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ascli : Command Line Interface for IBM Aspera products

Version : 4.4.0


This gem provides the ascli Command Line Interface to IBM Aspera software.

ascli is a also great tool to learn Aspera APIs.

Ruby Gem:

Ruby Doc:

Required Ruby version: > 2.4

When to use and when not to use

ascli is designed to be used as a command line tool to:

  • execute commands on Aspera products
  • transfer to/from Aspera products

So it is designed for:

  • Interactive operations on a text terminal (typically, VT100 compatible)
  • Batch operations in (shell) scripts (e.g. cron job)

ascli can be seen as a command line tool integrating:

  • a configuration file (config.yaml)
  • advanced command line options
  • cURL (for REST calls)
  • Aspera transfer (ascp)

One might be tempted to use it as an integration element, e.g. by building a command line programmatically, and then executing it. It is generally not a good idea. For such integration cases, e.g. performing operations and transfer to aspera products, it is preferred to use Aspera APIs:

  • Product APIs (REST) : e.g. AoC, Faspex, node
  • Transfer SDK : with gRPC interface and laguage stubs (C, C++, Python, .NET/C#, java, ruby, etc...)

Using APIs (application REST API and transfer SDK) will prove to be easier to develop and maintain.

For scripting and ad'hoc command line operations, ascli is perfect.


In examples, command line operations (starting with $) are shown using a standard shell: bash or zsh. Prompt # refers to user root, prompt xfer$ refer to user xfer.

Command line parameters in examples beginning with my_, like my_param_value are user-provided value and not fixed value commands.

Shell and Command line parsing

ascli is typically executed in a shell, either interactively or in a script. ascli receives its arguments from this shell.

On Linux and Unix environments, this is typically a POSIX shell (bash, zsh, ksh, sh). In this environment shell command line parsing applies before ascli (Ruby) is executed, e.g. bash shell operation. Ruby receives a list parameters and gives it to ascli. So special character handling (quotes, spaces, env vars, ...) is done in the shell.

On Windows, cmd.exe is typically used. Windows process creation does not receive the list of arguments but just the whole line. It's up to the program to parse arguments. Ruby follows the Microsoft C/C++ parameter parsing rules.

In case of doubt of argument values after parsing test like this:

$ ascli conf echo "Hello World" arg2 3
"Hello World"
ERROR: Argument: unprocessed values: ["arg2", "3"]

echo displays the value of the first argument using ruby syntax (strings get double quotes) after command line parsing (shell) and extended value parsing (ascli), next command line arguments are shown in the error message.

Quick Start

This section guides you from installation, first use and advanced use.

First, follow the section: Installation (Ruby, Gem, FASP) to start using ascli.

Once the gem is installed, ascli shall be accessible:

$ ascli --version

First use

Once installation is completed, you can proceed to the first use with a demo server:

If you want to test with Aspera on Cloud, jump to section: Wizard

To test with Aspera demo transfer server, setup the environment and then test:

$ ascli config initdemo
$ ascli server browse /
:   zmode    :   zuid    : zgid :  size  :           mtime           :         name          :
: dr-xr-xr-x : asperaweb : fasp : 4096   : 2014-04-10 19:44:05 +0200 : aspera-test-dir-tiny  :
: drwxr-xr-x : asperaweb : fasp : 176128 : 2018-03-15 12:20:10 +0100 : Upload                :
: dr-xr-xr-x : asperaweb : fasp : 4096   : 2015-04-01 00:37:22 +0200 : aspera-test-dir-small :
: dr-xr-xr-x : asperaweb : fasp : 4096   : 2018-05-04 14:26:55 +0200 : aspera-test-dir-large :

If you want to use ascli with another server, and in order to make further calls more convenient, it is advised to define a option preset for the server's authentication options. The following example will:

  • create a option preset
  • define it as default for server plugin
  • list files in a folder
  • download a file
$ ascli config id myserver update --url=ssh:// --username=asperaweb --password=_demo_pass_
updated: myserver
$ ascli config id default set server myserver
updated: default→server to myserver
$ ascli server browse /aspera-test-dir-large
:   zmode    :   zuid    : zgid :     size     :           mtime           :            name            :
: -rw-rw-rw- : asperaweb : fasp : 10133504     : 2018-05-04 14:16:24 +0200 : ctl_female_2.fastq.partial :
: -rw-r--r-- : asperaweb : fasp : 209715200    : 2014-04-10 19:49:27 +0200 : 200MB                      :
: -rw-r--r-- : asperaweb : fasp : 524288000    : 2014-04-10 19:44:15 +0200 : 500MB                      :
: -rw-r--r-- : asperaweb : fasp : 5368709120   : 2014-04-10 19:45:52 +0200 : 5GB                        :
: -rw-r--r-- : asperaweb : fasp : 500000000000 : 2017-06-14 20:09:57 +0200 : 500GB                      :
: -rw-rw-rw- : asperaweb : fasp : 13606912     : 2018-05-04 14:20:21 +0200 : ctl_male_2.fastq.partial   :
: -rw-rw-rw- : asperaweb : fasp : 76           : 2018-05-04 14:13:18 +0200 : ctl_female_2.fastq.haspx   :
: -rw-rw-rw- : asperaweb : fasp : 647348       : 2018-05-04 14:26:39 +0200 : ctl_female_2.gz            :
: -rw-rw-rw- : asperaweb : fasp : 74           : 2018-05-04 14:16:00 +0200 : ctl_male_2.fastq.haspx     :
: -rw-r--r-- : asperaweb : fasp : 1048576000   : 2014-04-10 19:49:23 +0200 : 1GB                        :
: -rw-r--r-- : asperaweb : fasp : 104857600    : 2014-04-10 19:49:29 +0200 : 100MB                      :
: -rw-r--r-- : asperaweb : fasp : 10737418240  : 2014-04-10 19:49:04 +0200 : 10GB                       :
$ ascli server download /aspera-test-dir-large/200MB
Time: 00:00:02 ========================================================================================================== 100% 100 Mbps Time: 00:00:00

Going further

Get familiar with configuration, options, commands : Command Line Interface.

Then, follow the section relative to the product you want to interact with ( Aspera on Cloud, Faspex, ...) : Application Plugins


It is possible to install either directly on the host operating system (Linux, Windows, Macos) or as a docker container.

The direct installation is recommended and consists in installing:

The following sections provide information on the various installation methods.

An internet connection is required for the installation. If you dont have internet for the installation, refer to section Installation without internet access.

Docker container

Use this method only if you know what you do, else use the standard recommended method as described here above.

This method installs a docker image that contains: Ruby, ascli and the FASP sdk.

The image is:

Ensure that you have Docker installed.

$ docker --version

Download the wrapping script:

$ curl -o ascli
$ chmod a+x ascli

Install the container image:

$ ./ascli install

Start using it !

Note that the tool is run in the container, so transfers are also executed in the container, not calling host.

The wrapping script maps the container folder /usr/src/app/config to configuration folder $HOME/.aspera/ascli on host.

To transfer to/from the native host, you will need to map a volume in docker or use the config folder (already mapped). To add local storage as a volume edit the script: ascli and add a --volume stanza.


Use this method to install on the native host.

A ruby interpreter is required to run the tool or to use the gem and tool.

Required Ruby version: > 2.4. Ruby version 3 is also supported.

Ruby can be installed using any method : rpm, yum, dnf, rvm, brew, windows installer, ... .

Refer to the following sections for a proposed method for specific operating systems.

The recommended installation method is rvm for systems with "bash-like" shell (Linux, Macos, Windows with cygwin, etc...). If the generic install is not suitable (e.g. Windows, no cygwin), you can use one of OS-specific install method. If you have a simpler better way to install Ruby version > 2.4 : use it !

Generic: RVM: single user installation (not root)

Use this method which provides more flexibility.

Install "rvm": follow :

Install the 2 keys

$ gpg2 --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB

Execute the shell/curl command. As regular user, it install in the user's home: ~/.rvm .

$ \curl -sSL | bash -s stable

If you keep the same terminal (ont needed if re-login):

$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm

It is advised to get one of the pre-compiled ruby version, you can list with:

$ rvm list --remote

Install the chosen pre-compiled Ruby version:

$ rvm install 2.7.2 --binary

Ruby is now installed for the user, go on to Gem installation.

Generic: RVM: global installation (as root)

Follow the same method as single user install, but execute as "root".

As root, it installs by default in /usr/local/rvm for all users and creates /etc/profile.d/ One can install in another location with :

# curl -sSL | bash -s -- --path /usr/local

As root, make sure this will not collide with other application using Ruby (e.g. Faspex). If so, one can rename the login script: mv /etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/ To activate ruby (and ascli) later, source it:

# source /etc/profile.d/
# rvm version

Windows: Installer

Install Latest stable Ruby using :

  • Go to "Downloads".
  • Select the Ruby 2 version "without devkit", x64 corresponding to the one recommended "with devkit". Devkit is not needed.
  • At the end of the installer uncheck the box to skip the installation of "MSys2": not needed.

macOS: pre-installed or brew

MacOS 10.13+ (High Sierra) comes with a recent Ruby. So you can use it directly. You will need to install aspera-cli using sudo :

$ sudo gem install aspera-cli

Alternatively, if you use Homebrew already you can install Ruby with it:

$ brew install ruby

Linux: package

If your Linux distribution provides a standard ruby package, you can use it provided that the version is compatible (check at beginning of section).


# yum install -y ruby rubygems ruby-json

One can cleanup the whole yum-installed ruby environment like this to uninstall:

gem uninstall $(ls $(gem env gemdir)/gems/|sed -e 's/-[^-]*$//'|sort -u)
yum remove -y ruby ruby-libs

Other Unixes: Aix, etc...

If your unix do not provide a pre-built ruby, you can get it using one of those methods

For instance to build from source, and install in /opt/ruby :

# wget
# gzip -d ruby-2.7.2.tar.gz
# tar xvf ruby-2.7.2.tar
# cd ruby-2.7.2
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/ruby
# make ruby.imp
# make
# make install

Installation without internet access

Note that currently no pre-packaged version exist yet. A method to build one provided here:

On a server with the same OS version and with internet access follow the "Generic single user installation" method.

Then create an archive:

$ cd
$ tar zcvf rvm-ascli.tgz .rvm

Get the Aspera SDK. Execute:

$ ascli conf --show-config|grep sdk_url

Then download the SDK archive from that URL.

Another method for the SDK is to install the SDK (ascli conf ascp install) on the first system, and archive $HOME/.aspera.

Transfer those 2 archives to the target system without internet access.

On the target system:

  • Extract the RVM archive either in a global location, or in a user's home folder : path_to_rvm_root
  • in the user's .profile add this line: (replace path_to_rvm_root with the actual location)
source path_to_rvm_root/scripts/rvm
rvm use 2.7.2

For the SDK, either install from archive:

$ ascli conf ascp install --sdk-url=file:///

or restore the $HOME/.aspera folder for the user.

aspera-cli gem

Once you have Ruby and rights to install gems: Install the gem and its dependencies:

# gem install aspera-cli

To upgrade to the latest version:

# gem update aspera-cli

ascli checks every week if a new version is available and notify the user in a WARN log. To de-activate this feature set the option version_check_days to 0, or specify a different period in days.

To check manually:

# ascli conf check_update

FASP Protocol

Most file transfers will be done using the FASP protocol, using ascp. Only two additional files are required to perform an Aspera Transfer, which are part of Aspera SDK:

  • ascp
  • aspera-license (in same folder, or ../etc)

This can be installed either be installing an Aspera transfer sofware, or using an embedded command:

$ ascli conf ascp install

If a local SDK installation is prefered instead of fetching from internet: one can specify the location of the SDK file:

$ curl -Lso
$ ascli conf ascp install --sdk-url=file:///

The format is: file:///<path>, where <path> can be either a relative path (not starting with /), or an absolute path.

If the embedded method is not used, the following packages are also suitable:

  • IBM Aspera Connect Client (Free)
  • IBM Aspera Desktop Client (Free)
  • IBM Aspera CLI (Free)
  • IBM Aspera High Speed Transfer Server (Licensed)
  • IBM Aspera High Speed Transfer EndPoint (Licensed)

For instance, Aspera Connect Client can be installed by visiting the page:

ascli will detect most of Aspera transfer products in standard locations and use the first one found. Refer to section FASP for details on how to select a client or set path to the FASP protocol.

Several methods are provided to start a transfer. Use of a local client (direct transfer agent) is one of them, but other methods are available. Refer to section: Transfer Agents

Offline Installation (without internet)

The procedure consists in:

  • Follow the non-root installation procedure with RVM, including gem
  • archive (zip, tar) the main RVM folder (includes ascli):
$ cd ~
$ tar zcvf rvm_ascli.tgz .rvm
  • retrieve the SDK:
$ curl -Lso
  • on the system without internet access:
$ cd ~
$ tar zxvf rvm_ascli.tgz
$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
$ ascli conf ascp install --sdk-url=file:///

Command Line Interface: ascli

The aspera-cli Gem provides a command line interface (CLI) which interacts with Aspera Products (mostly using REST APIs):

  • IBM Aspera High Speed Transfer Server (FASP and Node)
  • IBM Aspera on Cloud (including ATS)
  • IBM Aspera Faspex
  • IBM Aspera Shares
  • IBM Aspera Console
  • IBM Aspera Orchestrator
  • and more...

ascli provides the following features:

  • Supports most Aspera server products (on-premise and SaaS)
  • Any command line options (products URL, credentials or any option) can be provided on command line, in configuration file, in env var, in files
  • Supports Commands, Option values and Parameters shortcuts
  • FASP Transfer Agents can be: local ascp, or Connect Client, or any transfer node
  • Transfer parameters can be altered by modification of transfer-spec, this includes requiring multi-session
  • Allows transfers from products to products, essentially at node level (using the node transfer agent)
  • Supports FaspStream creation (using Node API)
  • Supports Watchfolder creation (using Node API)
  • Additional command plugins can be written by the user
  • Supports download of faspex and Aspera on Cloud "external" links
  • Supports "legacy" ssh based FASP transfers and remote commands (ascmd)

Basic usage is displayed by executing:

$ ascli -h

Refer to sections: Usage and Sample Commands.

Not all ascli features are fully documented here, the user may explore commands on the command line.

Arguments : Commands and options

Arguments are the units of command line, as parsed by the shell, typically separated by spaces (and called "argv").

There are two types of arguments: Commands and Options. Example :

$ ascli command --option-name=VAL1 VAL2
  • executes command: command
  • with one option: option_name
  • this option has a value of: VAL1
  • the command has one additional argument: VAL2

When the value of a command, option or argument is constrained by a fixed list of values, it is possible to use the first letters of the value only, provided that it uniquely identifies a value. For example ascli conf ov is the same as ascli config overview.

The value of options and arguments is evaluated with the Extended Value Syntax.


All options, e.g. --log-level=debug, are command line arguments that:

  • start with --
  • have a name, in lowercase, using - as word separator in name (e.g. --log-level=debug)
  • have a value, separated from name with a =
  • can be used by prefix, provided that it is unique. E.g. --log-l=debug is the same as --log-level=debug


  • some options accept a short form, e.g. -Ptoto is equivalent to --preset=toto, refer to the manual or -h.
  • some options (flags) don't take a value, e.g. -r
  • the special option -- stops option processing and is ignored, following command line arguments are taken as arguments, including the ones starting with a -. Example:
$ ascli config echo -- --sample

Note that --sample is taken as an argument, and not option.

Options can be optional or mandatory, with or without (hardcoded) default value. Options can be placed anywhere on comand line and evaluated in order.

The value for any options can come from the following locations (in this order, last value evaluated overrides previous value):

Environment variable starting with prefix: ASCLI_ are taken as option values, e.g. ASCLI_OPTION_NAME is for --option-name.

Options values can be displayed for a given command by providing the --show-config option: ascli node --show-config

Commands and Arguments

Command line arguments that are not options are either commands or arguments. If an argument must begin with -, then either use the @val: syntax (see Extended Values), or use the -- separator (see above).

Interactive Input

Some options and parameters are mandatory and other optional. By default, the tool will ask for missing mandatory options or parameters for interactive execution.

The behaviour can be controlled with:

  • --interactive=<yes|no> (default=yes if STDIN is a terminal, else no)
    • yes : missing mandatory parameters/options are asked to the user
    • no : missing mandatory parameters/options raise an error message
  • --ask-options=<yes|no> (default=no)
    • optional parameters/options are asked to user


Command execution will result in output (terminal, stdout/stderr). The information displayed depends on the action.

Types of output data

Depending on action, the output will contain:

  • single_object : displayed as a 2 dimensional table: one line per attribute, first column is attribute name, and second is atteribute value. Nested hashes are collapsed.
  • object_list : displayed as a 2 dimensional table: one line per item, one colum per attribute.
  • value_list : a table with one column.
  • empty : nothing
  • status : a message
  • other_struct : a complex structure that cannot be displayed as an array

Format of output

By default, result of type single_object and object_list are displayed using format table. The table style can be customized with parameter: table_style (horizontal, vertical and intersection characters) and is :.: by default.

In a table format, when displaying "objects" (single, or list), by default, sub object are flatten (option flat_hash). So, object {"user":{"id":1,"name":"toto"}} will have attributes: and Setting flat_hash to false will only display one field: "user" and value is the sub hash table. When in flatten mode, it is possible to filter fields by "dotted" field name.

The style of output can be set using the format parameter, supporting:

  • table : Text table
  • ruby : Ruby code
  • json : JSON code
  • jsonpp : JSON pretty printed
  • yaml : YAML
  • csv : Comma Separated Values

Option: select: Filter on columns values for object_list

Table output can be filtered using the select parameter. Example:

$ ascli aoc admin res user list --fields=name,email,ats_admin --query=@json:'{"sort":"name"}' --select=@json:'{"ats_admin":true}'
:             name              :              email               : ats_admin :
: John Custis                   : [email protected]                 : true      :
: Laurent Martin                : [email protected]              : true      :

Note that select filters selected elements from the result of API calls, while the query parameters gives filtering parameters to the API when listing elements.

Verbosity of output

Outpout messages are categorized in 3 types:

  • info output contain additional information, such as number of elements in a table
  • data output contain the actual output of the command (object, or list of objects)
  • erroroutput contain error messages

The option display controls the level of output:

  • info displays all messages
  • data display data and error messages
  • error display only error messages.

Selection of output object properties

By default, a table output will display one line per entry, and columns for each entries. Depending on the command, columns may include by default all properties, or only some selected properties. It is possible to define specific colums to be displayed, by setting the fields option to one of the following value:

  • DEF : default display of columns (that's the default, when not set)
  • ALL : all columns available
  • a,b,c : the list of attributes specified by the comma separated list
  • Array extended value: for instance, @json:'["a","b","c"]' same as above
  • +a,b,c : add selected properties to the default selection.
  • -a,b,c : remove selected properties from the default selection.

Extended Value Syntax

Usually, values of options and arguments are specified by a simple string. But sometime it is convenient to read a value from a file, or decode it, or have a value more complex than a string (e.g. Hash table).

