to main/admin/user_update_import.php and main/admin/user_export.php |
session.hide_session_graph_in_my_progress | Hides the session graph in the main/auth/my_progress.php page. |
session.show_users_in_active_sessions_in_tracking | Shows only users from active sessions in tracking. |
session.session_coach_access_after_duration_end | Make sessions by duration always accessible to coaches |
session.session_course_users_subscription_limited_to_session_users | Restrict the list of students to subscribe in the course session |
session.session_classes_tab_disable | Disable tab to add classes in course session for non-admins |
session.email_template_subscription_to_session_confirmation_username | Add the username value to the "subscription to session" confirmation email |
session.email_template_subscription_to_session_confirmation_lost_password | Add the "remember password" link to the "subscription to session" confirmation email |
session.session_creation_user_course_extra_field_relation_to_prefill | Relation to prefill session extra field with user extra field on session creation on main/session/session_add.php |
session.session_creation_form_set_extra_fields_mandatory | Configuration setting to make some extra field required in session creation form on main/session/session_add.php. |
Category: Secutiry
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
security.allow_online_users_by_status | Allow online users by user profile : 1 = COURSEMANAGER (teacher), 5 = STUDENT, 11 = PLATFORM_ADMIN Example: The online users will be available only for teachers and students. |
security.password_requirements | For this configuration to be taken into account you need to set define('CHECK_PASS_EASY_TO_FIND', true); in app/config/profile.conf.php |
security.security_strict_transport | "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" |
security.security_content_policy | You can prevent JavaScript from executing from external sources |
security.security_content_policy_report_only | Content Security Policy |
security.security_public_key_pins | HTTP Public Key Pinning protects your site from MiTM attacks using rogue |
security.security_public_key_pins_report_only | HTTP Public Key Pinning protects your site from MiTM attacks |
security.security_x_frame_options | Recommended (strict) value for this setting, if enabled: "SAMEORIGIN". |
security.security_xss_protection | Recommended value "1; mode=block". |
security.security_x_content_type_options | The only valid value for this header is "nosniff". |
security.security_referrer_policy | Referrer Policy is a new header that allows a site to control |
security.security_block_inactive_users_immediately | Add another layer of security by checking if the user is disabled |
security.security_session_cookie_samesite_none | Enable samesite:None parameter for session cookie. |
Category: Course
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
course.view_grid_courses | New grid view the list of courses |
course.show_simple_session_info | Show less session information in course list |
course.my_courses_show_courses_in_user_language_only | When using the my-courses list filter by category, set this option to true to only show courses in the user's configured language |
course.allow_public_course_with_no_terms_conditions | Allow public courses access with no terms and conditions validation. |
course.show_all_sessions_on_my_course_page | Show all sessions (old, current, future) in my course page |
course.disabled_edit_session_coaches_course_editing_course | Disable the option to set course coach in session when editing course |
course.allow_base_course_category | Show base course categories in portal children |
course.hide_course_sidebar | Hide course sidebar |
course.allow_course_extra_field_in_catalog | Course catalog show extra fields (visible and filtered) |
course.multiple_access_url_show_shared_course_marker | Shows a marker if the course was shared in other portals. |
course.course_category_code_to_use_as_model | All courses with category MY_CATEGORY will be used as course templates |
course.enable_unsubscribe_button_on_my_course_page | Show unsubscribe buttons on page "My courses" |
course.course_creation_donate_message_show | Show a donation suggestion message on the course creation page |
course.course_creation_donate_link | Show a donation suggestion message on the course creation page |
course.courses_list_session_title_link | Manage the links to Session Index page: 1 = Default. Works as it is now (default is to link to the special session page), 0 = No link (hide session title), 2 = Link to the course if there is only one course, 3 = Session link will make course list foldable, 4 = No link (only session title) |
course.hide_course_rating | Hide rating elements in pages ("Courses catalog" & "Most Popular courses") |
course.course_log_hide_columns | Course log - Default columns to hide |
course.course_student_info | Show student progress in My courses page |
course.course_catalog_settings | Course catalog links behaviour. |
course.resource_sequence_show_dependency_in_course_intro | Allows to show the sequence graphic in the course intro |
course.block_registered_users_access_to_open_course_contents | Security: block direct access from logged in users to contents in OPEN (but not public) courses. Set to true to block |
