A very incomplete collection of tools for using Rdf, Owl and semantic technology in dotnet.
Currently it includes a Turtle parser, OWL Manchester syntax parser, a datalog engine over Rdf, a reasoner for acyclic ALC ontologies (imported from Manchester), stratifiable datalog programs (over the imported Turtle), and OWL 2 RL reasoning over the imported Rdf. Sparql is not supported, but single triple-pattern queries over the data are possible.
OWL 2 Manchester Syntax. Only the OWL 2 DL subset is supported. Especially, axioms on annotations are not allowed (even though the manchester syntax allows them).
Rdf-1.2 Turtle
Stratifiable datalog over Rdf. Only triples (and restricted negation) is allowed, no other functions.
See examples in test/NugetTest
Dag Hovland 2024.
This software is written at a time when the people of Gaza are the victims of an horrible and very asymmetric warfare, perhaps even genocide. Users and contributors are encouraged to find ways to support the people of Gaza.