The extended value syntax is:

<0 or more decoders><0 or 1 reader><nothing or some text value>

The difference between reader and decoder is order and ordinality. Both act like a function of value on right hand side. Decoders are at the beginning of the value, followed by a single optional reader, followed by the optional value.

The following "readers" are supported (returns value in []):

  • @val:VALUE : [String] prevent further special prefix processing, e.g. --username=@val:laurent sets the option username to value laurent.
  • @file:PATH : [String] read value from a file (prefix "/" is replaced with the users home folder), e.g. --key=@file:/.ssh/mykey
  • @path:PATH : [String] performs path expansion (prefix "/" is replaced with the users home folder), e.g. --config-file=@path:/sample_config.yml
  • @env:ENVVAR : [String] read from a named env var, e.g.--password=@env:MYPASSVAR
  • @stdin: : [String] read from stdin (no value on right)
  • @preset:NAME : [Hash] get whole option preset value by name

In addition it is possible to decode a value, using one or multiple decoders :

  • @base64: [String] decode a base64 encoded string
  • @json: [any] decode JSON values (convenient to provide complex structures)
  • @zlib: [String] uncompress data
  • @ruby: [any] execute ruby code
  • @csvt: [Array] decode a titled CSV value
  • @lines: [Array] split a string in multiple lines and return an array
  • @list: [Array] split a string in multiple items taking first character as separator and return an array
  • @incps: [Hash] include values of presets specified by key incps in input hash

To display the result of an extended value, use the config echo command.

Example: read the content of the specified file, then, base64 decode, then unzip:

$ ascli config echo @zlib:@base64:@file:myfile.dat

Example: create a value as a hash, with one key and the value is read from a file:

$ ascli config echo @ruby:'{"token_verification_key"=>"pubkey.txt")}'

Example: read a csv file and create a list of hash for bulk provisioning:

$ cat test.csv
lolo,[email protected]
toto,[email protected]
$ ascli config echo @csvt:@file:test.csv
: name :        email        :
: lolo : [email protected] :
: toto : [email protected]      :

Example: create a hash and include values from preset named "config" of config file in this hash

$ ascli config echo @incps:@json:'{"hello":true,"incps":["config"]}'
{"version"=>"0.9", "hello"=>true}

Note that @incps:@json:'{"incps":["config"]}' or @incps:@ruby:'{"incps"=>["config"]}' is equivalent to: @preset:config

Structured Value

Some options and parameters expect a Structured Value, i.e. a value more complex than a simple string. This is usually a Hash table or an Array, which could also contain sub structures.

For instance, a transfer-spec is expected to be a Structured Value.

Structured values shall be described using the Extended Value Syntax. A convenient way to specify a Structured Value is to use the @json: decoder, and describe the value in JSON format. The @ruby: decoder can also be used. For an array of hash tables, the @csvt: decoder can be used.

It is also possible to provide a Structured Value in a file using @json:@file:<path>

Configuration and Persistency Folder

ascli configuration and other runtime files (token cache, file lists, persistency files, SDK) are stored in folder [User's home folder]/.aspera/ascli.

Note: [User's home folder] is found using ruby's Dir.home (rb_w32_home_dir). It uses the HOME env var primarily, and on MS Windows it also looks at %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% and %USERPROFILE%. ascli sets the env var %HOME% to the value of %USERPROFILE% if set and exists. So, on Windows %USERPROFILE% is used as it is more reliable than %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%.

The main folder can be displayed using :

$ ascli config folder

It can be overriden using the envinonment variable ASCLI_HOME.

Example (Windows):

$ set ASCLI_HOME=C:\Users\Kenji\.aspera\ascli
$ ascli config folder

Configuration file

On the first execution of ascli, an empty configuration file is created in the configuration folder. Nevertheless, there is no mandatory information required in this file, the use of it is optional as any option can be provided on the command line.

Although the file is a standard YAML file, ascli provides commands to read and modify it using the config command.

All options for ascli can be set on command line, or by env vars, or using option presets in the configuratin file.

A configuration file provides a way to define default values, especially for authentication parameters, thus avoiding to always having to specify those parameters on the command line.

The default configuration file is: $HOME/.aspera/ascli/config.yaml (this can be overriden with option --config-file=path or equivalent env var).

The configuration file is simply a catalog of pre-defined lists of options, called: option presets. Then, instead of specifying some common options on the command line (e.g. address, credentials), it is possible to invoke the ones of a option preset (e.g. mypreset) using the option: -Pmypreset or --preset=mypreset.

Option preset

A option preset is simply a collection of parameters and their associated values in a named section in the configuration file.

A named option preset can be modified directly using ascli, which will update the configuration file :

$ ascli config id <option preset> set|delete|show|initialize|update

The command update allows the easy creation of option preset by simply providing the options in their command line format, e.g. :

$ ascli config id demo_server update --url=ssh:// --username=asperaweb --password=_demo_pass_ --ts=@json:'{"precalculate_job_size":true}'
  • This creates a option preset demo_server with all provided options.

The command set allows setting individual options in a option preset.

$ ascli config id demo_server set password _demo_pass_

The command initialize, like update allows to set several parameters at once, but it deletes an existing configuration instead of updating it, and expects a Structured Value.

$ ascli config id demo_server initialize @json:'{"url":"ssh://","username":"asperaweb","password":"_demo_pass_","ts":{"precalculate_job_size":true}}'

A good practice is to not manually edit the configuration file and use modification commands instead. If necessary, the configuration file can be edited (or simply consulted) with:

$ ascli config open

A full terminal based overview of the configuration can be displayed using:

$ ascli config over

A list of option preset can be displayed using:

$ ascli config list

Special Option preset: config

This preset name is reserved and contains a single key: version. This is the version of ascli which created the file.

Special Option preset: default

This preset name is reserved and contains an array of key-value , where the key is the name of a plugin, and the value is the name of another preset.

When a plugin is invoked, the preset associated with the name of the plugin is loaded, unless the option --no-default (or -N) is used.

Note that special plugin name: config can be associated with a preset that is loaded initially, typically used for default values.

Operations on this preset are done using regular config operations:

$ ascli config id default set _plugin_name_ _default_preset_for_plugin_
$ ascli config id default get _plugin_name_

Special Plugin: config

Plugin config (not to be confused with Option preset config) is used to configure ascli but it also contains global options.

When ascli starts, it lookjs for the default Option preset and if there is a value for config, if so, it loads the option values for any plugin used.

If no global default is set by the user, the tool will use global_common_defaults when setting global parameters (e.g. conf ascp use)

Format of file

The configuration file is a hash in a YAML file. Example:

  version: 0.3.7
  config: cli_default
  server: demo_server
  interactive: no
  url: ssh://
  username: asperaweb
  password: _demo_pass_

We can see here:

  • The configuration was created with CLI version 0.3.7
  • the default option preset to load for server plugin is : demo_server
  • the option preset demo_server defines some parameters: the URL and credentials
  • the default option preset to load in any case is : cli_default

Two option presets are reserved:

  • config contains a single value: version showing the CLI version used to create the configuration file. It is used to check compatibility.
  • default is reserved to define the default option preset name used for known plugins.

The user may create as many option presets as needed. For instance, a particular option preset can be created for a particular application instance and contain URL and credentials.

Values in the configuration also follow the Extended Value Syntax.

Note: if the user wants to use the Extended Value Syntax inside the configuration file, using the config id update command, the user shall use the @val: prefix. Example:

$ ascli config id my_aoc_org set private_key @val:@file:"$HOME/.aspera/ascli/aocapikey"

This creates the option preset:

  private_key: @file:"/Users/laurent/.aspera/ascli/aocapikey"

So, the key file will be read only at execution time, but not be embedded in the configuration file.

Options evaluation order

Some options are global, some options are available only for some plugins. (the plugin is the first level command).

Options are loaded using this algorithm:

  • If option --no-default (or -N) is specified, then no default value is loaded is loaded for the plugin
  • else it looks for the name of the plugin as key in section default, the value is the name of the default option preset for it, and loads it.
  • If option --preset=<name or extended value hash> is specified (or -Pxxxx), this reads the option preset specified from the configuration file, or of the value is a Hash, it uses it as options values.
  • Environment variables are evaluated
  • Command line options are evaluated

Parameters are evaluated in the order of command line.

To avoid loading the default option preset for a plugin, use: -N

On command line, words in parameter names are separated by a dash, in configuration file, separator is an underscore. E.g. --xxx-yyy on command line gives xxx_yyy in configuration file.

The main plugin name is config, so it is possible to define a default option preset for the main plugin with:

$ ascli config id cli_default set interactive no
$ ascli config id default set config cli_default

A option preset value can be removed with unset:

$ ascli config id cli_default unset interactive

Example: Define options using command line:

$ ascli -N --url=x --password=y --username=y node --show-config

Example: Define options using a hash:

$ ascli -N --preset=@json:'{"url":"x","password":"y","username":"y"}' node --show-config


For Faspex, Shares, Node (including ATS, Aspera Transfer Service), Console, only username/password and url are required (either on command line, or from config file). Those can usually be provided on the command line:

$ ascli shares repo browse / --url= --username=john --password=4sp3ra

This can also be provisioned in a config file:

1$ ascli config id shares06 set url
2$ ascli config id shares06 set username john
3$ ascli config id shares06 set password 4sp3ra
4$ ascli config id default set shares shares06
5$ ascli config overview
6$ ascli shares repo browse /

The three first commands build a option preset. Note that this can also be done with one single command:

$ ascli config id shares06 init @json:'{"url":"","username":"john","password":"4sp3ra"}'

The fourth command defines this option preset as the default option preset for the specified application ("shares"). The 5th command displays the content of configuration file in table format. Alternative option presets can be used with option "-P<option preset>" (or --preset=<option preset>)

Eventually, the last command shows a call to the shares application using default parameters.


The CLI tool uses a plugin mechanism. The first level command (just after ascli on the command line) is the name of the concerned plugin which will execute the command. Each plugin usually represent commands sent to a specific application. For instance, the plugin "faspex" allows operations on the application "Aspera Faspex".

Create your own plugin

$ mkdir -p ~/.aspera/ascli/plugins
$ cat<<EOF>~/.aspera/ascli/plugins/test.rb
require 'aspera/cli/plugin'
module Aspera
  module Cli
    module Plugins
      class Test < Plugin
        def execute_action; puts "Hello World!"; end
      end # Test
    end # Plugins
  end # Cli
end # Aspera


The gem is equipped with traces. By default logging level is "warn". To increase debug level, use parameter log_level, so either command line --log-level=xx or env var ASCLI_LOG_LEVEL.

It is also possible to activate traces before initialisation using env var AS_LOG_LEVEL.

Learning Aspera Product APIs (REST)

This CLI uses REST APIs. To display HTTP calls, use argument -r or --rest-debug, this is useful to display exact content or HTTP requests and responses.

In order to get traces of execution, use argument : --log-level=debug

Graphical Interactions: Browser and Text Editor

Some actions may require the use of a graphical tool:

  • a browser for Aspera on Cloud authentication (web auth method)
  • a text editor for configuration file edition

By default the CLI will assume that a graphical environment is available on windows, and on other systems, rely on the presence of the "DISPLAY" environment variable. It is also possible to force the graphical mode with option --ui :

  • --ui=graphical forces a graphical environment, a browser will be opened for URLs or a text editor for file edition.
  • --ui=text forces a text environment, the URL or file path to open is displayed on terminal.

HTTP proxy for REST

To specify a HTTP proxy, set the HTTP_PROXY environment variable (or HTTPS_PROXY), those are honoured by Ruby when calling REST APIs.

Proxy auto config

The fpac option allows specification of a Proxy Auto Configuration (PAC) file, by its URL for local FASP agent. Supported schemes are : http:, https: and file:.

The PAC file can be tested with command: config proxy_check , example:

$ ascli config proxy_check --fpac=file:///./proxy.pac

This is not yet implemented to specify http proxy, so use http_proxy env vars.

FASP configuration

The config plugin also allows specification for the use of a local FASP client. It provides the following commands for ascp subcommand:

  • show : shows the path of ascp used
  • use : list,download connect client versions available on internet
  • products : list Aspera transfer products available locally
  • connect : list,download connect client versions available on internet

Show path of currently used ascp

$ ascli config ascp show
$ ascli config ascp info
| key                | value                                                     |
| ascp               | /Users/laurent/.aspera/ascli/sdk/ascp                     |

Selection of ascp location for direct agent

By default, ascli uses any found local product with ascp, including SDK.

To temporarily use an alternate ascp path use option ascp_path (--ascp-path=)

For a permanent change, the command config ascp use sets the same parameter for the global default.

Using a POSIX shell:

$ ascli config ascp use '/Users/laurent/Applications/Aspera CLI/bin/ascp'
ascp version:
Updated: global_common_defaults: ascp_path <- /Users/laurent/Applications/Aspera CLI/bin/ascp
Saved to default global preset global_common_defaults


$ ascli config ascp use C:\Users\admin\.aspera\ascli\sdk\ascp.exe
ascp version:
Updated: global_common_defaults: ascp_path <- C:\Users\admin\.aspera\ascli\sdk\ascp.exe
Saved to default global preset global_common_defaults

If the path has spaces, read section: Shell and Command line parsing.

List locally installed Aspera Transfer products

Locally installed Aspera products can be listed with:

$ ascli config ascp products list
:                  name                   :                    app_root                    :
: Aspera Connect                          : /Users/laurent/Applications/Aspera :
: IBM Aspera CLI                          : /Users/laurent/Applications/Aspera CLI         :
: IBM Aspera High-Speed Transfer Endpoint : /Library/Aspera                                :
: Aspera Drive                            : /Applications/Aspera                 :

Selection of local client for ascp for direct agent

If no ascp is selected, this is equivalent to using option: --use-product=FIRST.

Using the option use_product finds the ascp binary of the selected product.

To permanently use the ascp of a product:

$ ascli config ascp products use 'Aspera Connect'
saved to default global preset /Users/laurent/Applications/Aspera

Installation of Connect Client on command line

$ ascli config ascp connect list
:                      id                       :                title                 :   version    :
: urn:uuid:589F9EE5-0489-4F73-9982-A612FAC70C4E : Aspera Connect for Windows           : :
: urn:uuid:A3820D20-083E-11E2-892E-0800200C9A66 : Aspera Connect for Windows 64-bit    : :
: urn:uuid:589F9EE5-0489-4F73-9982-A612FAC70C4E : Aspera Connect for Windows XP        : :
: urn:uuid:55425020-083E-11E2-892E-0800200C9A66 : Aspera Connect for Windows XP 64-bit : :
: urn:uuid:D8629AD2-6898-4811-A46F-2AF386531BFF : Aspera Connect for Mac Intel 10.6    : :
: urn:uuid:D8629AD2-6898-4811-A46F-2AF386531BFF : Aspera Connect for Mac Intel         : :
: urn:uuid:213C9370-22B1-11E2-81C1-0800200C9A66 : Aspera Connect for Linux 32          : :
: urn:uuid:97F94DF0-22B1-11E2-81C1-0800200C9A66 : Aspera Connect for Linux 64          : :
$ ascli config ascp connect id 'Aspera Connect for Mac Intel 10.6' links list
:                    title                    :           type           :                                 href                                  : hreflang :      rel      :
: Mac Intel Installer                         : application/octet-stream : bin/AsperaConnect-                     : en       : enclosure     :
: Aspera Connect for Mac HTML Documentation   : text/html                :                                                                       : en       : documentation :
: Aspera Connect PDF Documentation for Mac OS : application/pdf          : docs/user/osx/ja-jp/pdf/Connect_User_3.7.0_OSX_ja-jp.pdf              : ja-jp    : documentation :
: Aspera Connect PDF Documentation for Mac OS : application/pdf          : docs/user/osx/en/pdf/Connect_User_3.7.0_OSX.pdf                       : en       : documentation :
: Aspera Connect PDF Documentation for Mac OS : application/pdf          : docs/user/osx/es-es/pdf/Connect_User_3.7.0_OSX_es-es.pdf              : es-es    : documentation :
: Aspera Connect PDF Documentation for Mac OS : application/pdf          : docs/user/osx/fr-fr/pdf/Connect_User_3.7.0_OSX_fr-fr.pdf              : fr-fr    : documentation :
: Aspera Connect PDF Documentation for Mac OS : application/pdf          : docs/user/osx/zh-cn/pdf/Connect_User_3.7.0_OSX_zh-cn.pdf              : zh-cn    : documentation :
: Aspera Connect for Mac Release Notes        : text/html                : : en       : release-notes :
$ ascli config ascp connect id 'Aspera Connect for Mac Intel 10.6' links id 'Mac Intel Installer' download --to-folder=.
downloaded: AsperaConnect-

Transfer Agents

Some of the actions on Aspera Applications lead to file transfers (upload and download) using the FASP protocol (ascp).

When a transfer needs to be started, a transfer-spec has been internally prepared. This transfer-spec will be executed by a transfer client, here called "Transfer Agent".

There are currently 3 agents:

  • direct : a local execution of ascp
  • connect : use of a local Connect Client
  • node : use of an Aspera Transfer Node (potentially remote).
  • httpgw : use of an Aspera HTTP Gateway

Note that all transfer operation are seen from the point of view of the agent. For instance, a node agent making an "upload", or "package send" operation, will effectively push files to the related server from the agent node.

ascli standadizes on the use of a transfer-spec instead of raw ascp options to provide parameters for a transfer session, as a common method for those three Transfer Agents.

Direct (local ascp execution)

By default ascli uses a local ascp, equivalent to specifying --transfer=direct. ascli will detect locally installed Aspera products. Refer to section FASP.

To specify a FASP proxy (only supported with the direct agent), set the appropriate transfer-spec parameter:

  • EX_fasp_proxy_url
  • EX_http_proxy_url (proxy for legacy http fallback)
  • EX_ascp_args

The transfer-info accepts the following optional parameters:

spawn_timeout_secFloat3Multi sessionVerification time that ascp is running
spawn_delay_secFloat2Multi sessionDelay between startup of sessions
wssBoolfalseWeb Socket SessionEnable use of web socket session in case it is available
multi_incr_udpBooltrueMulti SessionIncrement UDP port on multi-session
If true, each session will have a different UDP port starting at `fasp_port` (or default 33001)
Else, each session will use `fasp_port` (or `ascp` default)
resumeHashnilResumer parametersSee below

Resume parameters:

In case of transfer interruption, the agent will resume a transfer up to iter_max time. Sleep between iteration is:

max( sleep_max , sleep_initial * sleep_factor ^ (iter_index-1) )
iter_maxint7ResumeMax number of retry on error
sleep_initialint2ResumeFirst Sleep before retry
sleep_factorint2ResumeMultiplier of Sleep
sleep_maxint60ResumeMaximum sleep


$ ascli ... --transfer-info=@json:'{"wss":true,"resume":{"iter_max":10}}'
$ ascli ... --transfer-info=@json:'{"spawn_delay_sec":2.5,"multi_incr_udp":false}'

IBM Aspera Connect Client GUI

By specifying option: --transfer=connect, ascli will start transfers using the locally installed Aspera Connect Client.