course.course_catalog_display_in_home | Display the course catalog in home page |
course.course_creation_form_set_course_category_mandatory | Configuration setting to make required course category in course creation form. |
course.course_creation_form_hide_course_code | Configuration setting to disable course code field in course creation form. |
course.course_about_teacher_name_hide | Option to hide the teachers info on courses about info page. |
course.course_visibility_change_only_admin | Disable the possibility for teachers to edit course visibility |
course.catalog_hide_public_link | Hides the link to the course catalog in the menu when the catalog is public. |
course.course_log_default_extra_fields | Course log - User extra fields to show as columns for default |
course.show_courses_in_catalogue | Only courses with this option will be visible in catalogue |
course.courses_catalogue_show_only_category | Allows defining one or several categories of courses that will be visible in the course catalog |
course.course_creation_by_teacher_extra_fields_to_show | Course extra fields to be presented on main/create_course/add_course.php |
course.course_creation_form_set_extra_fields_mandatory | Configuration setting to make some extra field required in course creation form. |
course.course_configuration_tool_extra_fields_to_show_and_edit | Course extra fields to be presented on course settings |
course.course_creation_user_course_extra_field_relation_to_prefill | Relation to prefill course extra field with user extra field on course creacion on main/create_course/add_course.php and main/admin/course_add.php |
Category: Language
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
language.show_language_selector_in_menu | Show language selector in main menu an update the language in the user's profile. |
language.language_flags_by_country | Show languages flags by country in the language switcher. |
language.allow_course_multiple_languages | Allow multiple languages to a course |
language.template_activate_language_filter | Enable filter by language for system and courses templates |
Category: Platform
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
platform.table_row_list | Changes the row list when using jqgrid/sortable tables |
platform.video_features | Enable speed controller in video player |
platform.proxy_settings | Proxy settings for access external services |
platform.theme_fallback | If the database is down this css style will be used to show the errors. |
platform.packager | Chamilo is installed/downloaded. Packagers can change this to reflect their packaging method. The default value is 'chamilo' |
platform.sync_db_with_schema | Allows syncing the database with the current entity schema |
platform.hide_main_navigation_menu | Hide main navigation menu (left column in userportal) |
platform.pdf_img_dpi | PDF image dpi value. Default value 96 |
platform.tracking_skip_generic_data | If the MySpace page takes too long to load, you might want to remove the processing of generic statistics for the user. In this case set the following to true. |
platform.hide_complete_name_in_whoisonline | Hide complete name in who is online page |
platform.table_default_row | Default selected row in jqgrid/sortable tables |
platform.allow_double_validation_in_registration | Allow double validation in registration page |
platform.block_my_progress_page | Block access to any user to "my progress" page |
platform.generate_random_login | Generate random login when importing users |
platform.timepicker_increment | Allows to add increment in minutes to the date range component timepicker, example: 5,10,30 minutes |
platform.allow_portfolio_tool | Save some tool titles with HTML editor |
platform.session_stored_in_db_as_backup | This requires memcache or memcached and the php5-memcache module to be setup |
platform.memcache_server | Define the different memcache servers available |
platform.session_stored_after_n_times | Define the frequency to which the data must be stored in the database |
platform.default_template | The default template that will be use in the system. |
platform.aspell_bin | Aspell Settings |
platform.aspell_opts | Aspell Settings |
platform.aspell_temp_dir | Aspell Settings |
platform.webservice_return_user_field | Ask REST webservices (v2.php) to return another identifier for fields related to user ID. |
platform.multiple_url_hide_disabled_settings | Set to true to hide settings completely in a sub-URL if the setting is disabled |
platform.login_max_attempt_before_blocking_account | Block a user account if there are multiple failed login attempts |
platform.force_renew_password_at_first_login | Ask user to renew password at first login. |
platform.hide_breadcrumb_if_not_allowed | If the user is blocked with not allowed (red message), then the breadcrumb is hidden. |
platform.extldap_config | Overwrites the app/config/auth.conf.php settings |
platform.update_student_expiration_x_date | Update user expiration in x days or months when login the first time |
platform.user_status_show_options_enabled | Enables to define which user status to show when option is true from 'user_status_show_option' |
platform.user_status_show_option | The user status is hidden when is false |
platform.user_number_of_days_for_default_expiration_date_per_role | Set the default expiration date when a user is created by role and days |
