- Click the Search Icon to search assignments via keywords
- Click the Exit Button to logout from the website, else wise login would be persisted
- Click the Home Icon for visiting Assignments tab
- Click the Megaphone Icon for visiting the Notices Tab
- Click the Bulb Icon for visiting the Quiz tab.
The Home tab Consists of Two tabs, Assigned and Create(Teachers)/Complete(Students)
- Clicking the Assigned Tab Shows a teacher Their Assigned work and a student the work they have been assigned.
- Clicking the Create tab allows teachers to assign Tests/Home Work.
- Clicking the Complete tab allows students to visit the submissions that have been accepted by the teacher.
- The notices tab primarily consists of a list of notices of which students can view their contents by clicking show content.
- Teachers have access to the Add Notice Button and Delete Notice.
- Read the Instructions in the start for better clarity.
- Click the Start Quiz button for starting the quiz.
- Click one of the options for answering a question.
- In the end You'll see the answers you correctly answered and will be shown the correct answers for the ones you answered wrong.
- The Register tab in a real life scenario wont be containing the roles input tab but for the sake of testing consists it.
- If you are unable to see an assignment its probably due to difference in the assigned class and the users class.
- The Quiz Tab consists an Easter Egg.