Aspera Node API : Node to node transfers

By specifying option: --transfer=node, the CLI will start transfers in an Aspera Transfer Server using the Node API, either on a local or remote node.

If a default node has been configured in the configuration file, then this node is used by default else the parameter --transfer-info is required. The node specification shall be a hash table with three keys: url, username and password, corresponding to the URL of the node API and associated credentials (node user or access key).

The --transfer-info parameter can directly specify a pre-configured option preset : --transfer-info=@preset:<psetname> or specified using the option syntax : --transfer-info=@json:'{"url":"https://...","username":"theuser","password":"thepass"}'

Aspera on cloud

By specifying option: --transfer=aoc, WORK IN PROGRESS

HTTP Gateway

If it possible to send using a HTTP gateway, in case FASP is not allowed.


$ ascli faspex package recv --id=323 --transfer=httpgw --transfer-info=@json:'{"url":""}'

Note that the gateway only supports transfers authorized with a token.

Transfer Specification

Some commands lead to file transfer (upload/download), all parameters necessary for this transfer is described in a transfer-spec (Transfer Specification), such as:

  • server address
  • transfer user name
  • credentials
  • file list
  • etc...

ascli builds a default transfer-spec internally, so it is not necessary to provide additional parameters on the command line for this transfer.

If needed, it is possible to modify or add any of the supported transfer-spec parameter using the ts option. The ts option accepts a Structured Value containing one or several transfer-spec parameters. Multiple ts options on command line are cummulative.

It is possible to specify ascp options when the transfer option is set to direct using the special transfer-spec parameter: EX_ascp_args. Example: --ts=@json:'{"EX_ascp_args":["-l","100m"]}'. This is espacially useful for ascp command line parameters not supported yet in the transfer spec.

The use of a transfer-spec instead of ascp parameters has the advantage of:

  • common to all Transfer Agent
  • not dependent on command line limitations (special characters...)

A transfer-spec is a Hash table, so it is described on the command line with the Extended Value Syntax.

Transfer Parameters

All standard transfer-spec parameters can be speficied. transfer-spec can also be saved/overridden in the config file.


Parameters can be displayed with commands:

$ ascli config ascp spec
$ ascli config ascp spec --select=@json:'{"f":"Y"}' --fields=-f,n,c


  • D=Direct (local ascp execution)
  • N=Node API
  • C=Connect Client
  • arg=ascp argument or environment variable

Fields with EX_ prefix are extensions to transfer agent direct. (only in ascli).

cipherstringYYYIn transit encryption type.
none, aes-128, aes-256
Allowed values: aes128, aes192, aes256, aes128cfb, aes192cfb, aes256cfb, aes128gcm, aes192gcm, aes256gcm
content_protectionstringYYYEnable client-side content protection. (encryption at rest)
Allowed values: encrypt, decrypt
content_protection_passwordstringYYYSpecifies CSEAR password.
cookiestringYYYMetadata for transfer (older,string)
create_dirboolYYYSpecifies whether to create new directories.
delete_sourcebool Y Remove SRC files after transfer success
directionstringYYYDirection of transfer (on client side)
Allowed values: send, receive
exclude_newer_thanintY  skip src files with mtime > arg
exclude_older_thanintY  skip src files with mtime < arg
fasp_portintYYYSpecifies fasp (UDP) port.
YYYWhen true(1), attempts to perform an HTTP transfer if a fasp transfer cannot be performed.
http_fallback_portintY  Specifies http port.
https_fallback_portintYYYSpecifies https port.
multi_sessionintYYYUse multi-session transfer. max 128.
Each participant on one host needs an independent UDP (-O) port.
Large files are split between sessions only when transferring with resume_policy=none.
multi_session_thresholdintYY in bytes
overwritestringYYYOverwrite destination files with the source files of the same name.
Allowed values: never, always, diff, older, diff+older
pathsarrayYYYRequired. Contains a path to the source (required) and a path to the destination.
precalculate_job_sizeboolYYYSpecifies whether to precalculate the job size.
rate_policystringYYYThe transfer rate policy to use when sharing bandwidth.
Allowed values: low, fair, high, fixed
remote_access_keystringYYYNode only?
remote_hoststringYYYIP or fully qualified domain name of the remote server
remote_userstringYYYRemote user. Default value is "xfer" on node or connect.
remote_passwordstringYYYSSH session password
remove_after_transferboolYY Remove SRC files after transfer success
remove_empty_directoriesboolYY Specifies whether to remove empty directories.
proxystringY  Specify the address of the Aspera high-speed proxy server.
Default ports for DNAT and DNATS protocols are 9091 and 9092.
Password, if specified here, overrides the value of environment variable ASPERA_PROXY_PASS.
resume_policystringYYYIf a transfer is interrupted or fails to finish, resume without re-transferring the whole files.
Allowed values: none, attrs, sparse_csum, full_csum
 YYSpecifies how long to wait before retrying transfer. (e.g. "5min")
ssh_portintYYYSpecifies ssh (TCP) port. Default: local:22, other:33001
ssh_private_keystringY  Private key used for SSH authentication.
Shall look like: -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMII...
Note the JSON encoding: \n for newlines.
symlink_policystringYYYHandle source side symbolic links by:
following the link (follow),
copying the link itself (copy),
skipping (skip),
or forcibly copying the link itself (copy+force).
Default: follow
Allowed values: follow, copy, copy+force, skip
tagshashYYYMetadata for transfer
target_rate_cap_kbpsint  YReturned by upload/download_setup node api.
target_rate_kbpsintYYYSpecifies desired speed for the transfer.
titlestring YYTitle of the transfer
tokenstringYYYAuthorization token: Bearer, Basic or ATM (Also arg -W)
use_ascp4boolYY specify version of protocol
destination_rootstringYYYDestination root directory.
source_rootstringYYYPath to be prepended to each source path.
This is either a conventional path or it can be a URI but only if there is no root defined.
apply_local_docrootboolY  (--apply-local-docroot)
preserve_aclsstringY  Preserve access control lists.
Allowable values: none, native, metafile
remove_empty_source_directoryboolY  TODO: check node, sdk
EX_at_rest_passwordstringY  Passphrase used for at rest encryption or decryption
EX_proxy_passwordstringY  Password used for Aspera proxy server authentication.
May be overridden by password in URL EX_fasp_proxy_url.
EX_license_textstringY  License file text override.
By default ascp looks for license file near executable.
dgram_sizeintYYYin bytes
min_rate_kbpsintYYYSet the minimum transfer rate in kilobits per second.
sshfpstringYYYCheck it against server SSH host key fingerprint
EX_http_proxy_urlstringY  Specify the proxy server address used by HTTP Fallback
EX_ssh_key_pathsarrayY  Use public key authentication for SSH and specify the private key file paths
EX_http_transfer_jpegintY  HTTP transfers as JPEG file
EX_no_readboolY  no read source
EX_no_writeboolY  no write on destination
rate_policy_allowedstring  YSpecifies most aggressive rate policy that is allowed.
Returned by node API.
Allowed values: low, fair, high, fixed
authenticationstring  Yvalue=token for SSH bypass keys, else password asked if not provided.
cipher_allowedstringYYYreturned by node API. Valid literals include "aes-128" and "none".
EX_file_liststringY  source file list
EX_file_pair_liststringY  source file pair list
EX_ascp_argsarrayY  Add command line arguments to ascp

Destination folder for transfers

The destination folder is set by ascli by default to:

  • . for downloads
  • / for uploads

It is specified by the transfer-spec parameter destination_root. As such, it can be modified with option: --ts=@json:'{"destination_root":"<path>"}'. The option to_folder provides an equivalent and convenient way to change this parameter: --to-folder=<path> .

List of files for transfers

When uploading, downloading or sending files, the user must specify the list of files to transfer. The option to specify the list of files (Extensed value) is sources, the default value is @args, which means: take remain non used arguments (not starting with - as list of files. So, by default, the list of files to transfer will be simply specified on the command line:

$ ascli server upload ~/mysample.file secondfile

This is equivalent to:

$ ascli server upload --sources=@args ~/mysample.file secondfile

More advanced options are provided to adapt to various cases. In fact, list of files to transfer are normally conveyed using the transfer-spec using the field: "paths" which is a list (array) of pairs of "source" (mandatory) and "destination" (optional).

Note that this is different from the "ascp" command line. The paradigm used by ascli is: all transfer parameters are kept in transfer-spec so that execution of a transfer is independent of the transfer agent. Note that other IBM Aspera interfaces use this: connect, node, transfer sdk.

For ease of use and flexibility, the list of files to transfer is specified by the option sources. Accepted values are:

  • @args : (default value) the list of files is directly provided at the end of the command line (see at the beginning of this section).

  • an Extended Value holding an Array of String. Examples:

  • @ts : the user provides the list of files directly in the ts option, in its paths field. Example:
--sources=@ts --ts=@json:'{"paths":[{"source":"file1"},{"source":"file2"}]}'
  • Not recommended: It is possible to specify bare ascp arguments using the pseudo transfer-spec parameter EX_ascp_args.
--sources=@ts --ts=@json:'{"paths":[{"source":"dummy"}],"EX_ascp_args":["--file-list","myfilelist"]}'

This method avoids creating a copy of the file list, but has drawbacks: it applies only to the direct transfer agent (i.e. bare ascp) and not for Aspera on Cloud. One must specify a dummy list in the transfer-spec, which will be overriden by the bare ascp command line provided. (TODO) In next version, dummy source paths can be removed.

In case the file list is provided on the command line i.e. using --sources=@args or --sources=<Array> (but not --sources=@ts), then the list of files will be used either as a simple file list or a file pair list depending on the value of the option: src_type:

  • list : (default) the path of destination is the same as source
  • pair : in that case, the first element is the first source, the second element is the first destination, and so on.


$ ascli server upload --src-type=pair ~/Documents/Samples/200KB.1 /Upload/sample1

Internally, when transfer agent direct is used, a temporary file list (or pair) file is generated and provided to ascp, unless --file-list or --file-pait-list is provided in ts in EX_ascp_args.

Note the special case when the source files are located on "Aspera on Cloud", i.e. using access keys and the file id API:

  • All files must be in the same source folder.
  • If there is a single file : specify the full path
  • For multiple files, specify the source folder as first item in the list followed by the list of file names.

Source files are located on "Aspera on cloud", when :

  • the server is Aspera on Cloud, and making a download / recv
  • the agent is Aspera on Cloud, and making an upload / send

Support of multi-session

Multi session, i.e. starting a transfer of a file set using multiple sessions (one ascp process per session) is supported on "direct" and "node" agents, not yet on connect.

  • when agent=node :

Multi-session is directly supported by the node daemon.

  • when agent=direct :

Note: resume policy of "attr" may cause problems. "none" or "sparse_csum" shall be preferred.

Multi-session spawn is done by ascli.

When multi-session is used, one separate UDP port is used per session (refer to ascp manual page).


  • Change target rate
  • Override the FASP SSH port to a specific TCP port:
  • Force http fallback mode:
  • Activate progress when not activated by default on server

Lock for exclusive execution

In some conditions, it may be desirable to ensure that ascli is not executed several times in parallel.

For instance when ascli is executed automatically on a schedule basis, one generally desire that a new execution is not started if a previous execution is still running because an on-going operation may last longer than the scheduling period:

  • Executing instances may pile-up and kill the system
  • The same file may be transfered by multiple instances at the same time.
  • preview may generate the same files in multiple instances.

Usually the OS native scheduler already provides some sort of protection against parallel execution:

  • The Windows scheduler does this by default
  • Linux cron can leverage the utility flock to do the same:
/usr/bin/flock -w 0 /var/cron.lock ascli ...

ascli natively supports a locking mechanism with option lock_port. (Technically, this opens a local TCP server port, and fails if this port is already used, providing a local lock. Lock is released when process exits).


Run this same command in two separate terminals within less than 30 seconds:

ascli config echo @ruby:'sleep(30)' --lock-port=12345

The first instance will sleep 30 seconds, the second one will immediately exit like this:

WARN -- : Another instance is already running (Address already in use - bind(2) for "" port 12345).


ascp, the underlying executable implementing Aspera file transfer using FASP, has a capability to not only access the local file system (using system's open,read,write,close primitives), but also to do the same operations on other data storage such as S3, Hadoop and others. This mechanism is call PVCL. Several PVCL adapters are available, some are embedded in ascp , some are provided om shared libraries and must be activated. (e.g. using trapd)

The list of supported PVCL adapters can be retried with command:

$ ascli conf ascp info
| key                | value                                                     |
| product_name       | IBM Aspera SDK                                            |
| product_version    |                                              |
| process            | pvcl                                                      |
| shares             | pvcl                                                      |
| noded              | pvcl                                                      |
| faux               | pvcl                                                      |
| file               | pvcl                                                      |
| stdio              | pvcl                                                      |
| stdio-tar          | pvcl                                                      |

Here we can see the adapters: process, shares, noded, faux, file, stdio, stdio-tar.

Those adapters can be used wherever a file path is used in ascp including configuration. They act as a pseudo "drive".

The simplified format is:

<adapter>:///<sub file path>?<arg1>=<val1>&...

One of the adapters, used in this manual, for testing, is faux. It is a pseudo file system allowing generation of file data without actual storage (on source or destination).

faux: for testing

This is an extract of the man page of ascp. This feature is a feature of ascp, not ascli

This adapter can be used to simulate a file or a directory.

To send uninitialized data in place of an actual source file, the source file is replaced with an argument of the form faux:///fname?fsize where:

  • fname is the name that will be assigned to the file on the destination
  • fsize is the number of bytes that will be sent (in decimal).

Note that the character ? is a special shell character (wildcard), so faux file specification on command line shall be protected (using \? and \& or using quotes). If not, the shell may give error: no matches found or equivalent.

For all sizes, a suffix can be added (case insensitive) to the size: k,m,g,t,p,e (values are power of 2, e.g. 1M is 2^20, i.e. 1 mebibyte, not megabyte). The maximum allowed value is 8*2^60. Very large faux file sizes (petabyte range and above) will likely fail due to lack of system memory unless faux://.

To send uninitialized data in place of a source directory, the source argument is replaced with an argument of the form:


dirname is the folder name and can contain / to specify a subfolder.

Supported arguments are:

countintmandatorynumber of files
filestringfilebasename for files
sizeint0size of first file.
incint0increment applied to determine next file size
sequentialsequence in determining next file size
zerohow source data initialized.
Option 'none' is not allowed for downloads.

The sequence parameter is applied as follows:

  • If seq is random then each file size is:

    • size +/- (inc * rand())
    • Where rand is a random number between 0 and 1
    • Note that file size must not be negative, inc will be set to size if it is greater than size
    • Similarly, overall file size must be less than 8 * 2^60. If size + inc is greater, inc will be reduced to limit size + inc to 7 * 2^60.
  • If seq is sequential then each file size is:

    • size + ((fileindex - 1) * inc)
    • Where first file is index 1
    • So file1 is size bytes, file2 is size + inc bytes, file3 is size + inc * 2 bytes, etc.
    • As with random, inc will be adjusted if size + (count * inc) is not less then 8 ^ 2^60.

Filenames generated are of the form: <file>_<00000 . . . count>_<filesize>

To discard data at the destination, the destination argument is set to faux:// .


  • Upload 20 gigabytes of random data to file myfile to directory /Upload
$ ascli server upload faux:///myfile\?20g --to-folder=/Upload
  • Upload a file /tmp/sample but do not save results to disk (no docroot on destination)
$ ascli server upload /tmp/sample --to-folder=faux://
  • Upload a faux directory mydir containing 1 million files, sequentially with sizes ranging from 0 to 2 M - 2 bytes, with the basename of each file being testfile to /Upload
$ ascli server upload "faux:///mydir?file=testfile&count=1m&size=0&inc=2&seq=sequential" --to-folder=/Upload

Sample Commands

A non complete list of commands used in unit tests:

