Here are 15 open source deep learning models that programmers interested in deep learning can download and run first try. Seeing these examples come to life for the first time feels like magic. I want other programmers to experience this wonder. This is a terrible deep learning list. No attempt has been made to "cover all the bases" of the field of deep learning. But - If you have never "dived deep" into Deep Learning and just want to try something out, these examples are for you!
Remember, if you're getting into deep learning - change the world!
Part 1: Deep Learning on AWS & Using APIs
- Gated Conditional Pixel Convolutional Neural Network using TensorFlow (Demo)
- Value Iteration Networks using TensorFlow — Best Paper Award NIPS ‘16 (Demo)
- Flappy Bird using Deep Reinforcement Learning (Deep Q-learning) (Demo)
- LSTM Music Generation with Google Magenta Basic RNN (Demo)
- Live Captioning using Speech APIs on iOS (Demo)
- Spotify Artist Search using Speech APIs on iOS (Demo)
- Symbolic AI Speech Recognition with iOS 10 Speech APIs (Demo)
- Video Style Transfer using Torch 7 (Demo)
- Algorithmia API Photo Colorizer (Demo)
- Clarifai Information Retrieval for Videos on Android (Demo)
Part 2: Deep Learning On iOS
- Convolutional Neural Network using TensorFlow on iOS (Demo)
- MNIST (of course) on iOS (Demo)
- MobileNets on iOS (Demo)
- YOLO on iOS (Demo)
- Inception on iOS (Demo)
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