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Tools: swagger codegen servers compared

Greg Swindle edited this page Sep 2, 2017 · 1 revision

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REST APIs swagger-codegen offers backend (micro-)frameworks to serve your APIs. Which ones are best per programming language?

Table of contents

1. Eleven languages with server stubs

Swagger Codegen offers server stubs for eleven programming languages.

  1. C# (ASP.NET Core, NancyFx)
  2. C++ (Pistache, Restbed)
  3. Erlang
  4. Go
  5. Haskell
  6. Java (MSF4J, Spring, Undertow, JAX-RS: CDI, CXF, Inflector, RestEasy, Play Framework)
  7. PHP (Lumen, Slim, Silex, Symfony, Zend Expressive)
  8. Python (Flask)
  9. NodeJS (Connect)
  10. Ruby (Sinatra, Rails 5)
  11. Scala (Finch, Scalatra)

2. Node.js

Tutorials Read the Node.js server-stub generation instructions.

Swagger Codegen offers one Node.js (JavaScript-based) micro-service framework: Connect from Sencha Labs

3. PHP

Tutorials Read the PHP Slim, PHP Lumen, and PHP Silex server-stub generation instructions.

Swagger Codgen generates three of the top PHP microframeworks (as ranked by Slant):

Ranking Recommendations Framework
2 26 👍, 5 👎 Slim
3 9 👍, 6 👎 Lumen
4 8 👍, 2 👎 Silex

4. Ruby

Tutorials Read the Ruby on Rails 5 and Sinatra server-stub generation instructions.

Swagger Codegen offers the top two Ruby frameworks per Slant's rankings:

Ranking Recommendations Framework
1 5 👍, 0 👎 Ruby on Rails 5
2 2 👍, 0 👎 Sinatra

5. Resources

Server stub generator HOWTO gives instructions for generating a server stub.

APIs and SDKs (v1.0.0)

  1. Party: an identifiable, addressable entity that may have a legal status and that normally has autonomous control over (at least some of) its actions.
  2. Money: represents an amount of a specific Currency.


  1. swagger-codegen: servers compared


  1. HTTP Status Codes
  2. MDA Guide rev. 2.0
  3. REST Tutorial

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  1. Epics (all archetypes Projects)
  2. MVPs (all archetypes Milestones)
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