platform.user_edition_extra_field_to_check | User extra fields to be check on user edition to generate a specific process if it was modified |
platform.user_hide_never_expire_option | Hides the option "Never expire" for expiration date in add/edit user page |
platform.platform_logo_url | Replace the Chamilo logo URL. |
platform.use_career_external_id_as_identifier_in_diagrams | Allows the use of the external id instead of the internal id. |
platform.disable_webservices | Disable webservices. |
platform.webservice_enable_adminonly_api | Disable webservices. |
platform.plugin_settings | Disables the following BBB plugin settings in the plugin form and use them in priority. |
platform.allow_working_time_edition | Allow add/remove working time in reporting page |
platform.ticket_project_user_roles | Allow ticket projects to be access by specific chamilo roles |
platform.disable_user_conditions_sender_id | Sets the sender id when using the script tests/scripts/disable_user_conditions.php |
platform.portfolio_advanced_sharing | Allow advanced selection of who can view the posts and comments |
Category: Profile
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
profile.linkedin_organization_id | Set the LinkedIn organization id BT#17468 |
profile.career_diagram_disclaimer | If true then a variable will be called get_lang('CareerDiagramDisclaimer') and printed below a diagram |
profile.career_diagram_legend | Add a career legend below the diagram, a variable will be called get_lang('CareerDiagramLegend') and printed below a diagram |
profile.allow_career_diagram | Allow career diagram |
profile.hide_username_with_complete_name | Hide the username when showing the complete name for a user |
profile.disable_change_user_visibility_for_public_courses | Disable change user visibility tool icon |
profile.my_space_users_items_per_page | Default items per page in main/mySpace/users.php |
profile.add_user_course_information_in_mailto | Add subject and body in the mailto: footer |
profile.pass_reminder_custom_link | Use this link as the "Forgot password?" link instead of the default. This setting should be transformed into a hook for plugins at a later time |
profile.registration_add_helptext_for_2_names | Add help text to put 2 names in registration form |
profile.disable_gdpr | GDPR: European's General Data Protection Rules activation option. Set to true to disable the new personal data page inside the social network menu |
profile.data_protection_officer_name | Name of the person or organization that is responsible for the treatment of personal info |
profile.data_protection_officer_role | A description of the role of the DP Officer in this context |
profile.data_protection_officer_email | An e-mail address where to contact the data protection officer for queries |
profile.hide_user_field_from_list | Hide fields in the main/user/user.php page |
profile.allow_fields_inscription | Only shows the fields in this list |
profile.send_notification_when_user_added | Send email notification to admin when a user is created |
profile.show_conditions_to_user | Show multiple conditions to user during sign up process |
profile.allow_teachers_to_classes | Teachers can CRUD classes |
profile.profile_fields_visibility | Fields visibility in the profile user page |
profile.user_import_settings | This option sets default parameters in the main/admin/user_import.php |
profile.user_search_on_extra_fields | Search user by extra field in the user list |
profile.allow_career_users | |
profile.required_extra_fields_in_inscription | Set extra fields as required in the inscription.php page |
profile.community_managers_user_list | Community manager users |
profile.allow_social_map_fields | Allow to show users in a map, users need to have a coordinates extra field BT#15176 |
Category: Admin
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
admin.user_status_option_only_for_admin_enabled | Enables to hide user status when option is true visible only for admins |
admin.show_link_request_hrm_user | Allow show link to request relation between HRM and user |
admin.max_anonymous_users | Allow multiple anon users see BT#13324 |
admin.send_inscription_notification_to_general_admin_only | Send new user inscription notification only to general admins (table settings_current = emailAdministrator) |
admin.plugin_redirection_enabled | If you install plugin redirection you need to change to true |
admin.drh_allow_access_to_all_students | Allow DRH user to access all students from reporting |
admin.usergroup_do_not_unsubscribe_users_from_course_nor_session_on_user_unsubscribe | Do not unsubscribe users from session nor course when users are unsubscribe to class |
admin.usergroup_do_not_unsubscribe_users_from_course_on_course_unsubscribe | Do not unsubscribe users from course when courses are unsubscribe to class |
admin.usergroup_do_not_unsubscribe_users_from_session_on_session_unsubscribe | Do not unsubscribe users from session when sessions are unsubscribe to class |
Category: Agenda
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
agenda.personal_agenda_show_all_session_events | Show all agenda events in personal agenda from all session no matter the visibility |
agenda.allow_agenda_edit_for_hrm | Allow edit/delete agenda events for HRM users |
agenda.agenda_legend | Shows a legend in the agenda tool |
