DHMoreApps is an iOS library created to present a view controller inside your application to show your developer page of apps. It is very similar to the App Store visual.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Just #import the DHMoreApps.h header, and call the one of the methods described below to present the view controller.
#import <DHMoreApps/DHMoreApps.h>
- (IBAction)buttonPressed:(id)sender {
DHMoreApps *moreAppsManager = [DHMoreApps sharedManager];
[moreAppsManager presentMoreAppsInViewController:self
developerId:@"916400739" // You can find your developer id in your iTunes link of your apps: https://itunes.apple.com/tz/developer/ho-van-dai/id916400739?mt=8
// OR
[moreAppsManager presentMoreAppsInViewController:self
appIds:@[@"app_id_1", @"app_id_2", ...] // The ids of the apps you want to show
moreAppsManager.showActionButton = NO;
moreAppsManager.showPrice = NO;
moreAppsManager.title = NSLocalizedString(@"More apps", nil);
moreAppsManager.willDismissBlock = ^{
NSLog(@"will dismiss more apps view controller");
moreAppsManager.didDismissBlock = ^{
NSLog(@"did dismiss more apps view controller");
moreAppsManager.didSelectAppBlock = ^(NSString *appId){
NSLog(@"did select app id: %@", appId);
This library requires iOS 7 and ARC.
DHMoreApps is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "DHMoreApps"
Or, simply copy all the files into your project.
DHs, [email protected]
DHMoreApps is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.