ascli -h
ascli aoc -N remind --username=my_aoc_user_email
ascli aoc -N servers
ascli aoc admin analytics transfers --query=@json:'{"status":"completed","direction":"receive"}' --notif-to=my_recipient_email --notif-template=@ruby:'%Q{From: <%=from_name%> <<%=from_email%>>\nTo: <<%=to%>>\nSubject: <%=ev["files_completed"]%> files received\n\n<%=ev.to_yaml%>}'
ascli aoc admin ats access_key --id=akibmcloud --secret=somesecret node browse /
ascli aoc admin ats access_key --id=akibmcloud delete
ascli aoc admin ats access_key create --cloud=aws --region=my_aws_bucket_region --params=@json:'{"id":"ak_aws","name":"my test key AWS","storage":{"type":"aws_s3","bucket":"my_aws_bucket_name","credentials":{"access_key_id":"my_aws_bucket_key","secret_access_key":"my_aws_bucket_secret"},"path":"/"}}'
ascli aoc admin ats access_key create --cloud=softlayer --region=my_icos_bucket_region --params=@json:'{"id":"akibmcloud","secret":"somesecret","name":"my test key","storage":{"type":"ibm-s3","bucket":"my_icos_bucket_name","credentials":{"access_key_id":"my_icos_bucket_key","secret_access_key":"my_icos_bucket_secret"},"path":"/"}}'
ascli aoc admin ats access_key list --fields=name,id
ascli aoc admin ats cluster clouds
ascli aoc admin ats cluster list
ascli aoc admin ats cluster show --cloud=aws --region=eu-west-1
ascli aoc admin ats cluster show --id=1f412ae7-869a-445c-9c05-02ad16813be2
ascli aoc admin res application list
ascli aoc admin res client list
ascli aoc admin res client_access_key list
ascli aoc admin res client_registration_token --id=my_clt_reg_id delete
ascli aoc admin res client_registration_token create @json:'{"data":{"name":"test_client_reg1","client_subject_scopes":["alee","aejd"],"client_subject_enabled":true}}'
ascli aoc admin res client_registration_token list
ascli aoc admin res contact list
ascli aoc admin res dropbox list
ascli aoc admin res dropbox_membership list
ascli aoc admin res group list
ascli aoc admin res kms_profile list
ascli aoc admin res node list
ascli aoc admin res operation list
ascli aoc admin res organization show
ascli aoc admin res package list
ascli aoc admin res saml_configuration list
ascli aoc admin res self show
ascli aoc admin res short_link list
ascli aoc admin res user list
ascli aoc admin res workspace_membership list
ascli aoc admin resource node --name=AOC_NODE1_NAME --secret=AOC_NODE1_SECRET v3 access_key create --value=@json:'{"id":"testsub1","storage":{"path":"/folder1"}}'
ascli aoc admin resource node --name=AOC_NODE1_NAME --secret=AOC_NODE1_SECRET v3 access_key delete --id=testsub1
ascli aoc admin resource node --name=AOC_NODE1_NAME --secret=AOC_NODE1_SECRET v3 events
ascli aoc admin resource node --name=AOC_NODE1_NAME --secret=AOC_NODE1_SECRET v4 browse /
ascli aoc admin resource node --name=AOC_NODE1_NAME --secret=AOC_NODE1_SECRET v4 delete /folder1
ascli aoc admin resource node --name=AOC_NODE1_NAME --secret=AOC_NODE1_SECRET v4 mkdir /folder1
ascli aoc admin resource workspace list
ascli aoc admin resource workspace_membership list --fields=ALL --query=@json:'{"page":1,"per_page":50,"embed":"member","inherited":false,"workspace_id":11363,"sort":"name"}'
ascli aoc automation workflow --id="my_wf_id" action create --value=@json:'{"name":"toto"}' | tee
ascli aoc automation workflow create --value=@json:'{"name":"test_workflow"}'
ascli aoc automation workflow delete --id="my_wf_id"
ascli aoc automation workflow list
ascli aoc automation workflow list --select=@json:'{"name":"test_workflow"}' --fields=id --format=csv --display=data > test
ascli aoc automation workflow list --value=@json:'{"show_org_workflows":"true"}' --scope=admin:all
ascli aoc bearer_token --display=data --scope=user:all
ascli aoc faspex
ascli aoc files bearer /
ascli aoc files bearer_token_node /
ascli aoc files browse /
ascli aoc files browse / -N --link=my_aoc_publink_folder
ascli aoc files delete /testsrc
ascli aoc files download --transfer=connect /200KB.1
ascli aoc files file --id=my_file_id show
ascli aoc files find / --value='\.partial$'
ascli aoc files http_node_download --to-folder=. /200KB.1
ascli aoc files mkdir /testsrc
ascli aoc files rename /somefolder testdst
ascli aoc files short_link create --to-folder=/testdst --value=private
ascli aoc files short_link create --to-folder=/testdst --value=public
ascli aoc files short_link list --value=@json:'{"purpose":"shared_folder_auth_link"}'
ascli aoc files transfer --from-folder=/testsrc --to-folder=/testdst testfile.bin
ascli aoc files upload --to-folder=/testsrc testfile.bin
ascli aoc files upload -N --to-folder=/ testfile.bin --link=my_aoc_publink_folder
ascli aoc files upload Test.pdf --transfer=node --transfer-info=@json:@stdin:
ascli aoc files v3 info
ascli aoc org -N --link=my_aoc_publink_recv_from_aocuser
ascli aoc organization
ascli aoc packages list
ascli aoc packages list --query=@json:'{"dropbox_id":"my_shbxid","sort":"-received_at","archived":false,"received":true,"has_content":true,"exclude_dropbox_packages":false}'
ascli aoc packages recv --id="my_package_id" --to-folder=.
ascli aoc packages recv --id=ALL --to-folder=. --once-only=yes --lock-port=12345
ascli aoc packages send --value=@json:'{"name":"Important files delivery","recipients":["[email protected]"]}' --new-user-option=@json:'{"package_contact":true}' testfile.bin
ascli aoc packages send --value=@json:'{"name":"Important files delivery","recipients":["[email protected]"],"note":"my note"}' testfile.bin
ascli aoc packages send --workspace="my_aoc_shbx_ws" --value=@json:'{"name":"Important files delivery","recipients":["my_aoc_shbx_name"]}' testfile.bin
ascli aoc packages send -N --value=@json:'{"name":"Important files delivery"}' testfile.bin --link=my_aoc_publink_send_aoc_user --password=my_aoc_publink_send_use_pass
ascli aoc packages send -N --value=@json:'{"name":"Important files delivery"}' testfile.bin --link=my_aoc_publink_send_shd_inbox
ascli aoc user info modify @json:'{"name":"dummy change"}'
ascli aoc user info show
ascli aoc user shared_inboxes
ascli aoc user workspaces
ascli aoc workspace
ascli ats access_key --id=ak_aws delete
ascli ats access_key --id=akibmcloud --secret=somesecret cluster
ascli ats access_key --id=akibmcloud --secret=somesecret node browse /
ascli ats access_key --id=akibmcloud delete
ascli ats access_key create --cloud=aws --region=my_aws_bucket_region --params=@json:'{"id":"ak_aws","name":"my test key AWS","storage":{"type":"aws_s3","bucket":"my_aws_bucket_name","credentials":{"access_key_id":"my_aws_bucket_key","secret_access_key":"my_aws_bucket_secret"},"path":"/"}}'
ascli ats access_key create --cloud=softlayer --region=my_icos_bucket_region --params=@json:'{"id":"akibmcloud","secret":"somesecret","name":"my test key","storage":{"type":"ibm-s3","bucket":"my_icos_bucket_name","credentials":{"access_key_id":"my_icos_bucket_key","secret_access_key":"my_icos_bucket_secret"},"path":"/"}}'
ascli ats access_key list --fields=name,id
ascli ats api_key create
ascli ats api_key instances
ascli ats api_key list
ascli ats cluster clouds
ascli ats cluster list
ascli ats cluster show --cloud=aws --region=eu-west-1
ascli ats cluster show --id=1f412ae7-869a-445c-9c05-02ad16813be2
ascli conf flush_tokens
ascli conf wiz --url= --config-file=SAMPLE_CONFIG_FILE --pkeypath='' --username=my_aoc_user_email --test-mode=yes
ascli conf wiz --url= --config-file=SAMPLE_CONFIG_FILE --pkeypath='' --username=my_aoc_user_email --test-mode=yes --use-generic-client=yes
ascli config ascp connect id 'Aspera Connect for Windows' info
ascli config ascp connect id 'Aspera Connect for Windows' links id 'Windows Installer' download --to-folder=.
ascli config ascp connect id 'Aspera Connect for Windows' links list
ascli config ascp connect list
ascli config ascp info
ascli config ascp install
ascli config ascp products list
ascli config ascp show
ascli config ascp spec
ascli config check_update
ascli config doc
ascli config doc transfer-parameters
ascli config email_test --notif-to=my_recipient_email
ascli config export
ascli config genkey mykey
ascli config plugins
ascli config proxy_check --fpac=file:///examples/proxy.pac
ascli console transfer current list 
ascli console transfer smart list 
ascli console transfer smart sub my_job_id @json:'{"source":{"paths":["my_file_name"]},"source_type":"user_selected"}'
ascli cos -N --bucket=my_icos_bucket_name --endpoint=my_icos_bucket_endpoint --apikey=my_icos_bucket_apikey --crn=my_icos_resource_instance_id node info
ascli cos -N --bucket=my_icos_bucket_name --region=my_icos_bucket_region --service-credentials=@json:@file:service_creds.json node info
ascli cos node access_key --id=self show
ascli cos node download testfile.bin --to-folder=.
ascli cos node info
ascli cos node upload testfile.bin
ascli faspex health
ascli faspex package list
ascli faspex package list --box=sent --fields=package_id --format=csv --display=data|tail -n 1);\
ascli faspex package list --fields=package_id --format=csv --display=data|tail -n 1);\
ascli faspex package recv --to-folder=. --box=sent --id="my_package_id"
ascli faspex package recv --to-folder=. --id="my_package_id"
ascli faspex package recv --to-folder=. --id=ALL --once-only=yes
ascli faspex package recv --to-folder=. --link="my_faspex_publink_recv_from_fxuser"
ascli faspex package send --delivery-info=@json:'{"title":"Important files delivery","recipients":["[email protected]","FASPEX_USERNAME"]}' testfile.bin
ascli faspex package send --link="my_faspex_publink_send_to_dropbox" --delivery-info=@json:'{"title":"Important files delivery"}' testfile.bin
ascli faspex package send --link="my_faspex_publink_send_to_fxuser" --delivery-info=@json:'{"title":"Important files delivery"}' testfile.bin
ascli faspex source name "Server Files" node br /
ascli faspex5 node list --value=@json:'{"type":"received","subtype":"mypackages"}'
ascli faspex5 package list --value=@json:'{"mailbox":"inbox","state":["released"]}'
ascli faspex5 package receive --id="my_package_id" --to-folder=.
ascli faspex5 package send --value=@json:'{"title":"test title","recipients":[{"name":"${f5_user}"}]}' testfile.bin
ascli node -N -Ptst_node_preview access_key create --value=@json:'{"id":"aoc_1","storage":{"type":"local","path":"/"}}'
ascli node -N -Ptst_node_preview access_key delete --id=aoc_1
ascli node async --id=1 bandwidth 
ascli node async --id=1 counters 
ascli node async --id=1 files 
ascli node async list
ascli node async show --id=1
ascli node async show --id=ALL
ascli node basic_token
ascli node browse / -r
ascli node delete folder_1/10MB.1
ascli node delete folder_1/testfile.bin
ascli node download --to-folder=. folder_1/testfile.bin
ascli node health
ascli node info
ascli node search / --value=@json:'{"sort":"mtime"}'
ascli node service --id=service1 delete
ascli node service create @json:'{"id":"service1","type":"WATCHD","run_as":{"user":"user1"}}'
ascli node service list
ascli node transfer list --value=@json:'{"active_only":true}'
ascli node upload --to-folder="folder_1" --sources=@ts --ts=@json:'{"paths":[{"source":"/aspera-test-dir-small/10MB.1"}],"precalculate_job_size":true}' --transfer=node --transfer-info=@json:'{"url":"my_node_url","username":"my_node_user","password":"my_node_pass"}'
ascli node upload --to-folder=folder_1 --ts=@json:'{"target_rate_cap_kbps":10000}' testfile.bin
ascli orchestrator info
ascli orchestrator plugins
ascli orchestrator processes
ascli orchestrator workflow --id=ORCH_WORKFLOW_ID inputs
ascli orchestrator workflow --id=ORCH_WORKFLOW_ID start --params=@json:'{"Param":"world !"}'
ascli orchestrator workflow --id=ORCH_WORKFLOW_ID start --params=@json:'{"Param":"world !"}' --result=ResultStep:Complete_status_message
ascli orchestrator workflow --id=ORCH_WORKFLOW_ID status
ascli orchestrator workflow list
ascli orchestrator workflow status
ascli preview check --skip-types=office
ascli preview folder 1 --skip-types=office --log-level=info --file-access=remote --ts=@json:'{"target_rate_kbps":1000000}'
ascli preview scan --skip-types=office --log-level=info
ascli preview test --case=test mp4 "TSTFILE_MXF" --video-conversion=blend --log-level=debug
ascli preview test --case=test mp4 "TSTFILE_MXF" --video-conversion=clips --log-level=debug
ascli preview test --case=test mp4 "TSTFILE_MXF" --video-conversion=reencode --log-level=debug
ascli preview test --case=test png "TSTFILE_DCM" --log-level=debug
ascli preview test --case=test png "TSTFILE_DOCX" --log-level=debug
ascli preview test --case=test png "TSTFILE_MXF" --video-png-conv=animated --log-level=debug
ascli preview test --case=test png "TSTFILE_MXF" --video-png-conv=fixed --log-level=debug
ascli preview test --case=test png "TSTFILE_PDF" --log-level=debug
ascli preview trevents --once-only=yes --skip-types=office --log-level=info
ascli server -N -Ptst_hstsfaspex_ssh -Plocal_user ctl all:status
ascli server -N -Ptst_hstsfaspex_ssh -Plocal_user health app_services --format=nagios
ascli server -N -Ptst_hstsfaspex_ssh -Plocal_user health asctlstatus --format=nagios --cmd-prefix='sudo '
ascli server -N -Ptst_hstsfaspex_ssh -Plocal_user nodeadmin -- -l
ascli server -N -Ptst_server_bykey -Plocal_user br /
ascli server browse /
ascli server browse folder_1/target_hot
ascli server cp NEW_SERVER_FOLDER/testfile.bin folder_1/200KB.2
ascli server delete NEW_SERVER_FOLDER
ascli server delete folder_1/target_hot
ascli server delete folder_1/to.delete
ascli server df
ascli server download NEW_SERVER_FOLDER/testfile.bin --to-folder=. --transfer-info=@json:'{"wss":false,"resume":{"iter_max":1}}'
ascli server download NEW_SERVER_FOLDER/testfile.bin --to-folder=folder_1 --transfer=node
ascli server du /
ascli server health transfer --to-folder=folder_1 --format=nagios 
ascli server info
ascli server md5sum NEW_SERVER_FOLDER/testfile.bin
ascli server mkdir NEW_SERVER_FOLDER --logger=stdout
ascli server mkdir folder_1/target_hot
ascli server mv folder_1/200KB.2 folder_1/to.delete
ascli server upload --sources=@ts --ts=@json:'{"paths":[{"source":"testfile.bin","destination":"NEW_SERVER_FOLDER/othername"}]}'
ascli server upload --src-type=pair --sources=@json:'["testfile.bin","NEW_SERVER_FOLDER/othername"]'
ascli server upload --src-type=pair testfile.bin NEW_SERVER_FOLDER/othername --notif-to=my_recipient_email
ascli server upload --to-folder=folder_1/target_hot --lock-port=12345 --ts=@json:'{"EX_ascp_args":["--remove-after-transfer","--remove-empty-directories","--exclude-newer-than=-8","--src-base","source_hot"]}' source_hot
ascli server upload testfile.bin --to-folder=NEW_SERVER_FOLDER --ts=@json:'{"multi_session":3,"multi_session_threshold":1,"resume_policy":"none","target_rate_kbps":1500}' --transfer-info=@json:'{"spawn_delay_sec":2.5}' --progress=multi
ascli shares admin share list
ascli shares repository browse /
ascli shares repository delete /SHARES_UPLOAD/testfile.bin
ascli shares repository download --to-folder=. /SHARES_UPLOAD/testfile.bin
ascli shares repository download --to-folder=. /SHARES_UPLOAD/testfile.bin --transfer=httpgw --transfer-info=@json:'{"url":"https://HTTP_GW_FQDN/aspera/http-gwy/v1"}'
ascli shares repository upload --to-folder=/SHARES_UPLOAD testfile.bin
ascli shares repository upload --to-folder=/SHARES_UPLOAD testfile.bin --transfer=httpgw --transfer-info=@json:'{"url":"https://HTTP_GW_FQDN/aspera/http-gwy/v1"}'
ascli shares2 appinfo
ascli shares2 organization list
ascli shares2 project list --organization=Sport
ascli shares2 repository browse /
ascli shares2 userinfo
ascli sync start --parameters=@json:'{"sessions":[{"name":"test","reset":true,"remote_dir":"/sync_test","local_dir":"contents","host":"my_remote_host","tcp_port":33001,"user":"my_remote_user","private_key_path":"my_local_user_key"}]}'

...and more


$ ascli -h
	ascli -- a command line tool for Aspera Applications (v4.4.0)


	Use Aspera application to perform operations on command line.
	Documentation and examples:
	execute: ascli conf doc
	or visit:

	ASCLI_HOME  config folder, default: $HOME/.aspera/ascli
	#any option can be set as an environment variable, refer to the manual

	To list first level commands, execute: ascli
	Note that commands can be written shortened (provided it is unique).

	Options begin with a '-' (minus), and value is provided on command line.
	Special values are supported beginning with special prefix, like: @base64: @json: @zlib: @ruby: @csvt: @lines: @list: @val: @file: @path: @env: @stdin:.
	Dates format is 'DD-MM-YY HH:MM:SS', or 'now' or '-<num>h'

	Some commands require mandatory arguments, e.g. a path.

OPTIONS: global
        --interactive=ENUM           use interactive input of missing params: yes, no
        --ask-options=ENUM           ask even optional options: yes, no
        --format=ENUM                output format: table, ruby, json, jsonpp, yaml, csv, nagios
        --display=ENUM               output only some information: info, data, error
        --fields=VALUE               comma separated list of fields, or ALL, or DEF
        --select=VALUE               select only some items in lists, extended value: hash (column, value)
        --table-style=VALUE          table display style
        --flat-hash=ENUM             display hash values as additional keys: yes, no
    -h, --help                       Show this message.
        --bash-comp                  generate bash completion for command
        --show-config                Display parameters used for the provided action.
    -r, --rest-debug                 more debug for HTTP calls
    -v, --version                    display version
    -w, --warnings                   check for language warnings
        --ui=ENUM                    method to start browser: text, graphical
        --log-level=ENUM             Log level: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, unknown
        --logger=ENUM                log method: stderr, stdout, syslog
        --lock-port=VALUE            prevent dual execution of a command, e.g. in cron
        --query=VALUE                additional filter for API calls (extended value) (some commands)
        --insecure=ENUM              do not validate HTTPS certificate: yes, no
        --once-only=ENUM             process only new items (some commands): yes, no

COMMAND: config
SUBCOMMANDS: gem_path genkey plugins flush_tokens list overview open echo id documentation wizard export_to_cli detect coffee ascp email_test smtp_settings proxy_check folder file check_update initdemo
        --value=VALUE                extended value for create, update, list filter
        --property=VALUE             name of property to set
        --id=VALUE                   resource identifier (modify,delete,show)
        --config-file=VALUE          read parameters from file in YAML format, current=/Users/FooBar/.aspera/ascli/config.yaml
    -N, --no-default                 do not load default configuration for plugin
        --override=ENUM              Wizard: override existing value: yes, no
        --use-generic-client=ENUM    Wizard: AoC: use global or org specific jwt client id: yes, no
        --default=ENUM               Wizard: set as default configuration for specified plugin (also: update): yes, no
        --test-mode=ENUM             Wizard: skip private key check step: yes, no
        --pkeypath=VALUE             Wizard: path to private key for JWT
        --ascp-path=VALUE            path to ascp
        --use-product=VALUE          use ascp from specified product
        --smtp=VALUE                 smtp configuration (extended value: hash)
        --fpac=VALUE                 proxy auto configuration URL
    -P, --presetVALUE                load the named option preset from current config file
        --secret=VALUE               default secret
        --secrets=VALUE              secret repository (Hash)
        --sdk-url=VALUE              URL to get SDK
        --sdk-folder=VALUE           SDK folder path
        --notif-to=VALUE             email recipient for notification of transfers
        --notif-template=VALUE       email ERB template for notification of transfers
        --version-check-days=VALUE   period in days to check new version (zero to disable)
        --ts=VALUE                   override transfer spec values (Hash, use @json: prefix), current={"create_dir"=>true}
        --local-resume=VALUE         set resume policy (Hash, use @json: prefix), current=
        --to-folder=VALUE            destination folder for downloaded files
        --sources=VALUE              list of source files (see doc)
        --transfer-info=VALUE        parameters for transfer agent
        --src-type=ENUM              type of file list: list, pair
        --transfer=ENUM              type of transfer agent: direct, httpgw, connect, node
        --progress=ENUM              type of progress bar: none, native, multi

COMMAND: shares
SUBCOMMANDS: repository admin
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password

SUBCOMMANDS: postprocess stream transfer cleanup forward access_key watch_folder service async central asperabrowser basic_token browse upload download api_details health events space info license mkdir mklink mkfile rename delete search
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password
        --validator=VALUE            identifier of validator (optional for central)
        --asperabrowserurl=VALUE     URL for simple aspera web ui
        --name=VALUE                 sync name
        --token-type=ENUM            Type of token used for transfers: aspera, basic, hybrid

COMMAND: orchestrator
SUBCOMMANDS: info workflow plugins processes
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password
        --params=VALUE               parameters hash table, use @json:{"param":"value"}
        --result=VALUE               specify result value as: 'work step:parameter'
        --synchronous=ENUM           work step:parameter expected as result: yes, no
        --ret-style=ENUM             how return type is requested in api: header, arg, ext
        --auth-style=ENUM            authentication type: arg_pass, head_basic, apikey