agenda.agenda_colors | Set customs colors to agenda events |
agenda.agenda_on_hover_info | Customize on hover agenda view. Show agenda comment and/or description |
agenda.personal_calendar_show_sessions_occupation | Display sessions ocuppations in personal agenda |
agenda.agenda_collective_invitations | It allows to send invitations to friends for an agenda event |
agenda.agenda_event_subscriptions | It allows to other users to subscribe for events |
agenda.agenda_reminders | Enable reminders for agenda events |
agenda.agenda_reminders_sender_id | Sets the sender ID when using the cron main/cron/agenda_reminders.php to send reminders in course events |
agenda.fullcalendar_settings | Extra settings for the agenda (FullCalendar v3) |
Category: Learnpath
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
lp.add_all_files_in_lp_export | When exporting a LP, all files and folders in the same path of an html will be exported too |
lp.show_prerequisite_as_blocked | Show blocked LPs by prerequisite to students |
lp.hide_lp_time | Hide LP time in reports |
lp.lp_category_accordion | Show view accordion lp_category |
lp.lp_view_accordion | Show view accordion lp_item_view |
lp.disable_js_in_lp_view | Disable jquery, jquery-ui libs added in the learning path view |
lp.allow_teachers_to_access_blocked_lp_by_prerequisite | Allow teachers, drhs and admins to access blocked LP's because a prerequisite |
lp.allow_lp_chamilo_export | Allow LP export to chamilo format (CourseBackup) |
lp.hide_accessibility_label_on_lp_item | Hide LP item prerequisite label in the LP view |
lp.lp_minimum_time | Add a minimum time limit to be in the learning path in order to get the last item completed |
lp.validate_lp_prerequisite_from_other_session | Allow user to enter a LP item if it was validated in another session |
lp.show_hidden_exercise_added_to_lp | Show hidden exercises that were added to a LP in the exercise list |
lp.lp_menu_location | LP view menu location. Options: "left" or "right" |
lp.lp_score_as_progress_enable | Enable learning paths with only one SCO item to use the score returned by the SCO as an indicator of progress of the whole learning path. Before enabling, make sure you added an LP extra field of type int, called use_score_as_progress |
lp.lp_prevents_beforeunload | Allows prevent to the user before leaving a learning path |
lp.disable_my_lps_page | Disables access to the main/lp/my_list.php page |
lp.scorm_api_username_as_student_id | In Scorm comunication use the username instead of the user_id |
lp.scorm_api_extrafield_to_use_as_student_id | In Scorm comunication use a specific extra field instead of the user_id |
lp.allow_import_scorm_package_in_course_builder | Allow SCORM packages when importing a course |
lp.allow_htaccess_import_from_scorm | Allow .htaccess files in SCORM packages |
lp.allow_session_lp_category | Allow LP category in sessions |
lp.ticket_lp_quiz_info_add | Allow additional data (exercise and learningpath) in the ticket |
lp.lp_subscription_settings | Allow or block user subscriptions to a lp/lp category |
lp.lp_view_settings | LP view custom settings |
lp.download_files_after_all_lp_finished | Show download files button after finishing all LP. Example: ABC is the course code, and 1 and 100 are the doc id |
lp.allow_lp_subscription_to_usergroups | Allow add usergroups to a LP BT#17854 |
lp.lp_fixed_encoding | Boost option to ignore encoding check for learning paths |
lp.lp_prerequisite_use_last_attempt_only | Check the prerequisite in lp of a quiz to use only the last score in the attempts |
lp.show_invisible_exercise_in_lp_list | Show invisible exercise in LP list |
lp.force_edit_exercise_in_lp | If true exercises added in LP can be modified |
lp.student_follow_page_add_LP_subscription_info | Add column "Unlocked" in student LPs table to display info about a lp subscription |
lp.lp_show_max_progress_instead_of_average | Show the best progress instead of averages in reporting of learnpaths |
lp.lp_show_max_progress_or_average_enable_course_level_redefinition | Enable redefinition of the setting to show the best progress instead of averages in reporting of learnpaths at a course level |
lp.lp_allow_export_to_students | Allow export learning paths to students |
lp.show_invisible_lp_in_course_home | Show invisible LP in the course home for students. BT#17744 |
lp.lp_start_and_end_date_visible_in_student_view | Show start/end date in LP list for students |
lp.scorm_lms_update_sco_status_all_time | LMS will try to update SCO status every time the status is not sent by the SCO |
lp.scorm_upload_from_cache | Enable upload of large SCORM files from FTP by uploading them to app/cache/ and showing them in the SCORM upload form |
lp.lp_prerequisit_on_quiz_unblock_if_max_attempt_reached | Allow learnpath prerequisite on quiz to unblock if maximum attempt is reached |
lp.student_follow_page_hide_lp_tests_average | Hides the icon of percentage in "Average of tests in Learning Paths" indication on a student tracking |
lp.student_follow_page_add_LP_acquisition_info | Add column "Acquisition" in student LPs table to display info about a lo adquisition |
lp.student_follow_page_add_LP_invisible_checkbox | Prepend a column in student LPs table to display a checkbox to select the LP category and its LPs |
lp.student_follow_page_include_not_subscribed_lp_students | |
