#FORK INFO This fork adds a vertical resource view to FullCalendar.
This document describes how to modify or contribute to the FullCalendar project. If you are looking for end-developer documentation, please visit the project homepage.
You will need Git, Node, and NPM installed. For clarification, please view the jQuery readme, which requires a similar setup.
Also, you will need to have the Grunt build system installed globally (-g
) on your system:
npm install -g grunt-cli
Then, clone FullCalendar's git repo:
git clone git://github.com/arshaw/fullcalendar.git
Enter the directory and install FullCalendar's development dependencies:
cd fullcalendar && npm install
After you make code changes, you'll want to compile the JS/CSS so that it can be previewed from the tests and demos. You can either manually rebuild each time you make a change:
grunt dev
Or, you can run a script that automatically rebuilds whenever you save a source file:
You can optionally add the --sourceMap
flag to output source maps for debugging.
When you are finished, run the following command to write the distributable files into the ./build/out/
and ./build/dist/
If you want to clean up the generated files, run:
grunt clean
When fixing a bug or writing a feature, please make a corresponding HTML file in the ./tests/
to visually demonstrate your work. If the test requires user intervention to prove its point, please write
instructions for the user to follow. Explore the existing tests for more info.