SUBCOMMANDS: subscription
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password

SUBCOMMANDS: entitlement
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password

SUBCOMMANDS: cluster access_key api_key aws_trust_policy
        --ibm-api-key=VALUE          IBM API key, see
        --instance=VALUE             ATS instance in ibm cloud
        --ats-key=VALUE              ATS key identifier (ats_xxx)
        --ats-secret=VALUE           ATS key secret
        --params=VALUE               Parameters access key creation (@json:)
        --cloud=VALUE                Cloud provider
        --region=VALUE               Cloud region

COMMAND: faspex5
SUBCOMMANDS: node package auth_client jobs
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password
        --client-id=VALUE            API client identifier in application
        --client-secret=VALUE        API client secret in application
        --redirect-uri=VALUE         API client redirect URI
        --auth=ENUM                  type of Oauth authentication: body_userpass, header_userpass, web, jwt, url_token, ibm_apikey, boot
        --private-key=VALUE          RSA private key PEM value for JWT (prefix file path with @val:@file:)

        --bucket=VALUE               IBM Cloud Object storage bucket
        --endpoint=VALUE             storage endpoint url
        --apikey=VALUE               storage API key
        --crn=VALUE                  ressource instance id
        --service-credentials=VALUE  IBM Cloud service credentials (Hash)
        --region=VALUE               IBM Cloud Object storage region

COMMAND: faspex
SUBCOMMANDS: health package source me dropbox v4 address_book login_methods
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password
        --link=VALUE                 public link for specific operation
        --delivery-info=VALUE        package delivery information (extended value)
        --source-name=VALUE          create package from remote source (by name)
        --storage=VALUE              Faspex local storage definition
        --recipient=VALUE            use if recipient is a dropbox (with *)
        --box=ENUM                   package box: inbox, archive, sent

COMMAND: shares2
SUBCOMMANDS: repository organization project team share appinfo userinfo admin
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password
        --organization=VALUE         organization
        --project=VALUE              project
        --share=VALUE                share

COMMAND: preview
SUBCOMMANDS: scan events trevents check test
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password
        --skip-format=ENUM           skip this preview format (multiple possible): png, mp4
        --folder-reset-cache=ENUM    force detection of generated preview by refresh cache: no, header, read
        --skip-types=VALUE           skip types in comma separated list
        --previews-folder=VALUE      preview folder in storage root
        --temp-folder=VALUE          path to temp folder
        --skip-folders=VALUE         list of folder to skip
        --case=VALUE                 basename of output for for test
        --scan-path=VALUE            subpath in folder id to start scan in (default=/)
        --scan-id=VALUE              forder id in storage to start scan in, default is access key main folder id
        --mimemagic=ENUM             use Mime type detection of gem mimemagic: yes, no
        --overwrite=ENUM             when to overwrite result file: always, never, mtime
        --file-access=ENUM           how to read and write files in repository: local, remote
        --max-size=VALUE             maximum size (in bytes) of preview file
        --thumb-vid-scale=VALUE      png: video: size (ffmpeg scale argument)
        --thumb-vid-fraction=VALUE   png: video: position of snapshot
        --thumb-img-size=VALUE       png: non-video: height (and width)
        --video-conversion=ENUM      mp4: method for preview generation: reencode, blend, clips
        --video-png-conv=ENUM        mp4: method for thumbnail generation: fixed, animated
        --video-start-sec=VALUE      mp4: start offset (seconds) of video preview
        --video-scale=VALUE          mp4: video scale (ffmpeg)
        --blend-keyframes=VALUE      mp4: blend: # key frames
        --blend-pauseframes=VALUE    mp4: blend: # pause frames
        --blend-transframes=VALUE    mp4: blend: # transition blend frames
        --blend-fps=VALUE            mp4: blend: frame per second
        --clips-count=VALUE          mp4: clips: number of clips
        --clips-length=VALUE         mp4: clips: length in seconds of each clips

SUBCOMMANDS: start admin
        --parameters=VALUE           extended value for session set definition
        --session-name=VALUE         name of session to use for admin commands, by default first one

SUBCOMMANDS: reminder bearer_token organization tier_restrictions user workspace packages files gateway admin automation servers
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password
        --auth=ENUM                  OAuth type of authentication: body_userpass, header_userpass, web, jwt, url_token, ibm_apikey
        --operation=ENUM             client operation for transfers: push, pull
        --client-id=VALUE            OAuth API client identifier in application
        --client-secret=VALUE        OAuth API client passcode
        --redirect-uri=VALUE         OAuth API client redirect URI
        --private-key=VALUE          OAuth JWT RSA private key PEM value (prefix file path with @val:@file:)
        --workspace=VALUE            name of workspace
        --name=VALUE                 resource name
        --path=VALUE                 file or folder path
        --link=VALUE                 public link to shared resource
        --new-user-option=VALUE      new user creation option
        --from-folder=VALUE          share to share source folder
        --scope=VALUE                OAuth scope for AoC API calls
        --bulk=ENUM                  bulk operation: yes, no
        --default-ports=ENUM         use standard FASP ports or get from node api: yes, no

COMMAND: server
SUBCOMMANDS: health nodeadmin userdata configurator ctl download upload browse delete rename ls rm mv du info mkdir cp df md5sum
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password
        --ssh-keys=VALUE             ssh key path list (Array or single)
        --ssh-options=VALUE          ssh options (Hash)
        --cmd-prefix=VALUE           prefix to add for as cmd execution, e.g. sudo or /opt/aspera/bin 

COMMAND: console
SUBCOMMANDS: transfer health
        --url=VALUE                  URL of application, e.g.
        --username=VALUE             username to log in
        --password=VALUE             user's password
        --filter-from=DATE           only after date
        --filter-to=DATE             only before date

Note that actions and parameter values can be written in short form.

Plugins: Application URL and Authentication

ascli comes with several Aspera application plugins.

REST APIs of Aspera legacy applications (Aspera Node, Faspex, Shares, Console, Orchestrator, Server) use simple username/password authentication: HTTP Basic Authentication.

Those are using options:

  • url
  • username
  • password

Those can be provided using command line, parameter set, env var, see section above.

Aspera on Cloud relies on Oauth, refer to the Aspera on Cloud section.

Plugin: Aspera on Cloud

Aspera on Cloud uses the more advanced Oauth v2 mechanism for authentication (HTTP Basic authentication is not supported).

It is recommended to use the wizard to set it up, but manual configuration is also possible.

Configuration: using Wizard

ascli provides a configuration wizard. Here is a sample invocation :

$ ascli config wizard
option: url>
Detected: Aspera on Cloud
Preparing preset: aoc_myorg
Please provide path to your private RSA key, or empty to generate one:
option: pkeypath>
using existing key:
Using global client_id.
option: username> [email protected]
Updating profile with new key
creating new config preset: aoc_myorg
Setting config preset as default for aspera
saving config file
You can test with:
$ ascli aoc user info show

Optionally, it is possible to create a new organization-specific "integration". For this, specify the option: --use-generic-client=no.

This will guide you through the steps to create.

Configuration: using manual setup

If you used the wizard (recommended): skip this section.

Configuration details

Several types of OAuth authentication are supported:

  • JSON Web Token (JWT) : authentication is secured by a private key (recommended for CLI)
  • Web based authentication : authentication is made by user using a browser
  • URL Token : external users authentication with url tokens (public links)

The authentication method is controled by option auth.

For a quick start, follow the mandatory and sufficient section: API Client Registration (auth=web) as well as [option preset for Aspera on Cloud](#aocpreset).

For a more convenient, browser-less, experience follow the JWT section (auth=jwt) in addition to Client Registration.

In Oauth, a "Bearer" token are generated to authenticate REST calls. Bearer tokens are valid for a period of time.ascli saves generated tokens in its configuration folder, tries to re-use them or regenerates them when they have expired.

Optional: API Client Registration

If you use the built-in client_id and client_secret, skip this and do not set them in next section.

Else you can use a specific OAuth API client_id, the first step is to declare ascli in Aspera on Cloud using the admin interface.

(official documentation: ).

Let's start by a registration with web based authentication (auth=web):

  • Open a web browser, log to your instance: e.g.
  • Go to Apps→Admin→Organization→Integrations
  • Click "Create New"
    • Client Name: ascli
    • Redirect URIs: http://localhost:12345
    • Origins: localhost
    • uncheck "Prompt users to allow client to access"
    • leave the JWT part for now
  • Save

Note: for web based authentication, ascli listens on a local port (e.g. specified by the redirect_uri, in this example: 12345), and the browser will provide the OAuth code there. For ``ascli`, HTTP is required, and 12345 is the default port.

Once the client is registered, a "Client ID" and "Secret" are created, these values will be used in the next step.

option preset for Aspera on Cloud

If you did not use the wizard, you can also manually create a option preset for ascli in its configuration file.

Lets create an option preset called: my_aoc_org using ask interactive input (client info from previous step):

$ ascli config id my_aoc_org ask url client_id client_secret
option: url>
option: client_id> BJLPObQiFw
option: client_secret> yFS1mu-crbKuQhGFtfhYuoRW...
updated: my_aoc_org

(This can also be done in one line using the command config id my_aoc_org update --url=...)

Define this option preset as default configuration for the aspera plugin:

$ ascli config id default set aoc my_aoc_org

Note: Default auth method is web and default redirect_uri is http://localhost:12345. Leave those default values.

Activation of JSON Web Token (JWT) for direct authentication

For a Browser-less, Private Key-based authentication, use the following steps.

Key Pair Generation

In order to use JWT for Aspera on Cloud API client authentication, a private/public key pair must be generated (without passphrase) This can be done using any of the following method:

(TODO: add passphrase protection as option).

  • using the CLI:
$ ascli config genkey ~/.aspera/ascli/aocapikey
  • ssh-keygen:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.aspera/ascli/aocapikey -N ''
  • openssl

(on some openssl implementation (mac) there is option: -nodes (no DES))

$ APIKEY=~/.aspera/ascli/aocapikey
$ openssl genrsa -passout pass:dummypassword -out ${APIKEY}.protected 2048
$ openssl rsa -passin pass:dummypassword -in ${APIKEY}.protected -out ${APIKEY}
$ openssl rsa -pubout -in ${APIKEY} -out ${APIKEY}.pub
$ rm -f ${APIKEY}.protected

API Client JWT activation

If you are not using the built-in client_id and secret, JWT needs to be authorized in Aspera on Cloud. This can be done in two manners:

  • Graphically

    • Open a web browser, log to your instance:
    • Go to Apps→Admin→Organization→Integrations
    • Click on the previously created application
    • select tab : "JSON Web Token Auth"
    • Modify options if necessary, for instance: activate both options in section "Settings"
    • Click "Save"
  • Using command line

$ ascli aoc admin res client list
:     id     :  name   :
: BJLPObQiFw : ascli :
$ ascli aoc admin res client --id=BJLPObQiFw modify @json:'{"jwt_grant_enabled":true,"explicit_authorization_required":false}'

User key registration

The public key must be assigned to your user. This can be done in two manners:

  • Graphically

open the previously generated public key located here: $HOME/.aspera/ascli/

* Open a web browser, log to your instance:
* Click on the user's icon (top right)
* Select "Account Settings"
* Paste the _Public Key_ in the "Public Key" section
* Click on "Submit"
  • Using command line
$ ascli aoc admin res user list
:   id   :      name      :
: 109952 : Tech Support   :
: 109951 : LAURENT MARTIN :
$ ascli aoc user info modify @ruby:'{"public_key"=>"~/.aspera/ascli/"))}'

Note: the aspera user info show command can be used to verify modifications.

option preset modification for JWT

To activate default use of JWT authentication for ascli using the option preset, do the folowing:

  • change auth method to JWT
  • provide location of private key
  • provide username to login as (OAuth "subject")


$ ascli config id my_aoc_org update --auth=jwt --private-key=@val:@file:~/.aspera/ascli/aocapikey [email protected]

Note: the private key argument represents the actual PEM string. In order to read the content from a file, use the @file: prefix. But if the @file: argument is used as is, it will read the file and set in the config file. So to keep the "@file" tag in the configuration file, the @val: prefix is added.

After this last step, commands do not require web login anymore.

First Use

Once client has been registered and option preset created: ascli can be used:

$ ascli aoc files br /
Current Workspace: Default Workspace (default)


The admin command allows several administrative tasks (and require admin privilege).

It allows actions (create, update, delete) on "resources": users, group, nodes, workspace, etc... with the admin resource command.

Bulk operations are possible using option bulk (yes,no(default)): currently: create only. In that case, the operation expects an Array of Hash instead of a simple Hash using the Extended Value Syntax.

Listing resources

The command aoc admin res <type> list lists all entities of given type. It uses paging and multiple requests if necessary.

The option query can be optionally used. It expects a Hash using Extended Value Syntax, generally provided using: --query=@json:{...}. Values are directly sent to the API call and used as a filter on server side.

The following parameters are supported:

  • q : a filter on name of resource (case insensitive, matches if value is contained in name)
  • sort: name of fields to sort results, prefix with - for reverse order.
  • max : maximum number of items to retrieve (stop pages when the maximum is passed)
  • pmax : maximum number of pages to request (stop pages when the maximum is passed)
  • page : native api parameter, in general do not use (added by
  • per_page : native api parameter, number of items par api call, in general do not use
  • Other specific parameters depending on resource type.

Both max and pmax are processed internally in ascli, not included in actual API call and limit the number of successive pages requested to API. ascli will return all values using paging if not provided.

Other parameters are directly sent as parameters to the GET request on API.

page and per_page are normally added by ascli to build successive API calls to get all values if there are more than 1000. (AoC allows a maximum page size of 1000).

q and sort are available on most resrouce types.

Other parameters depend on the type of entity (refer to AoC API).


  • List users with laurent in name:
ascli aoc admin res user list --query=--query=@json:'{"q":"laurent"}'
  • List users who logded-in before a date:
ascli aoc admin res user list --query=@json:'{"q":"last_login_at:<2018-05-28"}'
  • List external users and sort in reverse alphabetical order using name:
ascli aoc admin res user list --query=@json:'{"member_of_any_workspace":false,"sort":"-name"}'

Refer to the AoC API for full list of query parameters, or use the browser in developer mode with the web UI.

Note the option select can also be used to further refine selection, refer to section earlier.

Access Key secrets

In order to access some administrative actions on "nodes" (in fact, access keys), the associated secret is required, it is usually provided using the secret option. For example in a command like:

$ ascli aoc admin res node --id="access_key1" --secret="secret1" v3 info

It is also possible to provide a set of secrets used on a regular basis. This can be done using the secrets option. The value provided shall be a Hash, where keys are access key ids, and values are the associated secrets.

First choose a repository name, for example my_secrets, and populate it like this:

$ ascli conf id my_secrets set 'access_key1' 'secret1'
$ ascli conf id my_secrets set 'access_key2' 'secret2'
$ ascli conf id default get config

Here above, one already has set a config global preset to preset cli_default (refer to earlier in documentation), then the repository can be read by default like this (note the prefix @val: to avoid the evaluation of prefix @preset:):

$ ascli conf id cli_default set secrets @val:@preset:my_secrets

A secret repository can always be selected at runtime using --secrets=@preset:xxxx, or --secrets=@json:'{"accesskey1":"secret1"}'


  • Bulk creation
$ ascli aoc admin res user create --bulk=yes @json:'[{"email":"[email protected]"},{"email":"[email protected]"}]'
:  id   : status  :
: 98398 : created :
: 98399 : created :
  • Find with filter and delete
$ ascli aoc admin res user list --query='@json:{"q":"dummyuser"}' --fields=id,email
:  id   :         email          :
: 98398 : [email protected] :
: 98399 : [email protected] :
$ thelist=$(ascli aoc admin res user list --query='@json:{"q":"dummyuser"}' --fields=id --format=json --display=data|jq -cr 'map(.id)')
$ echo $thelist
$ ascli aoc admin res user --bulk=yes --id=@json:"$thelist" delete
:  id   : status  :
: 98398 : deleted :
: 98399 : deleted :
  • Find deactivated users since more than 2 years
ascli aoc admin res user list --query=@ruby:'{"deactivated"=>true,"q"=>"last_login_at:<#{(*365*86400).iso8601}"}'

To delete them use the same method as before

  • Display current user's workspaces
$ ascli aoc user workspaces
:  id  :            name            :
: 16   : Engineering                :
: 17   : Marketing                  :
: 18   : Sales                      :
  • Create a sub access key in a "node"

Creation of a sub-access key is like creation of access key with the following difference: authentication to node API is made with accesskey (master access key) and only the path parameter is provided: it is relative to the storage root of the master key. (id and secret are optional)

$ ascli aoc admin resource node --name=_node_name_ --secret=_secret_ v4 access_key create --value=@json:'{"storage":{"path":"/folder1"}}'
  • Display transfer events (ops/transfer)
$ ascli aoc admin res node --secret=_secret_ v3 transfer list --value=@json:'[["q","*"],["count",5]]'

Examples of query (TODO: cleanup):

{"q":"type(file_upload OR file_delete OR file_download OR file_rename OR folder_create OR folder_delete OR folder_share OR folder_share_via_public_link)","sort":"-date"}


              # filter= 'id', 'short_summary', or 'summary'
              # count=nnn
              # tag=x.y.z%3Dvalue
              # iteration_token=nnn
              # after_time=2016-05-01T23:53:09Z
              # active_only=true|false
  • Display node events (events)
$ ascli aoc admin res node --secret=_secret_ v3 events
  • display members of a workspace
$ ascli aoc admin res workspace_membership list --fields=member_type,manager, --query=@json:'{"embed":"member","inherited":false,"workspace_id":11363,"sort":"name"}'
: member_type : manager :            :
: user        : true    : [email protected]            :
: user        : false   : [email protected] :
: user        : false   : [email protected]               :
: user        : false   : [email protected]         :
: group       : false   :                                  :
: user        : false   : [email protected]            :

other query parameters:

  • add all members of a workspace to another workspace

a- Get id of first workspace

WS1='First Workspace'
WS1ID=$(ascli aoc admin res workspace list --query=@json:'{"q":"'"$WS1"'"}' --select=@json:'{"name":"'"$WS1"'"}' --fields=id --format=csv)

b- Get id of second workspace

WS2='Second Workspace'
WS2ID=$(ascli aoc admin res workspace list --query=@json:'{"q":"'"$WS2"'"}' --select=@json:'{"name":"'"$WS2"'"}' --fields=id --format=csv)

c- Extract membership information

$ ascli aoc admin res workspace_membership list --fields=manager,member_id,member_type,workspace_id --query=@json:'{"workspace_id":'"$WS1ID"'}' --format=jsonpp > ws1_members.json

d- Convert to creation data for second workspace:

grep -Eve '(direct|effective_manager|_count|storage|"id")' ws1_members.json|sed '/workspace_id/ s/"'"$WS1ID"'"/"'"$WS2ID"'"/g' > ws2_members.json

or, using jq:

jq '[.[] | {member_type,member_id,workspace_id,manager,workspace_id:"'"$WS2ID"'"}]' ws1_members.json > ws2_members.json

e- Add members to second workspace

$ ascli aoc admin res workspace_membership create --bulk=yes @json:@file:ws2_members.json
  • Get users who did not log since a date
$ ascli aoc admin res user list --fields=email --query=@json:'{"q":"last_login_at:<2018-05-28"}'
:             email             :
: [email protected]          :
: [email protected]      :
  • List "Limited" users
$ ascli aoc admin res user list --fields=email --select=@json:'{"member_of_any_workspace":false}'
  • Perform a multi Gbps transfer between two remote shared folders

In this example, a user has access to a workspace where two shared folders are located on differente sites, e.g. different cloud regions.