lp.my_progress_course_tools_order | Show the LP not marked as invisible by teacher in tracking page |
lp.lp_enable_flow | Add navigation to the next or previous lp without going to the list |
lp.lp_item_prerequisite_dates | It adds option to define prerequisites with start and end dates for learnpath items |
Category: Gradebook
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
gradebook.gradebook_enable_best_score | Enable best score column in gradebook. Previously called disable_gradebook_stats |
gradebook.gradebook_hide_graph | Hide gradebook graph. |
gradebook.gradebook_hide_pdf_report_button | Hide gradebook "download report in PDF" button |
gradebook.hide_gradebook_percentage_user_result | Hide percentage in best/average gradebook results |
gradebook.gradebook_use_exercise_score_settings_in_categories | |
gradebook.gradebook_use_apcu_cache | Use exercise platform score settings in the gradebook graph |
gradebook.gradebook_report_score_style | Add gradebook score style configuration in the flat view |
gradebook.gradebook_score_display_custom_standalone | Allow show the score display custom (when it is enabled) in a standalone column in gradebook |
gradebook.gradebook_use_exercise_score_settings_in_total | Use exercise score in platform settings in gradebook total rows/columns. |
gradebook.gradebook_dependency | Additional gradebook dependencies BT#13099 |
gradebook.gradebook_dependency_mandatory_courses | Courses id list to check in the gradebook sidebar see BT#13099 |
gradebook.gradebook_badge_sidebar | Gradebook id list needed to build the gradebook sidebar see BT#13099 |
gradebook.gradebook_multiple_evaluation_attempts | Allow multiple attempts in gradebook evaluations |
gradebook.allow_gradebook_stats | Allow gradebook stats |
gradebook.gradebook_flatview_extrafields_columns | Allow add one column by each user extra field indicated to the Gradebook Flatview for each user. |
gradebook.gradebook_pdf_export_settings | Gradebook student pdf export settings |
gradebook.allow_gradebook_comments | Allow gradebook_comment |
gradebook.gradebook_display_extra_stats | Enable specific columns in gradebook table. |
gradebook.gradebook_hide_table | Hide gradebook table for student |
gradebook.gradebook_hide_link_to_item_for_student | Disable links in gradebook view for students |
gradebook.gradebook_enable_subcategory_skills_independant_assignement | Enable skills in subcategory to work independant on assignement |
Category: Exercise
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
exercise.block_quiz_mail_notification_general_coach | Send only quiz answer notifications to course coaches and not general coach |
exercise.allow_quiz_question_feedback | Show question feedback (requires DB change: "ALTER TABLE c_quiz_question ADD COLUMN feedback text;") |
exercise.allow_quiz_show_previous_button_setting | Add option in exercise to show or hide the "previous" button. |
exercise.allow_teacher_comment_audio | Allow to teachers review exercises question with audio notes |
exercise.quiz_prevent_copy_paste | Block copy/paste/save/print keys and right-clicks in exercises |
exercise.quiz_show_description_on_results_page | Always show the test description on the results page of the test |
exercise.quiz_generate_certificate_ending | The quiz needs to be linked to a gradebook category and have set the pass percentage |
exercise.quiz_open_question_decimal_score | Allow the teacher to rate the open, oral expression and annotation question types with a decimal score |
exercise.quiz_check_button_enable | Add answer-saving procedure check before starting the quiz |
exercise.allow_notification_setting_per_exercise | Allow send email notification per exercise |
exercise.hide_free_question_score | Hide free/oral/annotation question result see BT#12613 |
exercise.hide_user_info_in_quiz_result | Hide user information in the quiz result's page |
exercise.exercise_attempts_report_show_username | Show the username field in exercise results report |
exercise.allow_exercise_auto_launch | Allow exercise auto launch |
exercise.disable_clean_exercise_results_for_teachers | Disable clean results for teachers |
exercise.show_exercise_question_certainty_ribbon_result | Show certainty degree question result in Exercises |
exercise.quiz_results_answers_report | Show a link on the results page to download an answers report |
exercise.send_score_in_exam_notification_mail_to_manager | Send exercise student score to manager in email notification |
exercise.show_exercise_expected_choice | Show more expected choice and status in exercise results BT#13950 |
exercise.exercise_hide_label | Hide exercise question label (ribbon) BT#13950 |
exercise.exercise_category_round_score_in_export | Round score in exercise category export |
exercise.exercises_disable_new_attempts | Disable all new exercise attempts in all the platform |
exercise.show_question_id | Show chamilo unique question id in exercises |
exercise.show_question_pagination | Show pagination if question list is bigger than "x" value, if 0 pagination will not appear |
exercise.question_pagination_length | Number of questions to show in every page |
exercise.limit_exercise_teacher_access | Teachers cannot delete an exercise/questions, change exercise visibility, download to qti, clean results |
exercise.block_category_questions | Block question categories BT#17789 |
