81 commits
to refs/heads/main
since this release
- Make P2P more configurable @hendrikmakait (#8469)
- Fit Dashboard worker table to page width @jacobtomlinson (#8897)
- Raise helpful error when using the wrong plugin base classes @jacobtomlinson (#8893)
- Fix doc build @phofl (#8892)
- Fix url escaping on exceptions dashboard for non-string keys @phofl (#8891)
- Explicitly list setuptools as a build dependency in conda recipe @charlesbluca (#8890)
- Avoid spurious error log in Adaptive @hendrikmakait (#8887)
- Add meaningful error for out of disk exception during write @hendrikmakait (#8886)
- Bump JamesIves/github-pages-deploy-action from 4.6.4 to 4.6.8 @dependabot (#8880)
- Switch from mambaforge to miniforge in CI @jrbourbeau (#8881)
See the Changelog for more information.