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=== Coder Customizer Framework ===
Contributors: codersantosh, kafleg
Donate link:
Tags: customizer, theme customizer, theme option, theme mods
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.4
Stable tag: 2.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Welcome coder, Use  WordPress Customizer in easy and standard way to your theme

== Description ==

Coder customizer framework allows theme developers to add customizer to their theme in easy, standard and advanced way.
You can also found this plugin in [github](

Available control types ( fields )

Basic Controls Types :

* text
* hidden
* textarea
* checkbox
* number
* range
* select
* url
* email
* password
* dropdown-pages

WordPress custom controls types :

* Color
* Upload
* Image

WordPress new custom controls types ( since 4.3 and 4.2 ) :
* media
* cropped_image

Custom control types :

* radio_image
* category_dropdown
* message
* post_dropdown
* tags_dropdown
* user_dropdown

* repeated_settings_controls //Repeat setting and controls in given number of times

However your can create and add your own custom control types in a easy way.

For details documentation and examples on how to use these Panels, Sections, Setting and Control please visit [](

== Installation ==

**Method 1: Using as plugin**

1. Login to admin panel,Go to Plugins => Add New.
2. Search for "Coder Customizer Framework" and install it.
3. Once you install it, activate it
For details documentation and examples please visit [](

**Method 2: Integrating in the Theme**

For details documentation and examples please visit [](

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What should I know before using this plugin? =

You should know following things before using this plugin

* Php Array
* Panel
* Section
* Setting and Control

Don't know anything, no problem please visit [](

== Screenshots ==

1. Panels Example
2. Section, Setting, Control Examples

== Changelog ==

= 2.3 =
* Load text domain removed since very few text domain
    go to inc/custom-control/ and change 'coder-customizer-framework' to your text domain in each file
* Sanitize function for select option modified
* Unused js removed

= 2.2 =
* Added a constant 'CODER_CUSTOMIZER_NAME'
* Remove filter 'coder_customizer_name'

= 2.1 =
* Make compatible with type option of setting

= 2.0 =
* Major realeased
* Added sanitization function
* Added repeated setting and controls
* Bug fixes

= 1.0 =
* Initial version


Mirror of plugin: coder-customizer-framework






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