First, setup the environment (skip if already done)

$ ascli conf wizard --url= [email protected]
Detected: Aspera on Cloud
Preparing preset: aoc_sedemo
Using existing key:
Using global client_id.
Please Login to your Aspera on Cloud instance.
Navigate to your "Account Settings"
Check or update the value of "Public Key" to be:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
Once updated or validated, press enter.

creating new config preset: aoc_sedemo
Setting config preset as default for aspera
saving config file
You can test with:
$ ascli aoc user info show

This creates the option preset "aoc_<org name>" to allow seamless command line access and sets it as default for aspera on cloud.

Then, create two shared folders located in two regions, in your files home, in a workspace.

Then, transfer between those:

$ ascli -Paoc_show aoc files transfer --from-folder='IBM Cloud SJ' --to-folder='AWS Singapore' 100GB.file --ts=@json:'{"target_rate_kbps":"1000000","multi_session":10,"multi_session_threshold":1}'
  • create registration key to register a node
$ ascli aoc admin res admin/client create @json:'{"data":{"name":"laurentnode","client_subject_scopes":["alee","aejd"],"client_subject_enabled":true}}' --fields=token --format=csv
  • delete all registration keys
$ ascli aoc admin res admin/client list --fields=id --format=csv|ascli aoc admin res admin/client delete --bulk=yes --id=@lines:@stdin:
| id  | status  |
| 99  | deleted |
| 100 | deleted |
| 101 | deleted |
| 102 | deleted |
  • List packages in a given shared inbox

First retrieve the id of the shared inbox, and then list packages with the appropriate filter. (To find out available filters, consult the API definition, or use the web interface in developer mode).

Note that when no query is provided, the query used by default is: {"archived":false,"exclude_dropbox_packages":true,"has_content":true,"received":true}. The workspace id is added if not already present in the query.

shbxid=$(ascli aoc user shared_inboxes --select=@json:'{"":"My Shared Inbox"}' --format=csv --fields=dropbox_id --display=data)

ascli aoc packages list --query=@json:'{"dropbox_id":"'$shbxid'","archived":false,"received":true,"has_content":true,"exclude_dropbox_packages":false,"include_draft":false,"sort":"-received_at"}'

Shared folders

  • list shared folders in node
$ ascli aoc admin res node --id=8669 shared_folders
  • list shared folders in workspace
$ ascli aoc admin res workspace --id=10818 shared_folders
  • list members of shared folder
$ ascli aoc admin res node --id=8669 v4 perm 82 show

Send a Package

Send a package:

$ ascli aoc packages send --value=[package extended value] [other parameters such as file list and transfer parameters]


  • the value parameter can contain any supported package creation parameter. Refer to the AoC package creation API, or display an existing package to find attributes.
  • to provide the list of recipients, use fields: "recipients" and/or "bcc_recipients". ascli will resolve the list of email addresses to expected user ids.
  • a recipient can be a shared inbox, in this case just use the name of the shared inbox as recipient.
  • If a recipient is not already registered and the workspace allows external users, then the package is sent to an external user, and
    • if the option new_user_option is @json:{"package_contact":true} (default), then a public link is sent and the external user does not need to create an account.
    • if the option new_user_option is @json:{}, then external users are invited to join the workspace


$ ascli aoc package send --value=@json:'{"name":"my title","note":"my note","recipients":["[email protected]","[email protected]"]}' --sources=@args my_file.dat
$ ascli aoc package send --value=@json:'{"name":"my file in shared inbox","recipients":["The Shared Inbox"]}' my_file.dat --ts=@json:'{"target_rate_kbps":100000}'
$ ascli aoc package send --workspace=eudemo --value=@json:'{"name":"my pack title","recipients":["Shared Inbox Name"],"metadata":[{"input_type":"single-text","name":"Project Id","values":["123"]},{"input_type":"single-dropdown","name":"Type","values":["Opt2"]},{"input_type":"multiple-checkbox","name":"CheckThose","values":["Check1","Check2"]},{"input_type":"date","name":"Optional Date","values":["2021-01-13T15:02:00.000Z"]}]}' ~/Documents/Samples/200KB.1

Receive new packages only

It is possible to automatically download new packages, like using Aspera Cargo:

$ ascli aoc packages recv --id=ALL --once-only=yes --lock-port=12345
  • --id=ALL (case sensitive) will download all packages
  • --once-only=yes keeps memory of any downloaded package in persistency files located in the configuration folder.
  • --lock-port=12345 ensures that only one instance is started at the same time, to avoid collisions

Typically, one would execute this command on a regular basis, using the method of your choice:

Download Files

Download of files is straightforward with a specific syntax for the aoc files download action: Like other commands the source file list is provided as a list with the sources option. Nevertheless, consider this:

  • if only one source is provided, it is downloaded
  • if multiple sources must be downloaded, then the first in list is the path of the source folder, and the remaining items are the file names in this folder (without path).

Find Files

The command aoc files find [--value=expression] will recursively scan storage to find files matching the expression criteria. It works also on node resource using the v4 command. (see examples)

The expression can be of 3 formats:

  • empty (default) : all files, equivalent to value: exec:true
  • not starting with exec: : the expression is a regular expression, using Ruby Regex syntax. equivalent to value: exec:f['name'].match(/expression/)

For instance, to find files with a special extension, use --value='\.myext$'

  • starting with exec: : the Ruby code after the prefix is executed for each entry found. The entry variable name is f. The file is displayed if the result of the expression is true;

Examples of expressions: (using like this: --value=exec:'<expression>')

  • Find files more recent than 100 days
f["type"].eql?("file") and (["modified_time"]))<100
  • Find files older than 1 year on a given node and store in file list
$ ascli aoc admin res node --name='my node name' --secret='my secret' v4 find / --fields=path --value='exec:f["type"].eql?("file") and (["modified_time"]))<100' --format=csv > my_file_list.txt
  • Delete the files, one by one
$ cat my_file_list.txt|while read path;do echo ascli aoc admin res node --name='my node name' --secret='my secret' v4 delete "$path" ;done
  • Delete the files in bulk
cat my_file_list.txt | ascli aoc admin res node --name='my node name' --secret='my secret' v3 delete @lines:@stdin:


The activity app can be queried with:

$ ascli aoc admin analytics transfers

It can also support filters and send notification using option notif_to. a template is defined using option notif_template :


From: <%=from_name%> <<%=from_email%>>
To: <<%=ev['user_email']%>>
Subject: <%=ev['files_completed']%> files received

Dear <%=ev[:user_email.to_s]%>,
We received <%=ev['files_completed']%> files for a total of <%=ev['transferred_bytes']%> bytes, starting with file:

Thank you.

The environment provided contains the following additional variable:

  • ev : all details on the transfer event


$ ascli aoc admin analytics transfers --once-only=yes --lock-port=12345 \
--query=@json:'{"status":"completed","direction":"receive"}' \
--notif-to=active --notif-template=@file:mytemplate.erb


  • once_only keep track of last date it was called, so next call will get only new events
  • query filter (on API call)
  • notify send an email as specified by template, this could be places in a file with the @file modifier.

Note this must not be executed in less than 5 minutes because the analytics interface accepts only a period of time between 5 minutes and 6 months. The period is [date of previous execution]..[now].

Using specific transfer ports

By default transfer nodes are expected to use ports TCP/UDP 33001. The web UI enforces that. The option default_ports ([yes]/no) allows ascli to retrieve the server ports from an API call (download_setup) which reads the information from aspera.conf on the server.

Plugin: Aspera Transfer Service

ATS is usable either :

  • from an AoC subscription : ascli aoc admin ats : use AoC authentication

  • or from an IBM Cloud subscription : ascli ats : use IBM Cloud API key authentication

IBM Cloud ATS : creation of api key

First get your IBM Cloud APIkey. For instance, it can be created using the IBM Cloud web interface, or using command line:

$ ibmcloud iam api-key-create mykeyname -d 'my sample key'
API key mykeyname was created

Please preserve the API key! It cannot be retrieved after it's created.

Name          mykeyname
Description   my sample key
Created At    2019-09-30T12:17+0000
API Key       my_secret_api_key_here_8f8d9fdakjhfsashjk678
Locked        false
UUID          ApiKey-05b8fadf-e7fe-4bc4-93a9-6fd348c5ab1f


Then, to register the key by default for the ats plugin, create a preset. Execute:

$ ascli config id my_ibm_ats update --ibm-api-key=my_secret_api_key_here_8f8d9fdakjhfsashjk678
$ ascli config id default set ats my_ibm_ats
$ ascli ats api_key instances
| instance                             |
| aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee |
$ ascli config id my_ibm_ats update --instance=aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee
$ ascli ats api_key create
| key    | value                                        |
| id     | ats_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX                 |

Cross Organization transfers

It is possible to transfer files directly between organizations without having to first download locally and then upload...

Although optional, the creation of option preset is recommended to avoid placing all parameters in the command line.

Procedure to send a file from org1 to org2:

  • Get access to Organization 1 and create a option preset: e.g. org1, for instance, use the Wizard
  • Check that access works and locate the source file e.g. mysourcefile, e.g. using command files browse
  • Get access to Organization 2 and create a option preset: e.g. org2
  • Check that access works and locate the destination folder mydestfolder
  • execute the following:
$ ascli -Porg1 aoc files node_info /mydestfolder --format=json --display=data | ascli -Porg2 aoc files upload mysourcefile --transfer=node --transfer-info=@json:@stdin:


  • -Porg1 aoc use Aspera on Cloud plugin and load credentials for org1
  • files node_info /mydestfolder generate transfer information including node api credential and root id, suitable for the next command
  • --format=json format the output in JSON (instead of default text table)
  • --display=data display only the result, and remove other information, such as workspace name
  • | the standard output of the first command is fed into the second one
  • -Porg2 aoc use Aspera on Cloud plugin and load credentials for org2
  • files upload mysourcefile upload the file named mysourcefile (located in org1)
  • --transfer=node use transfer agent type node instead of default direct
  • --transfer-info=@json:@stdin: provide node transfer agent information, i.e. node API credentials, those are expected in JSON format and read from standard input

Note that when using a POSIX shell, another possibility to write cmd1 | cmd2 --transfer-info=@json:stdin: is cmd2 --transfer-info=@json:$(cmd1) instead of ``


Example: create access key on softlayer:

$ ascli ats access_key create --cloud=softlayer --region=ams --params=@json:'{"storage":{"type":"softlayer_swift","container":"_container_name_","credentials":{"api_key":"value","username":"_name_:_usr_name_"},"path":"/"},"id":"_optional_id_","name":"_optional_name_"}'

Example: create access key on AWS:

$ ascli ats access_key create --cloud=aws --region=eu-west-1 --params=@json:'{"id":"testkey3","name":"laurent key AWS","storage":{"type":"aws_s3","bucket":"my-bucket","credentials":{"access_key_id":"AKIA_MY_API_KEY","secret_access_key":"my/secret/here"},"path":"/laurent"}}'

Example: create access key on Azure SAS:

$ ascli ats access_key create --cloud=azure --region=eastus --params=@json:'{"id":"testkeyazure","name":"laurent key azure","storage":{"type":"azure_sas","credentials":{"shared_access_signature":""},"path":"/"}}'

(Note that the blob name is mandatory after server address and before parameters. and that parameter sr=c is mandatory.)

Example: create access key on Azure:

$ ascli ats access_key create --cloud=azure --region=eastus --params=@json:'{"id":"testkeyazure","name":"laurent key azure","storage":{"type":"azure","credentials":{"account":"myaccount","key":"myaccesskey","storage_endpoint":"myblob"},"path":"/"}}'

delete all my access keys:

for k in $(ascli ats access_key list --field=id --format=csv);do ascli ats access_key id $k delete;done

Plugin: IBM Aspera High Speed Transfer Server (transfer)

This plugin works at FASP level (SSH/ascp/ascmd) and does not use the node API.


Both password and SSH keys auth are supported.

If not username is provided, the default transfer user xfer is used.

If no ssh password or key is provided, and a token is provided in transfer spec, then standard bypass keys are used.

$ ascli server --url=ssh://... --ts=@json:'{"token":"Basic abc123"}'

Multiple SSH key paths can be provided. The value of the parameter ssh_keys can be a single value or an array. Each value is a path to a private key and is expanded ("~" is replaced with the user's home folder).


$ ascli server --ssh-keys=~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ ascli server --ssh-keys=@list:,~/.ssh/id_rsa
$ ascli server --ssh-keys=@json:'["~/.ssh/id_rsa"]'

The underlying ssh library net::ssh provides several options that may be used depending on environment. By default the ssh library expect that an ssh-agent is running.

If you get an error message such as:

ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent: could not connect to ssh-agent: Agent not configured


ERROR -- net.ssh.authentication.agent: could not connect to ssh-agent: pageant process not running

This means that you dont have such an ssh agent running:

  • check env var: SSH_AGENT_SOCK
  • check if the key is protected with a passphrase
  • check the manual
  • To diable use of ssh-agent, use the option ssh_option like this (or set in preset):
$ ascli server --ssh-options=@ruby:'{use_agent: false}' ...

This can also be set as default using a preset.


One can test the "server" application using the well known demo server:

$ ascli config id aspera_demo_server update --url=ssh:// --username=asperaweb --password=_demo_pass_
$ ascli config id default set server aspera_demo_server
$ ascli server browse /aspera-test-dir-large
$ ascli server download /aspera-test-dir-large/200MB

This creates a option preset "aspera_demo_server" and set it as default for application "server"

Plugin: IBM Aspera High Speed Transfer Server (node)

This plugin gives access to capabilities provided by HSTS node API.

File Operations

It is possible to:

  • browse
  • transfer (upload / download)
  • ...

For transfers, it is possible to control how transfer is authorized using option: token_type:

  • aspera : api <upload|download>_setup is called to create the transfer spec including the Aspera token
  • basic : transfer spec is created like this:
  "remote_host": address of node url,
  "remote_user": "xfer",
  "ssh_port": 33001,
  "token": "Basic <base 64 encoded user/pass>",
  "direction": send/recv
  • hybrid : same as aspera, but token is replaced with basic token like basic


The central subcommand uses the "reliable query" API (session and file). It allows listing transfer sessions and transfered files.

Filtering can be applied:

$ ascli node central file list

by providing the validator option, offline transfer validation can be done.

FASP Stream

It is possible to start a FASPStream session using the node API:

Use the "node stream create" command, then arguments are provided as a transfer-spec.

$ ascli node stream create --ts=@json:'{"direction":"send","source":"udp://","destination":"udp://","remote_host":"localhost","remote_user":"stream","remote_password":"XXXX"}' --preset=stream


Refer to Aspera documentation for watch folder creation.

ascli supports remote operations through the node API. Operations are:

  • Start watchd and watchfolderd services running as a system user having access to files
  • configure a watchfolder to define automated transfers
$ ascli node service create @json:'{"id":"mywatchd","type":"WATCHD","run_as":{"user":"user1"}}'
$ ascli node service create @json:'{"id":"mywatchfolderd","type":"WATCHFOLDERD","run_as":{"user":"user1"}}'
$ ascli node watch_folder create @json:'{"id":"mywfolder","source_dir":"/watch1","target_dir":"/","transport":{"host":"","user":"user1","pass":"mypassword"}}'

Out of Transfer File Validation

Follow the Aspera Transfer Server configuration to activate this feature.

$ ascli node central file list --validator=ascli --data=@json:'{"file_transfer_filter":{"max_result":1}}'
: session_uuid :    file_id   :   status   :              path                    :
: 1a74444c-... : 084fb181-... : validating : /home/xfer.../PKG - my title/200KB.1 :
$ ascli node central file update --validator=ascli --data=@json:'{"files":[{"session_uuid": "1a74444c-...","file_id": "084fb181-...","status": "completed"}]}'

Example: SHOD to ATS

Access to a "Shares on Demand" (SHOD) server on AWS is provided by a partner. And we need to transfer files from this third party SHOD instance into our Azure BLOB storage. Simply create an "Aspera Transfer Service" instance (, which provides access to the node API. Then create a configuration for the "SHOD" instance in the configuration file: in section "shares", a configuration named: awsshod. Create another configuration for the Azure ATS instance: in section "node", named azureats. Then execute the following command:

$ ascli node download /share/sourcefile --to-folder=/destinationfolder --preset=awsshod --transfer=node --transfer-info=@preset:azureats

This will get transfer information from the SHOD instance and tell the Azure ATS instance to download files.

Create access key

$ ascli node access_key create --value=@json:'{"id":"eudemo-sedemo","secret":"mystrongsecret","storage":{"type":"local","path":"/data/asperafiles"}}'

Plugin: IBM Aspera Faspex5

3 authentication methods are supported:

  • jwt
  • web
  • boot

For JWT, create an API client in Faspex with jwt support, and use: --auth=jwt.

For web method, create an API client in Faspex, and use: --auth=web

For boot method: (will be removed in future)

  • open a browser
  • start developer mode
  • login to faspex 5
  • find the first API call with Authorization token, and copy it (kind of base64 long string)

Use it as password and use --auth=boot.

$ ascli conf id f5boot update --url=https://localhost/aspera/faspex --auth=boot --password=ABC.DEF.GHI...

Ready to use Faspex5 with CLI.

Plugin: IBM Aspera Faspex (4.x)


  • The command "v4" requires the use of APIv4, refer to the Faspex Admin manual on how to activate.
  • For full details on Faspex API, refer to: Reference on Developer Site

Listing Packages

Command: faspex package list

Option box

By default it looks in box inbox, but the following boxes are also supported: archive and sent, selected with option box.

Option recipient

A user can receive a package because the recipient is:

  • the user himself (default)
  • the user is part of a dropbox or a workgroup (select with option recipient with value *<name of WG or DB>

Option query

As inboxes may be large, it is possible to use the following query parameters:

  • count : (native) number items in one API call (default=0, equivalent to 10)
  • page : (native) id of page in call (default=0)
  • startIndex : (native) index of item to start, default=0, oldest index=0
  • max : maximum number of items
  • pmax : maximum number of pages

(SQL query is LIMIT <startIndex>, <count>)

The API is listed in Faspex 4 API Reference under "Services (API v.3)".

If no parameter max or pmax is provided, then all packages will be listed in the inbox, which result in paged API calls (using parameter: count and page). By default page is 0 (10), it can be increased to have less calls.


