Releases: cloudwego/cwgo
Releases · cloudwego/cwgo
What's Changed
- fix: Unused package import when response type and request type are in different packages by @rogerogers in #194
- chore: add service name for hertz and remove kitex unused config by @rogerogers in #193
- feat: add job creation by @ViolaPioggia in #195
- fix: add type tag for gen by @Skyenought in #200
- fix: replace sonic to std json by @Skyenought in #204
- chore: update version v0.1.2 by @Skyenought in #208
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
release v0.1.1
What's Changed
- feat: add sql_dir parameter to DB configuration by @yuxialuozi in #181
- feat: support git clone template repo branch by @chaoranz758 in #182
- feat: add base mongo (#186) by @ZhuYZ21 in #186
- feat:a restful api template by @yuxialuozi in #191
- fix: mongo doc query conditions parse error by @chaoranz758 in #185
- fix(model): --tables option doesn't work when --only_model is false by @shanestevenlei in #187
- fix:change the parameter service to server_name by @yuxialuozi in #190
- chore: upgrade google protobuf by @rogerogers in #172
- chore: update dependency version and readme by @GuangmingLuo in #178
- chore: dependency upgrade for sonic by @CAMB-dev in #184
New Contributors
- @GuangmingLuo made their first contribution in #178
- @yuxialuozi made their first contribution in #181
- @CAMB-dev made their first contribution in #184
- @ZhuYZ21 made their first contribution in #186
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1
release v0.1.0
What's Changed
- fix: modify hertz template by @FGYFFFF in #22
- fix: module not specified outside gopath by @Duslia in #25
- fix: dynamic terminal module cannot bind by @Duslia in #28
- feat: add windows support by @wzekin in #34
- feat(client): add hz --client_dir option in --pass by @StellarisW in #33
- docs: update by @StellarisW in #32
- docs: update docs by @Duslia in #37
- fix: bind input param to ProtoSearchPath by @rogerogers in #39
- test: add dynamic cmd test by @wzekin in #42
- docs: add by @Skyenought in #45
- docs: link the English document to the official website by @Skyenought in #48
- docs: use more accurate descriptions by @Skyenought in #50
- style: standardize the indentation of yaml files to 2 spaces by @Skyenought in #49
- fix: change the naming scheme of the generated service/*.go to snakecase by @Skyenought in #51
- fix: protobuf lose out dir for hz by @FGYFFFF in #54
- chore: Modify template by @rogerogers in #56
- fix: search go module when update and no -module provide by @rogerogers in #41
- fix: adjust the registration order of middleware by @li-jin-gou in #62
- optimize: modify init hlog order by @li-jin-gou in #66
- feat: support client template and git template by @li-jin-gou in #61
- chore: upgrage kitex version by @zstone12 in #69
- fix: add kitexArgument.ProtobufPlugins by @li-jin-gou in #70
- feat(model): add option --signable by @shanestevenlei in #71
- fix: fix bug missing closing quota in kitex_info.yaml by @zhyt1985 in #73
- fix: fix typo in cmd/static/cmd.go by @KevinWang15 in #75
- chore: update hz version by @li-jin-gou in #76
- chore: update kitex version by @li-jin-gou in #77
- Fix/template by @li-jin-gou in #78
- feat: cwgo hex by @FGYFFFF in #79
- build: golang net version by @FGYFFFF in #81
- fix: fix some bugs in windows by @chaoranz758 in #83
- fix: add absolute path for config by @chaoranz758 in #84
- chore: del wechat group by @chaoranz758 in #86
- optimize: consts by @chaoranz758 in #87
- fix: delete hz client's layout.yaml by @chaoranz758 in #89
- fix: delete out_dir param by @chaoranz758 in #88
- optimize: independent util package by @chaoranz758 in #85
- feat: support user-defined render.json by @chaoranz758 in #91
- optimize: optimize tpl by @chaoranz758 in #92
- fix: client windows bug && reuse code && consts by @chaoranz758 in #90
- chore: gorm mysql dsn default utf8mb4 by @rogerogers in #93
- feat[db]: allow exclude tables by @rogerogers in #94
- optimize: Adding prompt messages under existing go.mod conditions by @Nihilism0 in #74
- Revert "fix: add absolute path for config (#84)" by @rogerogers in #96
- fix: fix kitex server & client code generate by @chaoranz758 in #97
- feat: support pb gomod lock thrift version by @chaoranz758 in #98
- fix(kitex): update client template by @rogerogers in #110
- feat: default async log by @rogerogers in #113
- feat:optimize unit_test template by @ViolaPioggia in #112
- feat: update kitex version to 0.8.0 && support hession2 code generation by @chaoranz758 in #116
- feat: One stop RPC/HTTP call technology solution by @StellarisW in #80
- fix: fix service.go tpl in kitex server by @chaoranz758 in #122
- feat: add auto_completion by @ViolaPioggia in #127
- style: reduce useless code and config by @StellarisW in #129
- optimize: delete dynamic server by @ViolaPioggia in #131
- fix(docker): add .dockerignore file by @Skyenought in #139
- feat: adapt kitex develop branch by @li-jin-gou in #142
- feat: support ssh gitURL && more error log detail by @chaoranz758 in #152
- fix: add template func by @li-jin-gou in #153
- feat: hex protobuf by @FGYFFFF in #155
- chore: update kitex version by @li-jin-gou in #156
- fix: shield short connection error for hex by @FGYFFFF in #158
- feat: auto gen completion script by @rogerogers in #159
- feat: add ToCamel template func by @li-jin-gou in #161
- feat: support mongodb curd code generation by @chaoranz758 in #160
- fix: add hessian2 post processing by @DMwangnima in #163
- fix: downgrade version by @chaoranz758 in #164
- feat: support parse routers by analyzing code by @StellarisW in #166
- fix: doc by @StellarisW in #167
- docs: api-list by @StellarisW in #169
- chore: update kitex version to v0.9.0 by @chaoranz758 in #170
- chore: update cwgo version to v0.1.0 by @chaoranz758 in #171
New Contributors
- @FGYFFFF made their first contribution in #22
- @Duslia made their first contribution in #25
- @wzekin made their first contribution in #34
- @StellarisW made their first contribution in #33
- @rogerogers made their first contribution in #39
- @Skyenought made their first contribution in #45
- @li-jin-gou made their first contribution in #62
- @zstone12 made their first contribution in #69
- @shanestevenlei made their first contribution in #71
- @zhyt1985 made their first contribution in #73
- @KevinWang15 made their first contribution in #75
- @chaoranz758 made their first contribution in #83
- @Nihilism0 made their first contribution in #74
- @ViolaPioggia made their first contribution in #112
- @DMwangnima made their first contribution in #163
Full Changelog: