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Releases: charmbracelet/sequin


27 Jan 18:16
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Bug fixes

Dependency updates

Verifying the artifacts

First, download the checksums.txt file, for example, with wget:

wget ''

Then, verify it using cosign:

cosign verify-blob \
  --certificate-identity '' \
  --certificate-oidc-issuer '' \
  --cert '' \
  --signature '' \

If the output is Verified OK, you can safely use it to verify the checksums of other artifacts you downloaded from the release using sha256sum:

sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt

Done! You artifacts are now verified!

The Charm logo

Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


09 Dec 18:59
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\x1b[5mHi, v0.3.0!\x1b[0m

This release improves how colors are handled in SGR sequences, and adds support for PM and SOS sequences. Both features contributed by the amazing @mkotowski! Thank you!


New Features

Bug fixes

Dependency updates

Verifying the artifacts

First, download the checksums.txt file, for example, with wget:

wget ''

Then, verify it using cosign:

cosign verify-blob \
  --certificate-identity '' \
  --certificate-oidc-issuer '' \
  --cert '' \
  --signature '' \

If the output is Verified OK, you can safely use it to verify the checksums of other artifacts you downloaded from the release using sha256sum:

sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt

Done! You artifacts are now verified!

The Charm logo

Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


25 Nov 19:16
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\x1b]2;Hello, v0.2.0

We hope you’re enjoying sequin! This release contains a couple new features and a handful of little fixes. Is there something you want to see in Sequin? Let us know.

Execute from sequin

You can now execute programs directly inside sequin instead of piping their output:

sequin -- ls --color=always -1

ANSI theme

Want sequin to match your well-considered terminal colorscheme? We gotchu: just set SEQUIN_THEME to ansi in your environment:

export SEQUIN_THEME="ansi"


OSC 7 is a cool sequence for querying for a terminal's working directory. Thanks to @rzhw, Sequin now recognizes this. Thanks, Richard!




Full changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0

Verifying the artifacts

First, download the checksums.txt file, for example, with wget:

wget ''

Then, verify it using cosign:

cosign verify-blob \
  --certificate-identity '' \
  --certificate-oidc-issuer '' \
  --cert '' \
  --signature '' \

If the output is Verified OK, you can safely use it to verify the checksums of other artifacts you downloaded from the release using sha256sum:

sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt

Done! You artifacts are now verified!

The Charm logo

Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


18 Nov 20:16
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\x1b[1mHello again\x1b[0m

This is a symbolic release necessary for kicking off a few extra processes in CI. Enjoy Sequin and let us know what you think!

Verifying the artifacts

First, download the checksums.txt file, for example, with wget:

wget ''

Then, verify it using cosign:

cosign verify-blob \
  --certificate-identity '' \
  --certificate-oidc-issuer '' \
  --cert '' \
  --signature '' \

If the output is Verified OK, you can safely use it to verify the checksums of other artifacts you downloaded from the release using sha256sum:

sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt

Done! You artifacts are now verified!

The Charm logo

Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.


18 Nov 19:55
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Hello, \x1b[1mWorld

This is the first release. Let us know what you think!

Verifying the artifacts

First, download the checksums.txt file, for example, with wget:

wget ''

Then, verify it using cosign:

cosign verify-blob \
  --certificate-identity '' \
  --certificate-oidc-issuer '' \
  --cert '' \
  --signature '' \

If the output is Verified OK, you can safely use it to verify the checksums of other artifacts you downloaded from the release using sha256sum:

sha256sum --ignore-missing -c checksums.txt

Done! You artifacts are now verified!

The Charm logo

Thoughts? Questions? We love hearing from you. Feel free to reach out on Twitter, The Fediverse, or on Discord.