exercise.exercise_score_format | Exercise score format 1 = SCORE_AVERAGE (5 / 10), 2 = SCORE_PERCENT (50%), 3 = SCORE_DIV_PERCENT (5 / 10 (50%)) |
exercise.exercise_additional_teacher_modify_actions | Allow add additional actions (as links) in exercises list for teachers. |
exercise.quiz_confirm_saved_answers | Add a checkbox to allow to user confirm the number of answers saved in quiz attempt |
exercise.allow_exercise_categories | Allow exercise categories |
exercise.allow_quiz_results_page_config | Allow extra settings for the quiz results page |
exercise.quiz_image_zoom | Zoom in description images quiz |
exercise.quiz_answer_extra_recording | This is an experimental feature, known to create issues in the exercise_report.php page when wanting to grade an attempt |
exercise.allow_mandatory_question_in_category | Make questions mandatory selectable when using question select type = 5 (category-random) |
exercise.add_exercise_best_attempt_in_report | Shows the best exercise score attempt for a student in the reports |
exercise.exercise_category_report_user_extra_fields | Add user extra fields in report: main/mySpace/exercise_category_report.php |
exercise.score_grade_model | Score model |
exercise.allow_time_per_question | Allow time per question. BT#17791 |
exercise.my_courses_show_pending_exercise_attempts | Show exercise report from all courses in a new page: exercise/pending.php |
exercise.allow_quick_question_description_popup | Allows a quick question description edition with a selected image from a popup |
exercise.exercise_hide_ip | Hide IP in exercises reports |
exercise.tracking_my_progress_show_deleted_exercises | Shows the deleted quizzes in my progress page |
exercise.show_exercise_attempts_in_all_user_sessions | Shows exercise attempts in sessions where user is general coach |
exercise.show_exercise_session_attempts_in_base_course | Shows exercise session attempts in the base course |
exercise.quiz_check_all_answers_before_end_test | Shows a popup with the list of answered/unanswered questions before sending a test |
exercise.quiz_discard_orphan_in_course_export | Discard orphan questions from course copies/backups |
exercise.exercise_result_end_text_html_strict_filtering | Allows to do a remove_XSS in exersice result end text with user status COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY |
exercise.question_exercise_html_strict_filtering | Allows to do a remove_XSS in question of exersice with user status COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY |
exercise.quiz_question_delete_automatically_when_deleting_exercise | Delete automatically the questions when a quiz is deleted. If questions are reused between courses only deletes the non-reused questions or reused questions where the quiz has the lowest iid value from c_quiz_rel_question |
exercise.quiz_question_allow_inter_course_linking | Allow reuse of questions between courses |
exercise.quiz_hide_attempts_table_on_start_page | Allows you to show or hide the attempts table of an exercise on start page |
exercise.quiz_hide_question_number | Allows you to show or hide the number of the question in the exercises |
exercise.quiz_keep_alive_ping_interval | Define how many seconds an AJAX request should be started to avoid loss of connection |
Category: Glossary
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
glossary.default_glossary_view | Default glossary view "table" or "list" |
glossary.allow_remove_tags_in_glossary_export | Remove html tags when exporting glossary definitions in a CSV file |
Category: Forum
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
forum.global_forums_course_id | global forum in social network BT#15309 |
forum.hide_forum_post_revision_language | Hide forum post revision checkbox |
forum.allow_forum_post_revisions | Allow forum post revisions. Requires new forum_category and forum_post "language" extra fields (multiple select) |
forum.forum_fold_categories | Visually "fold" forum categories by default |
forum.allow_forum_category_language_filter | Allow forum category filter on language. Requires new forum_category "language" extra fields (multiple select) |
forum.subscribe_users_to_forum_notifications_also_in_base_course | Allows to subscribe to notification of forums of the base course for users subscribed in a session. Only works if subscribe_users_to_forum_notifications is set to true in the course's settings |
Category: Message
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
message.private_messages_about_user | Allow exchange of messages from teachers/bosses about a user |
message.private_messages_about_user_visible_to_user | Allow the messages to be visible for the students |
message.social_enable_messages_feedback | Allows to user add feedback (likes or dislikes) to posts in social wall |
message.disable_dislike_option | Disable dislike button in the social network. |
message.enable_message_tags | For a student: Shows only the list of teachers from my courses in the Chamilo inbox. |
message.allow_user_message_tracking | Allow administrators to see personal messages between a teacher and a student. Please make sure you include a note in your terms and conditions as this might affect privacy protection. |
message.filter_interactivity_messages | Filter messages between a teacher and a student between the session start end dates. Need 'allow_user_message_tracking' = true; |
