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Hooked APIs and Categories

Nex edited this page Oct 5, 2015 · 2 revisions

This is a list of all hooked Win32 APIs organized by category.


  • __process__
  • __anomaly__
  • __exception__
  • __missing__


  • CertControlStore
  • CertCreateCertificateContext
  • CertOpenStore
  • CertOpenSystemStoreA
  • CertOpenSystemStoreW


  • CryptAcquireContextA
  • CryptAcquireContextW
  • CryptCreateHash
  • CryptDecrypt
  • CryptEncrypt
  • CryptExportKey
  • CryptGenKey
  • CryptHashData
  • CryptDecodeMessage
  • CryptDecodeObjectEx
  • CryptDecryptMessage
  • CryptEncryptMessage
  • CryptHashMessage
  • CryptProtectData
  • CryptProtectMemory
  • CryptUnprotectData
  • CryptUnprotectMemory
  • PRF
  • Ssl3GenerateKeyMaterial


  • SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  • RtlAddVectoredContinueHandler
  • RtlAddVectoredExceptionHandler
  • RtlDispatchException
  • RtlRemoveVectoredContinueHandler
  • RtlRemoveVectoredExceptionHandler


  • CopyFileA
  • CopyFileExW
  • CopyFileW
  • CreateDirectoryExW
  • CreateDirectoryW
  • DeleteFileW
  • DeviceIoControl
  • FindFirstFileExA
  • FindFirstFileExW
  • GetFileAttributesExW
  • GetFileAttributesW
  • GetFileInformationByHandle
  • GetFileInformationByHandleEx
  • GetFileSize
  • GetFileSizeEx
  • GetFileType
  • GetShortPathNameW
  • GetSystemDirectoryA
  • GetSystemDirectoryW
  • GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA
  • GetSystemWindowsDirectoryW
  • GetTempPathW
  • GetVolumeNameForVolumeMountPointW
  • GetVolumePathNameW
  • GetVolumePathNamesForVolumeNameW
  • MoveFileWithProgressW
  • RemoveDirectoryA
  • RemoveDirectoryW
  • SearchPathW
  • SetEndOfFile
  • SetFileAttributesW
  • SetFileInformationByHandle
  • SetFilePointer
  • SetFilePointerEx
  • NtCreateDirectoryObject
  • NtCreateFile
  • NtDeleteFile
  • NtDeviceIoControlFile
  • NtOpenDirectoryObject
  • NtOpenFile
  • NtQueryAttributesFile
  • NtQueryDirectoryFile
  • NtQueryFullAttributesFile
  • NtQueryInformationFile
  • NtReadFile
  • NtSetInformationFile
  • NtWriteFile


  • COleScript_Compile
  • CDocument_write
  • CElement_put_innerHTML
  • CHyperlink_SetUrlComponent
  • CIFrameElement_CreateElement
  • CScriptElement_put_src
  • CWindow_AddTimeoutCode


  • GetUserNameA
  • GetUserNameW
  • LookupAccountSidW
  • GetComputerNameA
  • GetComputerNameW
  • GetDiskFreeSpaceExW
  • GetDiskFreeSpaceW
  • GetTimeZoneInformation
  • WriteConsoleA
  • WriteConsoleW
  • CoInitializeSecurity
  • UuidCreate
  • GetUserNameExA
  • GetUserNameExW
  • ReadCabinetState
  • SHGetFolderPathW
  • SHGetSpecialFolderLocation
  • EnumWindows
  • GetCursorPos
  • GetSystemMetrics


  • NetGetJoinInformation
  • NetShareEnum
  • NetUserGetInfo
  • NetUserGetLocalGroups
  • NetUserGetLocalGroups
  • NetShareEnum


  • DnsQuery_A
  • DnsQuery_UTF8
  • DnsQuery_W
  • GetAdaptersAddresses
  • GetAdaptersInfo
  • GetBestInterfaceEx
  • GetInterfaceInfo
  • ObtainUserAgentString
  • URLDownloadToFileW
  • DeleteUrlCacheEntryA
  • DeleteUrlCacheEntryW
  • HttpOpenRequestA
  • HttpOpenRequestW
  • HttpQueryInfoA
  • HttpSendRequestA
  • HttpSendRequestW
  • InternetCloseHandle
  • InternetConnectA
  • InternetConnectW
  • InternetCrackUrlA
  • InternetCrackUrlW
  • InternetGetConnectedState
  • InternetGetConnectedStateExA
  • InternetGetConnectedStateExW
  • InternetOpenA
  • InternetOpenUrlA
  • InternetOpenUrlW
  • InternetOpenW
  • InternetQueryOptionA
  • InternetReadFile
  • InternetSetOptionA
  • InternetSetStatusCallback
  • InternetWriteFile
  • ConnectEx
  • GetAddrInfoW
  • TransmitFile
  • WSAAccept
  • WSAConnect
  • WSARecv
  • WSARecvFrom
  • WSASend
  • WSASendTo
  • WSASocketA
  • WSASocketW
  • WSAStartup
  • accept
  • bind
  • closesocket
  • connect
  • getaddrinfo
  • gethostbyname
  • getsockname
  • ioctlsocket
  • listen
  • recv
  • recvfrom
  • select
  • send
  • sendto
  • setsockopt
  • shutdown
  • socket


