This app was created for Chingu Voyage 53. It provides a menu scheduling platform, enabling managers to create and share weekly meal plans with staff. The application ensures employees have clear visibility of the planned meals while accounting for allergies.
- Node.js
- npm
- Navigate to the
cd api
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the backend server:
npx netlify dev
- Navigate to the
cd client
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Start the frontend server:
npx vite
- jsonwebtoken
- mongoose
- Nodejs[Serverless],
- Completeley new created Database [mongodb, Mongodb Compass]
- API endpoints[ Netlify]
- react
- tailwind
- vite
- date-fns
- html2canvas
- Datepicker
- jspdf
- prop-types
- react-router-dom
- swiper
- Figma (design)
- Cloud storage for [Cloudinary]
- Edit tools [Photoshop]
- images source [free unsplash]