Category: Display
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
display.hide_social_media_links | Hide social media links |
Category: Social
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
social.social_show_language_flag_in_profile | Show a language flag next to the user picture in the social network |
social.social_make_teachers_friend_all | Allow teachers and admins to see students as friends on social network |
Category: Editor
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
editor.save_titles_as_html | This option will not remove tags when presenting LP list so it might be a source of security vulnerability |
editor.full_ckeditor_toolbar_set | Show the full toolbar set to all CKEditor |
editor.ck_editor_block_image_copy_paste | Prevent the use of images copy-paste as base64 in the editor to avoid filling the database with images |
editor.translate_html | Translate HTML based in the HTML "lang" attribute see BT#15166 |
editor.editor_driver_list | List of driver to plugin in ckeditor |
editor.enable_uploadimage_editor | Enable image upload as file when doing a copy in the content or a drag and drop |
editor.editor_settings | Ckeditor settings |
editor.video_context_menu_hidden | Hide the context menu on video player |
editor.video_player_renderers | Enable player renderers for YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, DailyMotion, Twitch medias |
Category: Chat
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
chat.hide_username_in_course_chat | Hide the username in course chat |
chat.hide_chat_video | Hide global chat video |
chat.course_chat_restrict_to_coach | Restrict course chat only for course coach in sessions. Course coaches will can chat with students only. And students will can chat with all course coaches |
Category: Survey
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
survey.allow_required_survey_questions | Allow required survey questions. Applies to yesno/multiplechoice question type |
survey.hide_survey_reporting_button | Hide Survey Reporting button |
survey.allow_survey_availability_datetime | Allows to set the date and time of availability for surveys |
survey.survey_mark_question_as_required | Mark the "Required" field during question creation process when displaying the form |
survey.survey_anonymous_show_answered | Allow show answers in anonymous surveys |
survey.survey_question_dependency | Survey |
survey.survey_allow_answered_question_edit | Allows teachers to edit survey questions after students have answered them |
survey.survey_duplicate_order_by_name | Survey duplicate: Order survey questions by student name |
survey.survey_backwards_enable | Enable a "Previous question" button in surveys |
survey.allow_mandatory_survey | Add support to mandatory surveys. The user will not be able to enter to the course until fill the mandatory surveys |
survey.hide_survey_edition | Hide survey edition tools for all or some surveys. Set an asterisk to hide for all, otherwise set an array with the survey codes in which the options will be blocked |
survey.survey_additional_teacher_modify_actions | Allow add additional actions (as links) in survey list for teachers. e.g. ['myplugin' => ['MyPlugin', 'urlGeneratorCallback']] |
survey.allow_survey_tool_in_lp | Allow survey tool in learnpath |
survey.show_surveys_base_in_sessions | Show surveys from main course in all course sessions |
Category: Document
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
document.send_notification_when_document_added | Send email notification to course members when document is added BT#13964 |
document.thematic_pdf_orientation | Allow change the orientation when export a (course progress) thematic to pdf. Portrait or landscape |
document.certificate_pdf_orientation | Certification pdf export orientation |
document.allow_general_certificate | Allow general certificate |
document.group_document_access | Allow sharing options for the documents inside a group |
document.group_category_document_access | Allow sharing options for the documents inside a group category |
document.allow_compilatio_tool | Allow compilatio plagiarism prevention tool |
document.compilatio_tool | Allow compilatio plagiarism prevention tool |
document.documents_hide_download_icon | It adds option to define if a document can be downloaded or not. Create a document extra field with field label "can_be_downloaded" of type "Checkbox options". |
document.enable_x_sendfile_headers | Enable X-Sendfile headers on forced download files going through document/download.php |
document.documents_custom_cloud_link_list | Custom cloud link URLS, this requires enable_add_file_link = true |
Category: Announcement
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
announcement.disable_delete_all_announcements | Disable delete all announcements button |
announcement.admin_chamilo_announcements_disable | Disable Chamilo.org announcements at the top of the admin page |
announcement.disable_announcement_attachment | Disable fields to add an attachment when creating and announcement |
announcement.allow_scheduled_announcements | Uncomment and set the following setting to true before moving on |
announcement.hide_announcement_sent_to_users_info | Hide announcement "sent to" label |
announcement.send_all_emails_to | Configure a cron task pointing at main/cron/scheduled_announcement.php |
