Bugs? Squashed (along with a few nice lil’ features).
Community-Driven Development?! Yep, the majority of the changes in this release were done by the community. Thank you all for your contributions that made this release possible.
Progress: custom chars
You can now customize the filled and empty characters of the progress bar.
p := progress.New(progress.WithFillCharacters('>', '.'))
Table improvements
Help is on the way
Table now includes a short and full help view so it's easier than ever to tell your users how to interact with the table.
// Render a table with its help.
t := table.New()
view := t.View() + "\n" + t.HelpView()

Accessing columns
You can also now get the table's columns (this already existed for rows).
package table
// Columns returns the current columns.
func (m Model) Columns() []Column
List: page navigation is fixed!
Previously, list.NextPage()
and list.PrevPage()
didn't work because the methods did not have pointer receivers. We've fixed this…by making them pointer receivers!
package progress
// NextPage moves to the next page, if available.
func (m *Model) NextPage()
// PrevPage moves to the previous page, if available.
func (m *Model) PrevPage()
What’s Changed
- Textarea: Improve setting width by @mikelorant in #496
- Textinput: fix out of range panic if no matched suggestions by @rdnt in #473
- List: Fix no-op list pagination functions by @nekopy in #458
- Table: Clarify position constant in JoinHorizontal by @aditipatelpro in #577
- Progress: make full/empty fill characters configurable by @rwinkhart in #409
- Dependencies: switch to x/ansi for text manipulation by @aymanbagabas in #505
- Textarea: add help to textarea key bindings by @TravisYeah in #418
- Textarea: Add multiline placeholder by @mikelorant in #302
- Table: Add column return function by @abeleinin in #369
- Table: Implement help.Keymap interface and add quit mapping by @prgres in #440
- Ctrl+Left/Right for WordForward/Backward by @maaslalani in #387
- Use goreleaser for releases by @aymanbagabas in #526
- Table: Render Row Tests by @maaslalani in #487
- Table: Only render columns with a positive width by @fabio42 in #465
- Table: Fix inheritence of SelectedStyle in StyleFunc by @gabrielfu in #539
- Table: Don't include header height in the total table size by @prgres in #434
- Table: Fix premature viewport scroll by @dzeleniak in #429
- Textarea: Fix end of buffer character by @mikelorant in #491
- Textarea: Set textarea default EndOfBufferCharacter to ' ' by @blvrd in #510
- Textarea: End of Buffer alignment by @maaslalani in #486
- Textinput: don't block input on validation by @GabrielNagy in #185
- Viewport: Fix division by zero in scrollpercentage by @zMoooooritz in #494
- Help: Fix centering by @gabe565 in #516
- Progress: Stop spring defaults from overriding WithStringOptions by @nervo in #540
- Cursor: Make SetMode method in cursor library handle invalid mode values correctly by @anirudhaCodes in #477
Test coverage ✅
- Add tests for textarea view by @mikelorant in #485
- Add tests for paginator by @anirudhaCodes in #480
- Add tests for textInput Tests by @KevM in #500
- Improve textarea tests by @mikelorant in #490
New Contributors
- @rdnt made their first contribution in #473
- @rwinkhart made their first contribution in #409
- @mikelorant made their first contribution in #485
- @anirudhaCodes made their first contribution in #480
- @nekopy made their first contribution in #458
- @TravisYeah made their first contribution in #418
- @abeleinin made their first contribution in #369
- @fabio42 made their first contribution in #465
- @prgres made their first contribution in #440
- @zMoooooritz made their first contribution in #494
- @dzeleniak made their first contribution in #429
- @KevM made their first contribution in #500
- @gabe565 made their first contribution in #516
- @blvrd made their first contribution in #510
- @nervo made their first contribution in #540
- @gabrielfu made their first contribution in #539
- @aditipatelpro made their first contribution in #577
Full Changelog: v0.18.0...v0.19.0
Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.