$ ascli faspex package list --box=inbox --recipient='*my_dropbox' --query=@json:'{"max":20,"pmax":2,"count":20}'

List a maximum of 20 items grouped by pages of 20, with maximum 2 pages in received box (inbox) when received in dropbox *my_dropbox.

Receiving a Package

The command is package recv, possible methods are:

  • provide a package id with option id
  • provide a public link with option link
  • provide a faspe: URI with option link
$ ascli faspex package recv --id=12345
$ ascli faspex package recv --link=faspe://...

If the package is in a specific dropbox, add option recipient for both the list and recv commands.

$ ascli faspex package list --recipient='*thedropboxname'

if id is set to ALL, then all packages are downloaded, and if option once_onlyis used, then a persistency file is created to keep track of already downloaded packages.

Sending a Package

The command is faspex package send. Package information (title, note, metadata, options) is provided in option delivery_info. (Refer to Faspex API).


$ ascli faspex package send --delivery-info=@json:'{"title":"my title","recipients":["[email protected]"]}' --url= --username=foo --password=bar /tmp/file1 /home/bar/file2

If the recipient is a dropbox, just provide the name of the dropbox in recipients: "recipients":["My Dropbox Name"]

Additional optional parameters in delivery_info:

  • Package Note: : "note":"note this and that"
  • Package Metadata: "metadata":{"Meta1":"Val1","Meta2":"Val2"}

Email notification on transfer

Like for any transfer, a notification can be sent by email using parameters: notif_to and notif_template .


$ ascli faspex package send --delivery-info=@json:'{"title":"test pkg 1","recipients":["[email protected]"]}' ~/Documents/Samples/200KB.1 [email protected] --notif-template=@ruby:'%Q{From: <%=from_name%> <<%=from_email%>>\nTo: <<%=to%>>\nSubject: Package sent: <%=ts["tags"]["aspera"]["faspex"]["metadata"]["_pkg_name"]%> files received\n\nTo user: <%=ts["tags"]["aspera"]["faspex"]["recipients"].first["email"]%>}'

In this example the notification template is directly provided on command line. Package information placed in the message are directly taken from the tags in transfer spec. The template can be placed in a file using modifier: @file:

Operation on dropboxes


$ ascli faspex v4 dropbox create --value=@json:'{"dropbox":{"e_wg_name":"test1","e_wg_desc":"test1"}}'
$ ascli faspex v4 dropbox list
$ ascli faspex v4 dropbox delete --id=36

Remote sources

Faspex lacks an API to list the contents of a remote source (available in web UI). To workaround this, the node API is used, for this it is required to add a section ":storage" that links a storage name to a node config and sub path.


  username: admin
  password: MyPassword
      node: "@preset:my_faspex_node"
      path: /myfiles
  username: node_faspex
  password: MyPassword

In this example, a faspex storage named "testlaurent" exists in Faspex, and is located under the docroot in "/myfiles" (this must be the same as configured in Faspex). The node configuration name is "my_faspex_node" here.

Note: the v4 API provide an API for nodes and shares.

Automated package download (cargo)

It is possible to tell ascli to download newly received packages, much like the official cargo client, or drive. Refer to the same section in the Aspera on Cloud plugin:

$ ascli faspex packages recv --id=ALL --once-only=yes --lock-port=12345

Plugin: IBM Aspera Shares

Aspera Shares supports the "node API" for the file transfer part. (Shares 1 and 2)

In Shares2, users, groups listing are paged, to display sequential pages:

$ for p in 1 2 3;do ascli shares2 admin users list --value=@json:'{"page":'$p'}';done

Plugin: IBM Cloud Object Storage

The IBM Cloud Object Storage provides the possibility to execute transfers using FASP. It uses the same transfer service as Aspera on Cloud, called Aspera Transfer Service (ATS). Available ATS regions:

There are two possibilities to provide credentials. If you already have the endpoint, apikey and CRN, use the forst method. If you dont have credentials but have access to the IBM Cloud console, then use the second method.

Using endpoint, apikey and Ressource Instance ID (CRN)

If you have those parameters already, then following options shall be provided:

For example, let us create a default configuration:

$ ascli conf id mycos update --bucket=mybucket --endpoint= --apikey=abcdefgh --crn=crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-identity::a/xxxxxxx
$ ascli conf id default set cos mycos

Then, jump to the transfer example.

Using service credential file

If you are the COS administrator and dont have yet the credential: Service credentials are directly created using the IBM cloud web ui. Navigate to:

Navigation Menu → Resource List → Storage → Cloud Object Storage → Service Credentials → <select or create credentials> → view credentials → copy

Then save the copied value to a file, e.g. : $HOME/cos_service_creds.json

or using the IBM Cloud CLI:

$ ibmcloud resource service-keys
$ ibmcloud resource service-key aoclaurent --output JSON|jq '.[0].credentials'>$HOME/service_creds.json

(if you dont have jq installed, extract the structure as follows)

It consists in the following structure:

  "apikey": "xxxxxxx.....",
  "cos_hmac_keys": {
    "access_key_id": "xxxxxxx.....",
    "secret_access_key": "xxxxxxx....."
  "endpoints": "",
  "iam_apikey_description": "my description ...",
  "iam_apikey_name": "my key name",
  "iam_role_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam::::serviceRole:Writer",
  "iam_serviceid_crn": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:iam-identity::a/xxxxxxx.....",
  "resource_instance_id": "crn:v1:bluemix:public:cloud-object-storage:global:a/xxxxxxx....."

The field resource_instance_id is for option crn

The field apikey is for option apikey

(If needed: endpoints for regions can be found by querying the endpoints URL.)

The required options for this method are:

  • bucket bucket name
  • region bucket region, e.g. eu-de
  • service_credentials see below

For example, let us create a default configuration:

$ ascli conf id mycos update --bucket=laurent --service-credentials=@val:@json:@file:~/service_creds.json --region=us-south
$ ascli conf id default set cos mycos

Operations, transfers

Let's assume you created a default configuration from once of the two previous steps (else specify the access options on command lines).

A subset of node plugin operations are supported, basically node API:

$ ascli cos node info
$ ascli cos node upload 'faux:///sample1G?1g'

Note: we generate a dummy file sample1G of size 2GB using the faux PVCL (man ascp and section above), but you can of course send a real file by specifying a real file instead.

Plugin: IBM Aspera Sync

A basic plugin to start an "async" using ascli. The main advantage is the possibility to start from ma configuration file, using ascli standard options.

Plugin: Preview

The preview generates "previews" of graphical files, i.e. thumbnails (office, images, video) and video previews on storage for use primarily in the Aspera on Cloud application. This is based on the "node API" of Aspera HSTS when using Access Keys only inside it's "storage root". Several parameters can be used to tune several aspects:

  • methods for detection of new files needing generation
  • methods for generation of video preview
  • parameters for video handling

Aspera Server configuration

Specify the previews folder as shown in:

By default, the preview plugin expects previews to be generated in a folder named previews located in the storage root. On the transfer server execute:

# /opt/aspera/bin/asconfigurator -x "server;preview_dir,previews"
# /opt/aspera/bin/asnodeadmin --reload

Note: the configuration preview_dir is relative to the storage root, no need leading or trailing /. In general just set the value to previews

If another folder is configured on the HSTS, then specify it to ascli using the option previews_folder.

The HSTS node API limits any preview file to a parameter: max_request_file_create_size_kb (1 KB is 1024 bytes). This size is internally capped to 1<<24 Bytes (16777216) , i.e. 16384 KBytes.

To change this parameter in aspera.conf, use asconfigurator. To display the value, use asuserdata:

# /opt/aspera/bin/asuserdata -a | grep max_request_file_create_size_kb
  max_request_file_create_size_kb: "1024"
# /opt/aspera/bin/asconfigurator -x "server; max_request_file_create_size_kb,16384"

If you use a value different than 16777216, then specify it using option max_size.

Note: the HSTS parameter (max_request_file_create_size_kb) is in kiloBytes while the generator parameter is in Bytes (factor of 1024).

External tools: Linux

The tool requires the following external tools available in the PATH:

  • ImageMagick : convert composite
  • OptiPNG : optipng
  • FFmpeg : ffmpeg ffprobe
  • Libreoffice : libreoffice
  • ruby gem mimemagic

Here shown on Redhat/CentOS.

Other OSes should work as well, but are note tested.

To check if all tools are found properly, execute:

$ ascli preview check


To benefit from extra mime type detection install gem mimemagic:

# gem install mimemagic

or to install an earlier version if any problem:

# gem install mimemagic -v '~> 0.3.0'

To use it, set option mimemagic to yes: --mimemagic=yes

If not used, Mime type used for conversion is the one provided by the node API.

If used, it the preview command will first analyse the file content using mimemagic, and if no match, will try by extension.

Image: Imagemagick and optipng

yum install -y ImageMagick optipng

Video: FFmpeg

The easiest method is to download and install the latest released version of ffmpeg with static libraries from

curl -s|(mkdir -p /opt && cd /opt && rm -f ffmpeg /usr/bin/{ffmpeg,ffprobe} && rm -fr ffmpeg-*-amd64-static && tar xJvf - && ln -s ffmpeg-* ffmpeg && ln -s /opt/ffmpeg/{ffmpeg,ffprobe} /usr/bin)

Office: Unoconv and Libreoffice

If you dont want to have preview for office dpcuments or if it is too complex you can skip office document preview generation by using option: --skip-types=office

The generation of preview in based on the use of unoconv and libreoffice

  • Centos 8
# dnf install unoconv
  • Amazon Linux
# amazon-linux-extras enable libreoffice
# yum clean metadata
# yum install libreoffice-core libreoffice-calc libreoffice-opensymbol-fonts libreoffice-ure libreoffice-writer libreoffice-pyuno libreoffice-impress
# wget
# mv unoconv /usr/bin
# chmod a+x /usr/bin/unoconv


The preview generator is run as a user, preferably a regular user (not root). When using object storage, any user can be used, but when using local storage it is usually better to use the user xfer, as uploaded files are under this identity: this ensures proper access rights. (we will assume this)

Like any ascli commands, parameters can be passed on command line or using a configuration option preset. The configuration file must be created with the same user used to run so that it is properly used on runtime.

Note that the xfer user has a special protected shell: aspshell, so changing identity requires specification of alternate shell:

# su -s /bin/bash - xfer
$ ascli config id previewconf update --url=https://localhost:9092 --username=my_access_key --password=my_secret --skip-types=office --lock-port=12346
$ ascli config id default set preview previewconf

Here we assume that Office file generation is disabled, else remove this option. lock_port prevents concurrent execution of generation when using a scheduler.

One can check if the access key is well configured using:

$ ascli -Ppreviewconf node browse /

This shall list the contents of the storage root of the access key.


The tool intentionally supports only a "one shot" mode (no infinite loop) in order to avoid having a hanging process or using too many resources (calling REST api too quickly during the scan or event method). It needs to be run on a regular basis to create or update preview files. For that use your best reliable scheduler. For instance use "CRON" on Linux or Task Scheduler on Windows.

Typically, for "Access key" access, the system/transfer is xfer. So, in order to be consistent have generate the appropriate access rights, the generation process should be run as user xfer.

Lets do a one shot test, using the configuration previously created:

# su -s /bin/bash - xfer
xfer$ ascli preview scan --overwrite=always

When the preview generator is first executed it will create a file: .aspera_access_key in the previews folder which contains the access key used. On subsequent run it reads this file and check that previews are generated for the same access key, else it fails. This is to prevent clash of different access keys using the same root.

Configuration for Execution in scheduler

Here is an example of configuration for use with cron on Linux. Adapt the scripts to your own preference.

We assume here that a configuration preset was created as shown previously.

Lets first setup a script that will be used in the sceduler and sets up the environment.

Example of startup script cron_ascli, which sets the Ruby environment and adds some timeout protection:

# set a timeout protection, just in case
case "$*" in *trev*) tmout=10m ;; *) tmout=30m ;; esac
. /etc/profile.d/
rvm use 2.6 --quiet
exec timeout ${tmout} ascli "${@}"

Here the cronjob is created for user xfer.

xfer$ crontab<<EOF
0    * * * *  /home/xfer/cron_ascli preview scan --logger=syslog --display=error
2-59 * * * *  /home/xfer/cron_ascli preview trev --logger=syslog --display=error

Note that the loging options are kept in the cronfile instead of conf file to allow execution on command line with output on command line.

Candidate detection for creation or update (or deletion)

The tool generates preview files using those commands:

  • trevents : only recently uploaded files will be tested (transfer events)
  • events : only recently uploaded files will be tested (file events: not working)
  • scan : recursively scan all files under the access key's "storage root"
  • test : test using a local file

Once candidate are selected, once candidates are selected, a preview is always generated if it does not exist already, else if a preview already exist, it will be generated using one of three values for the overwrite option:

  • always : preview is always generated, even if it already exists and is newer than original
  • never : preview is generated only if it does not exist already
  • mtime : preview is generated only if the original file is newer than the existing

Deletion of preview for deleted source files: not implemented yet (TODO).

If the scan or events detection method is used, then the option : skip_folders can be used to skip some folders. It expects a list of path relative to the storage root (docroot) starting with slash, use the @json: notation, example:

$ ascli preview scan --skip-folders=@json:'["/not_here"]'

The option folder_reset_cache forces the node service to refresh folder contents using various methods.

When scanning the option value has the same behaviour as for the node find command.

For instance to filter out files beginning with ._ do:

... --value='exec:!f["name"].start_with?("._") or f["name"].eql?(".DS_Store")'

Preview File types

Two types of preview can be generated:

  • png: thumbnail
  • mp4: video preview (only for video)

Use option skip_format to skip generation of a format.

Supported input Files types

The preview generator supports redering of those file categories:

  • image
  • pdf
  • plaintext
  • office
  • video

To avoid generation for some categories, specify a list using option skip_types.

Each category has a specific rendering method to produce the png thumbnail.

The mp4 video preview file is only for category video

File type is primarily based on file extension detected by the node API and translated info a mime type returned by the node API.

The tool can also locally detect the mime type using gem mimemagic.

Access to original files and preview creation

Standard open source tools are used to create thumnails and video previews. Those tools require that original files are accessible in the local file system and also write generated files on the local file system. The tool provides 2 ways to read and write files with the option: file_access

If the preview generator is run on a system that has direct access to the file system, then the value local can be used. In this case, no transfer happen, source files are directly read from the storage, and preview files are directly written to the storage.

If the preview generator does not have access to files on the file system (it is remote, no mount, or is an object storage), then the original file is first downloaded, then the result is uploaded, use method remote.

SMTP for email notifications

Aspera CLI can send email, for that setup SMTP configuration. This is done with option smtp.

The smtp option is a hash table (extended value) with the following fields:

`server` server address
`tls`truefalseuse of TLS
`port`587 for tls
25 else
587port for service
`domain`domain of servergmail.comemail domain of user
`username`-[email protected]user to authenticate on SMTP server, leave empty for open auth.
`password`-MyP@sswordpassword for above username
`from_email`username if defined[email protected]address used if received replies
`from_name`same as emailJohn Waynedisplay name of sender

Example of configuration:

$ ascli config id smtp_google set server
$ ascli config id smtp_google set username [email protected]
$ ascli config id smtp_google set password P@ssw0rd


$ ascli config id smtp_google init @json:'{"server":"","username":"[email protected]","password":"P@ssw0rd"}'


$ ascli config id smtp_google update [email protected] --password=P@ssw0rd

Set this configation as global default, for instance:

$ ascli config id cli_default set smtp @val:@preset:smtp_google
$ ascli config id default set config cli_default

Email templates

Sent emails are built using a template that uses the ERB syntax.

The template is the full SMTP message, including headers.

The following variables are defined by default:

  • from_name
  • from_email
  • to

Other variables are defined depending on context.


Check settings with smtp_settings command. Send test email with email_test.

$ ascli config --smtp=@preset:smtp_google smtp
$ ascli config --smtp=@preset:smtp_google email [email protected]

Notifications for transfer status

An e-mail notification can be sent upon transfer success and failure (one email per transfer job, one job being possibly multi session, and possibly after retry).

To activate, use option notif_to.

A default e-mail template is used, but it can be overriden with option notif_template.

The environment provided contains the following additional variables:

  • subject
  • body
  • global_transfer_status
  • ts

Example of template:

From: <%=from_name%> <<%=from_email%>>
To: <<%=to%>>
Subject: <%=subject%>

Transfer is: <%=global_transfer_status%>

Tool: asession

This gem comes with a second executable tool providing a simplified standardized interface to start a FASP session: asession.

It aims at simplifying the startup of a FASP session from a programmatic stand point as formating a transfer-spec is:

  • common to Aspera Node API (HTTP POST /ops/transfer)
  • common to Aspera Connect API (browser javascript startTransfer)
  • easy to generate by using any third party language specific JSON library

Hopefully, IBM integrates this diectly in ascp, and this tool is made redundant.

This makes it easy to integrate with any language provided that one can spawn a sub process, write to its STDIN, read from STDOUT, generate and parse JSON.

The tool expect one single argument: a transfer-spec.

If not argument is provided, it assumes a value of: @json:@stdin:, i.e. a JSON formated transfer-spec on stdin.

Note that if JSON is the format, one has to specify @json: to tell the tool to decode the hash using JSON.

During execution, it generates all low level events, one per line, in JSON format on stdout.

Note that there are special "extended" transfer-spec parameters supported by asession:

  • EX_loglevel to change log level of the tool
  • EX_file_list_folder to set the folder used to store (exclusively, because of garbage collection) generated file lists. By default it is [system tmp folder]/[username]_asession_filelists

Note that in addition, many "EX_" transfer-spec parameters are supported for the direct transfer agent (used by asession), refer to section transfer-spec.

Comparison of interfaces

feature/toolasessionascpFaspManagerTransfer SDK
language integrationanyanyC/C++
additional components to ascpRuby
startupJSON on stdin
(standard APIs:
command line argumentsAPIdaemon
eventsJSON on stdoutnone by default
or need to open management port
and proprietary text syntax
platformsany with ruby and ascpany with ascpany with ascpany with ascp and transferdaemon

Simple session


echo "${MY_TSPEC}"|asession

Asynchronous commands and Persistent session

asession also supports asynchronous commands (on the management port). Instead of the traditional text protocol as described in ascp manual, the format for commands is: one single line per command, formatted in JSON, where parameters shall be "snake" style, for example: LongParameter -> long_parameter

This is particularly useful for a persistent session ( with the transfer-spec parameter: "keepalive":true )

$ asession

(events from FASP are not shown in above example. They would appear after each command)

Example of language wrapper



$ asession -h
    asession -h|--help
    asession <transfer spec extended value>
    If no argument is provided, default will be used: @json:@stdin
    -h, --help display this message
    <transfer spec extended value> a JSON value for transfer_spec, using the prefix: @json:
    The value can be either:
       the JSON description itself, e.g. @json:'{"xx":"yy",...}'
       @json:@stdin, if the JSON is provided from stdin
       @json:@file:<path>, if the JSON is provided from a file
    Asynchronous commands can be provided on STDIN, examples:
Note: debug information can be placed on STDERR, using the "EX_loglevel" parameter in transfer spec (debug=0)
    asession @json:'{"remote_host":"","remote_user":"asperaweb","ssh_port":33001,"remote_password":"demoaspera","direction":"receive","destination_root":"./test.dir","paths":[{"source":"/aspera-test-dir-tiny/200KB.1"}]}'
    echo '{"remote_host":...}'|asession @json:@stdin

Hot folder


ascli maybe used as a simple hot folder engine. A hot folder being defined as a tool that:

  • locally (or remotely) detects new files in a top folder
  • send detected files to a remote (respectively, local) repository
  • only sends new files, do not re-send already sent files
  • optionally: sends only files that are not still "growing"
  • optionally: after transfer of files, deletes or moves to an archive

In addition: the detection should be made "continuously" or on specific time/date.