announcement.allow_careers_in_global_announcements | Allow career/promotions in global announcements |
announcement.announcements_hide_send_to_hrm_users | Hide send to hrm users options in announcements |
announcement.allow_coach_to_edit_announcements | Allow coach users to always edit announcements inside active/past sessions |
announcement.course_announcement_scheduled_by_date | Show option to set course announcement date. Allow sending notifications at a specific date |
Category: Skill
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
skill.allow_private_skills | Skills can only be visible for admins, teachers (related to a user via a course), and HRM users (if related to a user) |
skill.allow_teacher_access_student_skills | Allow teachers to access student skills BT#14161 (skills setting must be enabled in the platform) |
skill.skills_teachers_can_assign_skills | Allow teachers to decide which skills are assigned through their courses |
skill.hide_skill_levels | Hide skill levels options |
skill.table_of_hierarchical_skill_presentation | Show skills as a hierarchical table |
skill.skill_levels_names | Set skill levels name, then later it will be parsed using get_lang BT#13586 |
skill.allow_skill_rel_items | Allow connect skills with course tools (exercises, forum threads, works, etc) |
Category: Mail
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
mail.update_users_email_to_dummy_except_admins | During CSV special imports update users emails to [email protected] |
mail.hosting_total_size_limit | Portal size limit in MB (set to 1024 for 1GB, 5120 for 5GB, etc). Check main/cron/hosting_total_size_limit.php for how to use this limit. |
mail.mail_header_style | Mail header extra HTML attributes |
mail.mail_content_style | Mail body extra HTML attributes |
mail.allow_email_editor_for_anonymous | Allow anon users to send emails to the platform admin |
mail.messages_hide_mail_content | Hide email content forcing using to click in a link to visit the portal to check the message |
mail.send_inscription_msg_to_inbox | Send welcome message by email and to the chamilo inbox BT#14034 |
mail.send_two_inscription_confirmation_mail | Send two emails when creating a user. One with the username other with the password |
mail.show_user_email_in_notification | Show sender's email when receiving email notifications |
mail.send_notification_score_in_percentage | Send score in percentage in the exam result notification |
mail.mail_template_system | Enable system to manage e-mail templates in users registration forms |
mail.cron_notification_mails | E-mail accounts to send notifications to when executing cronjobs - works for main/cron/import_csv.php |
mail.cron_notification_help_desk | Help desk emails that will recieve email notifications in import_csv.php |
mail.notifications_extended_footer_message | Add a custom extra footer for notificacions emails for a specific language, for example for privacy policy notices. Multiple languages and paragraphs can be added |
Category: Student publication
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
work.block_student_publication_edition | Block student publication edition BT#14985 |
work.block_student_publication_add_documents | Block student publication add documents BT#14986 |
work.block_student_publication_score_edition | Block teacher to modify a work score edition BT#14987 |
work.allow_only_one_student_publication_per_user | Students can only upload one publication |
work.allow_my_student_publication_page | Allow my student publications page |
work.assignment_prevent_duplicate_upload | Prevents the duplicate upload in assignments |
work.considered_working_time | Set ConsideredWorkingTime work extra field variable to show in MyStudents page works report (with internal id 'work_time' as below) and enable the following line to show in MyStudents page works report |
work.force_download_doc_before_upload_work | Student publication: force to download document before upload an assignment |
work.allow_redirect_to_main_page_after_work_upload | Redirect to home tool after uploading a student publication or a adding a comment |
work.my_courses_show_pending_work | Show a link to the work/pending.php page in my courses (user_portal) |
Category: Wiki
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
wiki.wiki_categories_enabled | Enable categories in Wiki tool |
wiki.wiki_html_strict_filtering | Allows to do a remove_XSS in wiki pages with user status COURSEMANAGERLOWSECURITY |
Category: Certificate
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
certificate.hide_my_certificate_link | Hide certificate link in index/userportal pages |
certificate.add_certificate_pdf_footer | Add certificate footer. Add your template main/template/default/export/pdf_certificate_footer.tpl |
Category: Attendance
Setting in the database v2 | Description |
attendance.enable_sign_attendance_sheet | Enable signature in attendance sheet for users |
attendance.attendance_calendar_set_duration | Option to define duration for a calendar in attendance sheet. Create an attendance calendar extra field with field label "duration" of type "text". |
attendance.attendance_allow_comments | Enable comments in attendance sheet for users |
- Tools and sessions
- Quiz: Importing
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