  • CoCreateInstance
  • CoInitializeEx
  • OleInitialize


  • CreateProcessInternalW
  • CreateRemoteThread
  • CreateThread
  • CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
  • Module32FirstW
  • Module32NextW
  • Process32FirstW
  • Process32NextW
  • ReadProcessMemory
  • Thread32First
  • Thread32Next
  • WriteProcessMemory
  • system
  • NtAllocateVirtualMemory
  • NtCreateProcess
  • NtCreateProcessEx
  • NtCreateSection
  • NtCreateThread
  • NtCreateThreadEx
  • NtCreateUserProcess
  • NtFreeVirtualMemory
  • NtGetContextThread
  • NtMakePermanentObject
  • NtMakeTemporaryObject
  • NtMapViewOfSection
  • NtOpenProcess
  • NtOpenSection
  • NtOpenThread
  • NtProtectVirtualMemory
  • NtQueueApcThread
  • NtReadVirtualMemory
  • NtResumeThread
  • NtSetContextThread
  • NtSuspendThread
  • NtTerminateProcess
  • NtTerminateThread
  • NtUnmapViewOfSection
  • NtWriteVirtualMemory
  • RtlCreateUserProcess
  • RtlCreateUserThread
  • ShellExecuteExW


  • RegCloseKey
  • RegCreateKeyExA
  • RegCreateKeyExW
  • RegDeleteKeyA
  • RegDeleteKeyW
  • RegDeleteValueA
  • RegDeleteValueW
  • RegEnumKeyExA
  • RegEnumKeyExW
  • RegEnumKeyW
  • RegEnumValueA
  • RegEnumValueW
  • RegOpenKeyExA
  • RegOpenKeyExW
  • RegQueryInfoKeyA
  • RegQueryInfoKeyW
  • RegQueryValueExA
  • RegQueryValueExW
  • RegSetValueExA
  • RegSetValueExW
  • NtCreateKey
  • NtDeleteKey
  • NtDeleteValueKey
  • NtEnumerateKey
  • NtEnumerateValueKey
  • NtLoadKey
  • NtLoadKey2
  • NtLoadKeyEx
  • NtOpenKey
  • NtOpenKeyEx
  • NtQueryKey
  • NtQueryMultipleValueKey
  • NtQueryValueKey
  • NtRenameKey
  • NtReplaceKey
  • NtSaveKey
  • NtSaveKeyEx
  • NtSetValueKey


  • FindResourceA
  • FindResourceExA
  • FindResourceExW
  • FindResourceW
  • LoadResource
  • SizeofResource


  • ControlService
  • CreateServiceA
  • CreateServiceW
  • DeleteService
  • EnumServicesStatusA
  • EnumServicesStatusW
  • OpenSCManagerA
  • OpenSCManagerW
  • OpenServiceA
  • OpenServiceW
  • StartServiceA
  • StartServiceW


  • GetLocalTime
  • GetSystemTime
  • GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  • GetTickCount
  • NtCreateMutant
  • NtDelayExecution
  • NtQuerySystemTime
  • timeGetTime


  • LookupPrivilegeValueW
  • GetNativeSystemInfo
  • GetSystemInfo
  • IsDebuggerPresent
  • OutputDebugStringA
  • SetErrorMode
  • LdrGetDllHandle
  • LdrGetProcedureAddress
  • LdrLoadDll
  • LdrUnloadDll
  • NtClose
  • NtDuplicateObject
  • NtLoadDriver
  • NtUnloadDriver
  • RtlCompressBuffer
  • RtlDecompressBuffer
  • RtlDecompressFragment
  • ExitWindowsEx
  • GetAsyncKeyState
  • GetKeyState
  • GetKeyboardState
  • SendNotifyMessageA
  • SendNotifyMessageW
  • SetWindowsHookExA
  • SetWindowsHookExW
  • UnhookWindowsHookEx


  • DrawTextExA
  • DrawTextExW
  • FindWindowA
  • FindWindowExA
  • FindWindowExW
  • FindWindowW
  • GetForegroundWindow
  • LoadStringA
  • LoadStringW
  • MessageBoxTimeoutA
  • MessageBoxTimeoutW