Setup procedure

The general idea is to rely on :

  • existing ascp features for detection and transfer
  • take advantage of ascli configuration capabilities and server side knowledge
  • the OS scheduler for reliability and continuous operation

ascp features

Interesting ascp features are found in its arguments: (see ascp manual):

  • ascp already takes care of sending only "new" files: option -k 1,2,3, or transfer_spec: resume_policy
  • ascp has some options to remove or move files after transfer: --remove-after-transfer, --move-after-transfer, --remove-empty-directories
  • ascp has an option to send only files not modified since the last X seconds: --exclude-newer-than (--exclude-older-than)
  • --src-base if top level folder name shall not be created on destination

Note that:

  • ascli takes transfer parameters exclusively as a transfer_spec, with --ts parameter.
  • most, but not all native ascp arguments are available as standard transfer_spec parameters
  • native ascp arguments can be provided with the transfer-spec parameter: EX_ascp_args (array), only for the direct transfer agent (not connect or node)

server side and configuration

Virtually any transfer on a "repository" on a regular basis might emulate a hot folder. Note that file detection is not based on events (inotify, etc...), but on a stateless scan on source side.

Note: parameters may be saved in a option preset and used with -P.


Once ascli parameters are defined, run the command using the OS native scheduler, e.g. every minutes, or 5 minutes, etc... Refer to section Scheduling.


$ ascli server upload source_hot --to-folder=/Upload/target_hot --lock-port=12345 --ts=@json:'{"EX_ascp_args":["--remove-after-transfer","--remove-empty-directories","--exclude-newer-than=-8","--src-base","source_hot"]}'

The local folder (here, relative path: source_hot) is sent (upload) to basic fasp server, source files are deleted after transfer. growing files will be sent only once they dont grow anymore (based ona 8 second cooloff period). If a transfer takes more than the execution period, then the subsequent execution is skipped (lock-port).

Aspera Health check and Nagios

Each plugin provide a health command that will check the health status of the application. Example:

$ ascli console health
| status | component   | message    |
| ok     | console api | accessible |

Typically, the health check uses the REST API of the application with the following exception: the server plugin allows checking health by:

  • issuing a transfer to the server
  • checking web app status with asctl all:status
  • checking daemons process status

ascli can be called by Nagios to check the health status of an Aspera server. The output can be made compatible to Nagios with option --format=nagios :

$ ascli server health transfer --to-folder=/Upload --format=nagios --progress=none
OK - [transfer:ok]
$ ascli server health asctlstatus --cmd_prefix='sudo ' --format=nagios
OK - [NP:running, MySQL:running, Mongrels:running, Background:running, DS:running, DB:running, Email:running, Apache:running]

Module: Aspera

Main components:

  • Aspera generic classes for REST and OAuth
  • Aspera::Fasp: starting and monitoring transfers. It can be considered as a FASPManager class for Ruby.
  • Aspera::Cli: ascli.

A working example can be found in the gem, example:

$ ascli config gem_path
$ cat $(ascli config gem_path)/../examples/transfer.rb

This sample code shows some example of use of the API as well as REST API. Note: although nice, it's probably a good idea to use RestClient for REST.

Example of use of the API of Aspera on Cloud:

require 'aspera/aoc' '',auth: :jwt, scope: 'user:all', private_key:'~/.aspera/ascli/aspera_on_cloud_key')),username: '[email protected]',subpath: 'api/v1')'self')


When I joined Aspera, there was only one CLI: ascp, which is the implementation of the FASP protocol, but there was no CLI to access the various existing products (Server, Faspex, Shares). Once, Serban (founder) provided a shell script able to create a Faspex Package using Faspex REST API. Since all products relate to file transfers using FASP (ascp), I thought it would be interesting to have a unified CLI for transfers using FASP. Also, because there was already the ascp tool, I thought of an extended tool : which was accepting all ascp options for transfer but was also able to transfer to Faspex and Shares (destination was a kind of URI for the applications).

There were a few pitfalls:

  • The tool was written in the aging perl language while most Aspera application products (but the Transfer Server) are written in ruby.
  • The tool was only for transfers, but not able to call other products APIs

So, it evolved into ascli:

  • portable: works on platforms supporting ruby (and ascp)
  • easy to install with the gem utility
  • supports transfers with multiple Transfer Agents, that's why transfer parameters moved from ascp command line to transfer-spec (more reliable , more standard)
  • ruby is consistent with other Aspera products

Changes (Release notes)

  • 4.4.0

    • new: aoc packages list add possibility to add filter with option query
    • new: aoc admin res xxx list now get all items by default #50
    • new: preset option can specify name or hash value
    • new: node plugin accepts bearer token and access key as credential
    • new: node option token_type allows using basic token in addition to aspera type.
    • change: server: option username not mandatory anymore: xfer user is by default. If transfer spec token is provided, password or keys are optional, and bypass keys are used by default.
    • change: (break) resource apps_new of aoc replaced with application (more clear)
  • 4.3.0

    • new: parameter multi_incr_udp for option transfer_info: control if UDP port is incremented when multi-session is used on direct transfer agent.
    • new: command aoc files node_info to get node information for a given folder in the Files application of AoC. Allows cross-org or cross-workspace transfers.
  • 4.2.2

    • new: faspex package list retrieves the whole list, not just first page
    • new: support web based auth to aoc and faspex 5 using HTTPS, new dependency on gem webrick
    • new: the error "Remote host is not who we expected" displays a special remediation message
    • new: conf ascp spec displays supported transfer spec
    • new: options notif_to and notif_template to send email notifications on transfer (and other events)
    • fix: space character in faspe: url are precent encoded if needed
    • fix: preview scan: if file_id is unknown, ignore and continue scan
    • change: for commands that potentially execute several transfers (package recv --id=ALL), if one transfer fails then ascli exits with code 1 (instead of zero=success)
    • change: (break) option notify or aoc replaced with notif_to and notif_template
  • 4.2.1

    • new: command faspex package recv supports link of type: faspe:
    • new: command faspex package recv supports option recipient to specify dropbox with leading *
  • 4.2.0

    • new: command aoc remind to receive organization membership by email
    • new: in preview option value to filter out on file name
    • new: initdemo to initialize for demo server
    • new: direct transfer agent options: spawn_timeout_sec and spawn_delay_sec
    • fix: on Windows conf ascp use expects ascp.exe
    • fix: (break) multi_session_threshold is Integer, not String
    • fix: conf ascp install renames sdk folder if it already exists (leftover shared lib may make fail)
    • fix: removed replace_illegal_chars from default aspera.conf causing "Error creating illegal char conversion table"
    • change: (break) aoc apiinfo is removed, use aoc servers to provide the list of cloud systems
    • change: (break) parameters for resume in transfer-info for direct are now in sub-key "resume"
  • 4.1.0

    • fix: remove keys from transfer spec and command line when not needed * fix: default to create_dir:true so that sending single file to a folder does not rename file if folder does not exist
    • new: update documentation with regard to offline and docker installation
    • new: renamed command nagios_check to health
    • new: agent http_gw now supports upload
    • new: added option sdk_url to install SDK from local file for offline install
    • new: check new gem version periodically
    • new: the --fields= option, support -fieldname to remove a field from default fields
    • new: Oauth tokens are discarded automatically after 30 minutes (useful for COS delegated refresh tokens)
    • new: mimemagic is now optional, needs manual install for preview, compatible with version 0.4.x
    • new: AoC a password can be provided for a public link
    • new: conf doc take an optional parameter to go to a section
    • new: initial support for Faspex 5 Beta 1
  • 4.0.0

    • now available as open source at with general cleanup
    • changed default tool name from mlia to ascli
    • changed aspera command to aoc
    • changed gem name from asperalm to aspera-cli
    • changed module name from Asperalm to Aspera
    • removed command folder in preview, merged to scan
    • persistency files go to sub folder instead of main folder
    • added possibility to install SDK: config ascp install
  • 0.11.8

    • Simplified to use unoconv instead of bare libreoffice for office conversion, as unoconv does not require a X server (previously using Xvfb
  • 0.11.7

    • rework on rest call error handling
    • use option display with value data to remove out of extraneous information
    • fixed option lock_port not working
    • generate special icon if preview failed
    • possibility to choose transfer progress bar type with option progress
    • AoC package creation now output package id
  • 0.11.6

    • orchestrator : added more choice in auth type
    • preview: cleanup in generator (removed and renamed parameters)
    • preview: better documentation
    • preview: animated thumbnails for video (option: video_png_conv=animated)
    • preview: new event trigger: trevents (events seems broken)
    • preview: unique tmp folder to avoid clash of multiple instances
    • repo: added template for secrets used for testing
  • 0.11.5

    • added option default_ports for AoC (see manual)
    • allow bulk delete in aspera files with option bulk=yes
    • fix getting connect versions
    • added section for Aix
    • support all ciphers for direct agent (including gcm, etc..)
    • added transfer spec param apply_local_docroot for direct
  • 0.11.4

    • possibility to give shared inbox name when sending a package (else use id and type)
  • 0.11.3

    • minor fixes on multi-session: avoid exception on progress bar
  • 0.11.2

    • fixes on multi-session: progress bat and transfer spec param for "direct"
  • 0.11.1

    • enhanced short_link creation commands (see examples)
  • 0.11

    • add option to provide file list directly to ascp like this (only for direct transfer agent):
... --sources=@ts --ts=@json:'{"paths":[],"EX_file_list":"filelist"}'
  • 0.10.18

    • new option in. server : ssh_options
  • 0.10.17

    • fixed problem on server for option ssh_keys, now accepts both single value and list.
    • new modifier: @list:<saparator>val1<separator>...
  • 0.10.16

    • added list of shared inboxes in workspace (or global), use --query=@json:'{}'
  • 0.10.15

    • in case of command line error, display the error cause first, and non-parsed argument second
    • AoC : Activity / Analytics
  • 0.10.14

    • added missing bss plugin
  • 0.10.13

    • added Faspex5 (use option value to give API arguments)
  • 0.10.12

    • added support for AoC node registration keys
    • replaced option : local_resume with transfer_info for agent direct
    • Transfer agent is no more a Singleton instance, but only one is used in CLI
    • @incps : new extended value modifier
    • ATS: no more provides access keys secrets: now user must provide it
    • begin work on "aoc" transfer agent
  • 0.10.11

    • minor refactor and fixes
  • 0.10.10

    • fix on documentation

    • add total number of items for AoC resource list
    • better gem version dependency (and fixes to support Ruby 2.0.0)
    • removed aoc search_nodes
  • 0.10.8

    • removed option: fasp_proxy, use pseudo transfer spec parameter: EX_fasp_proxy_url
    • removed option: http_proxy, use pseudo transfer spec parameter: EX_http_proxy_url
    • several other changes..
  • 0.10.7

    • fix: ascli fails when username cannot be computed on Linux.
  • 0.10.6

    • FaspManager: transfer spec authentication no more needed for local tranfer to use Aspera public keys. public keys will be used if there is a token and no key or password is provided.
    • gem version requirements made more open
  • 0.10.5

    • fix faspex package receive command not working
  • 0.10.4

    • new options for AoC : secrets
    • ACLI-533 temp file list folder to use file lists is set by default, and used by asession
  • 0.10.3

    • included user name in oauth bearer token cache for AoC when JWT is used.
  • 0.10.2

    • updated search_nodes to be more generic, so it can search not only on access key, but also other queries.
    • added doc for "cargo" like actions
    • added doc for multi-session
  • 0.10.1

    • AoC and node v4 "browse" works now on non-folder items: file, link
    • initial support for AoC automation (do not use yet)
  • 0.10

    • support for transfer using IBM Cloud Object Storage
    • improved find action using arbitrary expressions
  • 0.9.36

    • added option to specify file pair lists
  • 0.9.35

    • updated plugin preview , changed parameter names, added documentation
    • fix in ats plugin : instance id needed in request header
  • 0.9.34

    • parser "@preset" can be used again in option "transfer_info"
    • some documentation re-organizing
  • 0.9.33

    • new command to display basic token of node
    • new command to display bearer token of node in AoC
    • the --fields= option, support +fieldname to add a field to default fields
    • many small changes
  • 0.9.32

    • all Faspex public links are now supported
    • removed faspex operation recv_publink
    • replaced with option link (consistent with AoC)
  • 0.9.31

    • added more support for public link: receive and send package, to user or dropbox and files view.
    • delete expired file lists
    • changed text table gem from text-table to terminal-table because it supports multiline values
  • 0.9.27

    • basic email support with SMTP
    • basic proxy auto config support
  • 0.9.26

    • table display with --fields=ALL now includes all column names from all lines, not only first one
    • unprocessed argument shows error even if there is an error beforehand
  • 0.9.25

    • the option value of command find, to filter on name, is not optional
    • find now also reports all types (file, folder, link)
    • find now is able to report all fields (type, size, etc...)
  • 0.9.24

    • fix bug where AoC node to node transfer did not work
    • fix bug on error if ED25519 private key is defined in .ssh
  • 0.9.23

    • defined REST error handlers, more error conditions detected
    • commands to select specific ascp location
  • 0.9.21

    • supports simplified wizard using global client
    • only ascp binary is required, other SDK (keys) files are now generated
  • 0.9.20

    • improved wizard (prepare for AoC global client id)
    • preview generator: addedoption : --skip-format=<png,mp4>
    • removed outdated pictures from this doc
  • 0.9.19

    • added command aspera bearer --scope=xx
  • 0.9.18

    • enhanced aspera admin events to support query
  • 0.9.16

    • AoC transfers are now reported in activity app
    • new interface for Rest class authentication (keep backward compatibility)
  • 0.9.15

    • new feature: "find" command in aspera files
    • sample code for transfer API
  • 0.9.12

    • add nagios commands
    • support of ATS for IBM Cloud, removed old version based on aspera id
  • 0.9.11

    • Breaking change: @stdin is now @stdin:
    • support of ATS for IBM Cloud, removed old version based on aspera id
  • 0.9.10

    • Breaking change: parameter transfer-node becomes more generic: transfer-info
    • Display SaaS storage usage with command: aspera admin res node --id=nn info
    • cleaner way of specifying source file list for transfers
    • Breaking change: replaced download_mode option with http_download action
  • 0.9.9

    • Breaking change: "aspera package send" parameter deprecated, use the --value option instead with "recipients" value. See example.
    • Now supports "cargo" for Aspera on Cloud (automatic package download)
  • 0.9.8

    • Faspex: use option once_only set to yes to enable cargo like function. id=NEW deprecated.
    • AoC: share to share transfer with command "transfer"
  • 0.9.7

    • homogeneous transfer-spec for node and direct transfer agents
    • preview persistency goes to unique file by default
    • catch mxf extension in preview as video
    • Faspex: possibility to download all paclages by specifying id=ALL
    • Faspex: to come: cargo-like function to download only new packages with id=NEW
  • 0.9.6

    • Breaking change: @param:is now @preset: and is generic
    • AoC: added command to display current workspace information
  • 0.9.5

    • new parameter: new_user_option used to choose between public_link and invite of external users.
    • fixed bug in wizard, and wizard uses now product detection
  • 0.9.4

    • Breaking change: onCloud file list follow --source convention as well (plus specific case for download when first path is source folder, and other are source file names).
    • AoC Package send supports external users
    • new command to export AoC config to Aspera CLI config
  • 0.9.3

    • REST error message show host and code
    • option for quiet display
    • modified transfer interface and allow token re-generation on error
    • async add admin command
    • async add db parameters
    • Breaking change: new option "sources" to specify files to transfer
  • 0.9.2

    • Breaking change: changed AoC package creation to match API, see AoC section
  • 0.9.1

    • Breaking change: changed faspex package creation to match API, see Faspex section
  • 0.9

    • Renamed the CLI from aslmcli to ascli
    • Automatic rename and conversion of former config folder from aslmcli to ascli
  • 0.7.6

    • add "sync" plugin
  • 0.7

    • Breaking change: AoC package recv take option if for package instead of argument.
    • Breaking change: Rest class and Oauth class changed init parameters
    • AoC: receive package from public link
    • select by col value on output
    • added rename (AoC, node)
  • 0.6.19

Breaking change:

* ats server list provisioned &rarr; ats cluster list
* ats server list clouds &rarr; ats cluster clouds
* ats server list instance --cloud=x --region=y &rarr; ats cluster show --cloud=x --region=y
* ats server id xxx &rarr; ats cluster show --id=xxx
* ats subscriptions &rarr; ats credential subscriptions
* ats api_key repository list &rarr; ats credential cache list
* ats api_key list &rarr; ats credential list
* ats access_key id xxx &rarr; ats access_key --id=xxx
  • 0.6.18

    • some commands take now --id option instead of id command.
  • 0.6.15

    • Breaking change: "files" application renamed to "aspera" (for "Aspera on Cloud"). "repository" renamed to "files". Default is automatically reset, e.g. in config files and change key "files" to "aspera" in option preset "default".


For issues or feature requests use the Github repository and issues.

You can also contribute to this open source project.

One can also create one's own command nplugin.

Only one value for any option

Some commands and sub commands may ask for the same option name. Currently, since option definition is position independant (last one wins), it is not possible to give an option to a command and the same option with different value to a sub command.

For instance, if an entity is identified by the option id but later on the command line another id option is required, the later will override the earlier one, and both entity will use the same id. As a workaround use another option, if available, to identify the entity.

This happens typically for the node sub command, e.g. identify the node by name instead of id.

ED255519 key not supported

ED25519 keys are deactivated since version 0.9.24 so this type of key will just be ignored.

Without this deactivation, if such key was present the following error was generated:

OpenSSH keys only supported if ED25519 is available

Which meant that you do not have ruby support for ED25519 SSH keys. You may either install the suggested Gems, or remove your ed25519 key from your .ssh folder to solve the issue.

Error "Remote host is not who we expected"

Cause: ascp >= 4.x checks fingerprint of highest server host key, including ECDSA. ascp < 4.0 (3.9.6 and earlier) support only to RSA level (and ignore ECDSA presented by server). aspera.conf supports a single fingerprint.

Workaround on client side: To ignore the certificate (SSH fingerprint) add option on client side (this option can also be added permanently to the config file):


Workaround on server side: Either remove the fingerprint from aspera.conf, or keep only RSA host keys in sshd_config.

References: ES-1944 in release notes of 4.1 and to HSTS admin manual section "Configuring Transfer Server Authentication With a Host-Key Fingerprint".



IBM Aspera CLI







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